May I Have This Dance?

In Prompts ・ By Tailyluvschu
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Milki at the bar having her first drink as she came into the gala a few minutes ago. Liking the slow music, but alas she has no partner to dance with so she decided to have a drink maybe two. Turning to the dance floor and away from the bar with her drink in her hand. She watches the buns on the dance floor dance as she moves her body, some in sync with the music, humming some of it.


Rosary had spent the majority of the night thus far sipping her Shardonnay from the side of the bar, making occasional small talk with other attendees. It wasn't as if she enjoyed doing so for the most part- occasionally a bun or two would peak her interest, but other than with those few and the other members of the church, she didn't take too much to socializing. She continued to watch the party from afar, her gaze eventually drifting over to the dance floor as her eyes scanned over the participants enjoying themselves. There was a level of judgment to her gaze, mentally critiquing how the other participants would move or express themselves..until a particular figure caught her attention. 


Milki looks at the dance floor until from the corner of her eye she spots a bun looking at the dance floor too. Milki wonders if she is just wanting to dance or is seeing what steps each buns miss. Milki decides to walk over to them and sit next to them, wondering if they are up for a conversation or dancing. Milki looked at them and said “Hello there, how are you today?”


Rosary straightened herself in her seat, her attention drawn as the figure approached her. She did her best to exude her usual aura of mild amusement and sternness despite having taken a genuine interest in the bun before her. 

“I am well..and you? How have you been enjoying the gathering?” 

She spoke with an air of authority, a small smile on her face.


“It’s alright, could be better to be honest.” Milki said, sipping some of her drink. “Sometimes I dance on the floor but I don’t have anyone so I am just here drinking.” Milki said giggling, taking another sip of her drink then ordering another from the bartender. Drinking the rest of her first drink.


“I see..from what I saw, your dancing was actually rather beautiful,”

Rosary paused, sipping from her glass as she rolled her eyes. 

“More so than some of the amateurs dancing tonight, at the very least.” 

She thought for a moment, adjusting her hand on her glass as she swirled the remains of her drink before downing the rest of it. A smirk fell across her lips as her eyes returned to Milki. 

“Ah, I forgot to introduce myself as well. Rosary, a pleasure I'm sure. You may have seen me around the church from time to time.”


Milki smiled as she bowed some and said “Well my name is Milki. Pleased to meet you.” Milki kisses Rosary hand being a bit formal with them as she sat back down and started to drink her refilled drink. “What bring you here tonight Rosary?” Milki looks at Rosary waiting for an answer from her patiently.


Rosary chuckled slightly as she watched Milki kiss her hand, a pleasant smile on her face as she spoke up again.

“A pleasure to meet you as well, Milki. As for my attendance, primarily work. Many who work with the church often receive invites to events like these, so I attend as to help keep a good reputation and to offer insight to those who may be interested in attending sermons.”


“Sounds very interesting, do you enjoy doing it?” Milki asked, taking another sip of her drink curious on how the bun would answer and wondering when they might be able to dance with Milki. Maybe Milki can get them out of work for a bit to dance. Milki is a vip after all but doesn’t try to show that she is though as she doesn’t want to be bothered by buns that just want to get popular off of her.


Rosary nodded, her smile softening for a moment as she spoke of her work. “Very much, yes. It's a given that it's pleasant, since it gives me the chance to thank the demons that raised me and many others, in a way.” Her smile stiffened again as Rosary realized she seemed a bit too gentle for her liking, clearing her throat as she returned herself to her usual demeanor. 

“Of course that isn't all that surprising, as it's how most who work for the church feel that way.”


Milki smiles as she says “ So would you like to dance with me Rosary?” Milki bowed after saying that. Milki would love to know more about the bun and see how well they dance as Milki can tell a person just from their step they take on the dance floor. Even if they are in sync with her and/or the music she can tell each note of music. Milki held her hand out to Rosary too after asking and bowing to her.

“Hm..I suppose I will entertain the idea, given your steps were so clean earlier.”

Rosary bowed in turn with her signature smirk, taking her hand into Milki's and standing, leaving her empty glass by the side of the bar. She sounded relatively arrogant about it as she was with most things, but in truth she was rather happy to receive the invitation. 


Milki smiling, holding Rosary's hand as we got to the dance floor, a song about to start. Once the music starts Milki puts one hand on Rosary's hip and the other on her shoulder as she begins to dance with her. Observing each step Rosary does as it was a habit Milki did without even knowing she did. Liking each step she did and happy that Rosary was doing so well as most of the buns she has try to dance with couldn't even last a minute with Milki. 


Rosary kept step naturally, eventually humming along to the tune of the music as she kept her gaze on Milki's. She was a wonderful dancer, that much was clear to her now that she was this close, keeping one hand around Milki's shoulder and the other on her waist. After a moment or two she spoke of her praises, though it wasn't in a way that broke her usual composure. 

“You're a beautiful dancer, Milki. Have you received lessons, or is this simply self-taught?”


“Oh, It just came to me really. I just get the urge and I just start to dance and I just lose myself to the music. It’s always fun to dance. My cows watch me all the time when I’m doing chores on my farm.” Milki giggles after saying that but still keeping herself in the music as well. Loving the song so much Milki start to him too.


Rosary chuckled and nodded, humming for a little while before continuing to speak. She enjoyed the way Milki's voice harmonized well with hers- it was a pleasant sound. 

“Your cows are quite privileged then, getting such a performance regularly.” 

She paused and pulled Milki into a twirl, smirking slightly as she did so.


Milki blushes lightly before the spin that Rosary did and then she was surprised when Rosary did spin her. Milki wasn’t used to this sync, it wasn’t bad. It actually felt amazing for Milki. Every step and move was so graceful and elegant that Milki was in awe. She didn’t want the dance to end but alas the song did eventually come to an end.


As the music came to a stop Rosary bowed slightly as one often did at the end of a dance, lifting Milki's hand from her shoulder and planting a chaste kiss on it before eventually straightening her posture again. 

“You make a wonderful dance partner, Milki. Consider me impressed..which I do hope you realize is a rare occurrence”

She spoke with that smirk still in place on her expression, giving off that slightly intimidating aura Rosary always tended to. Her words were genuine though; she truly was impressed. It wasn't every night that she found someone who could dance with her that met her harsh expectations. 


“You too Rosary.” Milki smiles and blushes a bit when Rosary kisses her hand. As they both walked over to the bar again, Milki sat in the seat she was before as Rosary did as well. Looking at Rosary when she sat down feeling a bit tingling inside but she shakes it off and orders Champagne for her and turns to Rosary and asks “What would you like to drink?”


“Red wine would be wonderful, thank you” 

She said as her smirk faded to her usual arrogant smile, her eyes flickering over Milki's form with amusement as she saw her blush. ‘So cute’, she thought to herself, though she'd keep such thoughts to herself for the time being. Rosary felt it would be more enjoyable to simply allow this meeting to go where it would naturally; she enjoyed it when others showed interest in her, after all.


Milki smiled while taking out her phone as it was getting late and she wanted to have a bit more drinks but the farm called her tomorrow so she just drank some champagne and said “Would you like to exchange contacts?” 


Rosary nodded, taking a sip of her wine before pulling out her phone in turn, swiping till she got to the contacts screen and handed it to Milki. 

“I'd love to, yes. Here, you may add yourself.” 

She spoke, holding out her hand in a somewhat expectant manner as she wanted Milki to do the same.


Milki handed her phone over as she get Rosary phone and types in her number and sips more of her drink and hands back Rosary her phone back smiling.


Rosary did the same, adding her number into Milki's contact list and handing it back to her as she took her own and put it back in her bag, speaking up afterwards.

“I owe you some level of thanks for such a pleasant thank you, Milki. I do hope you have a wonderful rest of your night.”

May I Have This Dance?
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In Prompts ・ By Tailyluvschu

A pleasant evening meeting between Rosary and Milki

Submitted By Viipeach for May I Have This Dance?
Submitted: 1 month and 3 days agoLast Updated: 1 month and 3 days ago

Tailyluvschu: Roleplay partner/co-writer
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