Kris and Kylie’s Workplace Shenanigans

In Prompts ・ By tiramistorm
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It’s an ambitious project. When Angora boasted online about how popular and successful last year’s Gossamer Gala was, Kylie knew she’d need to really pull out all the stops to convince Angora her knack for party planning was legit. With an impressive resume and earnest attitude, Kylie was handed off the reins immediately with a “Half of the work’s already done for you, so ideally you should be making me more money” from Angora. Oh, boy. No pressure… 

The night had started off well enough. Hired security had already caught an astonishing number of buns trying to sneak their way in, but that wasn’t Kylie’s purview. Even if these buns didn’t have an invitation, well, they were here anyway, so they may as well have a lovely evening. Clipboard in hand, Kylie was circling around the various sections of the party. The dance floor was clean and full, tables were plentiful, and the lavish “fairy fountain” she had constructed as a centerpiece drew many kind remarks. Time to grab a drink to keep herself upright!

So many varieties of themed hors d'oeuvres had been carefully selected, and (with Hops’ guidance), the butterfly rum was a huge hit. Many buns had adorable sparkling light bugs daintily fluttering around them, enhancing the masquerade’s brilliance. But, something light and clear would keep Kylie focused and on-task. She spotted a dark-haired sloth doll dressed in server’s attire near the refreshments, and was going to ask for a drink when she saw the doll start mixing various drinks together into some sort of… concoction? 

“Hello, may I ask what it is you’re doing there?” Kylie said.

Kris honestly didn’t know what compelled her to apply for this job. She already hated working at the barcade, and that barely required effort from her. Now here she is, surrounded by stuffy rich succubuns in a party way too fancy for her. It wouldn’t be so bad, if the music were more exciting and she weren’t in this awful suit. Kris is bored and she’s hot and she’s wondering if the extra carats are really worth it.

It will be worth it. She has to tell herself that. The new wheels she wants for her skates aren’t cheap, so getting through the night will be worth it. She just needs a little more entertainment than the ballroom is providing her.

So Kris turns to the drinks she’s meant to be serving. Honestly, the drinks they’ve got tonight are so boring to her. She’s used to mixing weird shit at the barcade. Bright green liquor mixed with clear sodas and light up ice cubes, or sometimes the horrible requests of customers asking for way too many types of alcohols in one drink.

Maybe that’s what these rich buns need, though. Something absolutely disgusting that’ll get the party really going. Kris starts messing with the drinks, pouring a mix of alcohol and mixers into a bowl. It forms a pretty awful color, especially once she adds in some of the butterfly rum. It’s not meant to be mixed, but she’s just having fun combining the drinks now.

Well, she was having fun. Until one of the party managers came over. Kris jumps, turning around so quickly she almost knocks her concoction over, and that would just be a disaster.

“Uh—Making… drinks?” She sounds stupid when she says it, but it’s not really a lie. It’s not entirely the truth either. She just hopes the manager will accept it and walk away.

Kylie wasn’t so aware that her dainty footsteps were completely silent amongst the general bustle of the party, and startling this server startled her as well. She shifted back slightly, before readjusting herself. The server was wearing the uniform as instructed, but she would only look more uncomfortable if she was naked, perhaps. No, scratch that. With how the doll was scratching at her collar and shifting around… she definitely would prefer being naked, Kylie thought. This brought a slight blush to her cheeks - this doll had a lovely tomboyish charm that Kylie found herself admiring. She cleared her throat and tried to smile, but was thoroughly puzzled at the concoction in the bowl.

“Did a guest instruct you to make this for them? This is certainly against the formula we taught when training new hires…” Kylie leaned forward to sniff it, slightly brushing against Kris on accident. Her nose wrinkled. The odor was… very tangy and heavy, but notes of fruit kept the smell from being too alcohol-heavy. “Did you test it first?”

Kris fidgets apprehensively as the doll before her stares at her. She’s so out of her element here that she’s even feeling a bit nervous, which is not normal for her. But if she loses this job…

The lady is pretty, though. Kris can’t help staring back at her as she brushes past to look at whatever strange concoction she’s made. Her dress is pretty and sparkly, and Kris doesn’t know much about formal fashion, but she thinks it looks pretty against her skin. The warm colors suit her. She stares a bit more before the questions register in her brain.

“Er, no, no one asked for it.” She pauses for a moment, trying to pick her next words carefully. Kris can’t just come out and say she was bored and fucking around. That’s definitely a one way ticket to getting fired. “I just thought something new might—uh—liven the party up? But I haven’t tried it yet.” And she wasn’t planning to before, but she might have to now.

She eyed the party planner again. Honestly, she looks stressed. It makes sense, considering how big of an event this is, and Kris messing around probably doesn’t help. Suddenly, an idea lights in her head. She flashes a bright smile at the doll in front of her. “Why don’t we try it together, Miss? No promises on how it’ll taste, but there’s nothing wrong with taking a break, yeah?” She can’t be in trouble if they’re both taking a break. And drinking with nice company is always a plus.

Kylie thought for a moment. Though she took great pride in her planning, she was always welcome to new ideas from unexpected sources. This source may be a diamond in the rough, or just a shiny rock but… every good idea has to start somewhere! “I admire your enthusiasm, taking charge and doing what you think would be best in this situation!” Kylie said, a warm glow spreading from her cheeks. “You were mixing it with such precision, I’m sure it’ll be fabulous!”

Famous last words couldn’t even begin to describe that sentiment. Kylie reached for an empty champagne flute just past Kris, once more brushing up accidentally against her. She chuckled lightly, pleased with the ingenuity of this doll. She took a ladle and filled her glass, raising it as a usual toast for this sort of occasion. “To the magic of this evening and all those who participate in it.” Tilting back her glass, Kylie was woefully unprepared for what was about to happen.

As soon as the party punch, alcoholic concoction – whatever – hit her tongue, Kylie’s face contorted into a grimace. This was… this had to be at least 78% alcohol by volume. The warmth spread into her cheeks and face in an uncomfortable fashion. It would be social suicide (especially in front of such a cute waiter doll) to spit it out or react poorly, so Kylie did what she always did: swallowed. As the liquid ran down her throat, she was just now getting hints of the flavor. It was certainly fruity and floral, note of pomegranate, orange, rum, vodka (lots of that one), cherry wine… Honestly, it was pretty tasty despite the off-putting color and enormous alcohol content. It took her a very visible moment to compose herself, before she turned to the doll.

“It’s uh……. quiTE SOMethiNG.” Kylie already felt her words slip away from her. 

Kris watches in almost horror as Kylie tilts the glass back for a drink. Even though she was the one who suggested it, she honestly didn’t expect her to so eagerly agree. She’s looking at her, gawking, really, trying to gauge her reaction. Miraculously, she swallows, and Kris almost wants to apologize. She could so easily make her a much better drink, but here she was, messing around. It’s almost embarrassing. She almost offers to make her something actually decent.

Except when she turns to her, she’s cute. There’s a cute flush on her face and her voice wavers a little bit, like she’s already tipsy. But even with all the alcohol Kris put in there, she’s never seen someone get tipsy so fast. If she were a better person, she might be concerned. As it is, though, she just thinks it’s a little funny. She smirks a bit at her and leans against the table next to her.

“I guess it’s my turn, yeah?” She tries to stay looking unbothered as she pours herself a bit, less than what the other doll took because she’s not dumb. Kris knows how much alcohol is in here, and she’s not looking to embarrass herself.

Still, nothing can prepare her for the awful taste. This shit sucks. Granted, she’s not much for mixed drinks to begin with, but this is the worst thing she’s ever created. Even with her tolerance, she can feel the heat start to build in her own chest after she forces herself to swallow. If things work out, she’s definitely offering to make this woman a better drink another time. She coughs and grimaces as she wipes her mouth.

“Yeah, you’re right, it’s def something…” Something bad. Kris tries to flash her her best smile. “Promise that the rest of the drinks I’ve made tonight were way better. But what’s a party without a bit of… mystery?” She waves her hands in the air like sparkles, her own sparkles twinkling a bit more for effect. She might be feeling a little bit affected by the drink too. “That’s what this party’s for right? Mystery and—and dancing!” Now even Kris’ eyes are beginning to sparkle. “Have you gotten to dance a bit yet?”

Kylie’s smile is crooked - the drink’s warmed her face and throat, and she’s feeling the magic in the air at this point, the magic Kris is referencing. The twinkle of the chandeliers, the sparkle in the gowns and gallantry, and the shimmer in the doll’s eyes, everything suddenly has become that much more elegant and engaging. The drink wasn’t… palatable, but the effect it was having on Kylie sure was!

“I - hic - I like the mystery, every… gOOd party has an air of something interesssting going on in the behind-the-background…” Kylie tried to stand tall and swayed about. “ExcUSe me, I’m not… very good at holding my liquor.” She paused for a “moment”, which was more like two or three moments. “N-not that it’s too alcohOLic, I just… don’t dRINk such fine beverages, I guess.” She shook her head, blonde hair bouncing playfully. “I’ve been sooo busy with checking everything, I haven’t gotten to dance…” Kylie’s smile was the sort of radiant, earnest expression that only someone mostly tipsy can make. “You want to dance with me? I’ll make sure you won’t get in trouble… wait… what’s your name?”

Kris reaches out without thinking to steady Kylie when she starts swaying. With the soft buzz under her skin, it’s difficult to completely keep to herself. She finds herself smiling and almost giggling as the other doll rambles about the alcohol. Of all the drunk people she’s seen, this one has to be the cutest. Or maybe it’s just her own bias making her think that way.

She finds herself nodding to Kylie, and laughing just a bit at finally being asked for a name. “I’m Kris. I’d love to dance, but no promises on being too good at any of the fancy dances! I’m usually dancing to a way different beat…” Kris tilts her head and takes the other doll’s hand, giving her a bit of a lopsided grin. “Whaddya say, Miss? I’ll keep you on your feet.”

“Oh, Kris, that’sss a cuuute name. I’m Kylie, please to meet you.” She squeezed the other doll’s hand and led her onto the immaculate dance floor, where various buns of high caliber stood prancing around. Kylie held out her arm and put it onto Kris’ shoulder, leading the two in a slow, sloppy waltz. She knows the dance and the song but her head has butterflies swimming in it that are doing a show entirely their own. She sways, stumbles, and accidentally stepped on Kris’ foot with her own, but there’s something about the presence of the two that has captured her heart. Kylie beams. “I think you’re doing well! Especially for a beginner. But I’d love to see what sort of - hic - dance you normally do…”

Despite thinking ballroom dancing would’ve been boring, Kris finds herself having fun as Kylie leads them through the waltz. She has no way of knowing if what they’re doing is the “right” way to dance, but it’s fun. She doesn’t even mind her foot getting stepped on, just laughing it off. The compliments Kylie gives her go straight to her head, too, so it’s easy for her to spin her around and pull her close to sway with her. “Well, you’d have to come out with me to a club or the roller rink some time, then. Maybe I can get your number, and we can do something another night?”

Kylie gasped. “A roller rink! I haven’t been skating in sooo long, I’ll have to dust off my skates…” She curtsies as the song ends, allowing her a moment to gather her thoughts and take them from swimming to paddling. “Ah, yes. Or a club, that sounds lovely. I’ve had such a fun time with you tonight!” Kylie looks around for something to write her phone number down on, and fetches a napkin from a nearby table, pulling a pen out of her hair. She scribbles down the number and hands the slip to Kris, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek. “Don’t worry about your boss, you were still working on making sure the evening’s arrangements were perfect.” She gives Kris a last beaming smile. “Let me know when you want to hang out again, we’ll call it a date.” Kylie waves goodbye and prances off to continue with her duties, though how well she’s able to perform them comes down to if she can focus on her work rather than the cute bun she just spent the evening with…

Kris and Kylie’s Workplace Shenanigans
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In Prompts ・ By tiramistorm

This was a super fun collaboration to do! Getting to determine the twists and turns of these two's dynamic was rewarding and I'm glad to have worked on this piece. We hope you enjoy reading it!

Submitted By Fire for May I Have This Dance?
Submitted: 4 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 4 months and 1 week ago

tiramistorm: RP Partner
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[Kris and Kylie’s Workplace Shenanigans by tiramistorm (Literature)](
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