May I Have This Dance? | New Challenger Approaching

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Sajjita was one greed bun who didn't need an invitation to find his way into a good time. Dressed in a dark body suit and shouldering his sack of nefarious supplies, he scaled the walls of the gala building, on a quest for the perfect entry point. Every now and then, he paused to peer through the windows at his soon to be victims, eager to fill their night with fresh menace.

But it wasn’t until he spotted a sizable demon statue beside the open doorway of a seemingly quieter space outside that he decided, yes. This was where he would make his dastardly transformation! The space between the statue’s wings offered him a shady perch and, hopefully, cover as he unceremoniously stripped.

Away went the body suit! Out came the ornately embroidered suit, cloak and mask. It was difficult for Sajjita to move around much without dropping anything. And right as he was in the middle untangling his cape from where it had snagged on the statue’s horns, he heard the telltale clatter of several items pelting the floor.

Suddenly, it occurred to Sajjita that in his enthusiasm, he had neglected to tie his supply sack shut. Its contents were now scattered in the open for any hapless guests to stumble upon. Unless he collected them all again first. “Should be easy enough, right?” he mentally reassured himself, “S’not like anyone heard or saw…” Freeing his cape, he leaned over on one arm to take stock of the damages.

The individually wrapped reward edibles and other knick-knacks were more or less salvageable.


Despite the fact that 'big, fancy ass gala parties' still weren't really Damian's thing, the pride bun once again managed to find himself attending another one of said parties. Why? Who knew, honestly.

Or, well, that was a lie. He had actually enjoyed going to the Gossamer Gala last time, and when a fan once again offered the brawler their invitation as a gift of sorts, well... Who was he to turn down a gift from a fan? He’d been sure to leave them with a nice gift of their own in return.

Hopefully this year's gala wouldn't disappoint.

So far so good; a good deal of socializing, dancing and champaign had been had, which was... Fine. There were also your usual troublemakers around that helped keep things interesting. For him, anyway. Some of said troublemakers really put security to work and the other way around. After the latest round of amusement Damian took a moment to... Simply take a walk around. Get to see more of this fancy ass building instead of just sticking to the--

What was that?

Sounded like quite a bit of racket? Which... Interesting. It wasn't like there was anywhere concrete the brawler was walking towards, so... Into the direction of all of that curious noise it was. Didn't take too long, and what a curious sight it was. Those...were quite a bit of miscellaneous items just rolling around there. Wonder where all of that came from.

Curious, amused, Damian went to take a closer look at the mess on the marbled floor... Before switching over to looking around; fairly certain he could sense a presence around. It...actually didn't take all that long before he managed to spot, what seemed like, an intruder of sorts atop the nearby statue. Huh...

A short pause, before, "'Sup?"


The solid footsteps in the hallway gave Sajjita pause right as he considered descending from his makeshift throne. Whoever was heading this way didn’t seem like they were in any particular hurry. And although a few minutes ago, Sajjita might have bothered to run for cover, now? He was all too confident he’d fit in among the glamoured creatures of the night.

In fact, he pitied his hapless first casualty as the bun wandered into view: a local giant with all the pomp and shine of a polished up wrecking ball. Not your standard easy mark, sure. But that had never deterred Sajjita before.

He stood up, slung his sack over one shoulder, braced a hand on the crook of the statue's wing for balance, and struck what he imagined was a casually intimidating pose right as his victim looked up. The short pause was filled with Sajjita’s silent smugness, and he shot back, “ ‘Sup, sweets… You lost? Or y’ scared you’ll step on too many toes tonight? ‘Cause either way…”

He swung down to the ground a few paces away and pretended to crack his neck as he stepped forward, grinning. “Bet I can point your feet in the right direction.”



Damian wasn't sure what his expectations had been when he stepped outside to take a look at things. It definitely wasn't whatever this was, though. Not that he was complaining. Arms crossed; a small, amused grin started to form on his lips as he listened to the random stranger bun talk on about...something or other.

Sure had a lot to say to a simple, ''Sup.'

He simply looked on as the bun eventually made his way off of the statue. Not bad. If he could jump off like that, then his getting up there in the first place made sense. When it seemed to be his turn to talk again, Damian simply replied with a rather simple, "...yeah?" He wasn't entirely sure what this bun was trying to get at here, but he could play along. More interesting that way. Though...

"Honestly I was just wonderin' what you were doin' up in that statue. Also..." Uncrossing his arms, he moved one in a wide sweep at the items on the ground. "...any a these yours?" A genuine question. A tinge of amusement, but genuine nonetheless. "'nd if so... Y' really just gonna leave 'em all here for anybun to take?"


Sajjita grumped inwardly that his scary presence didn’t seem to have much of an effect on this one. And at the gesture, he shrugged. “Ehhh, well. Figured a party like this can get kinda stuffy for some.” He placed a hand to his chest for the slightest bow of introduction. “So here I am: gracing the masses with my terrifying expertise.” After which, Mister Chatterbox knelt to begin tossing a few of his goodies back into his bag. “Was just making sure I had enough rewards for any suckers brave enough to take on my challenges. But unlucky for you…”

With a playful sneer, he points a rolled up scroll at the purple bun, “You’ve seen too much. ‘Fraid I can’t just let y' walk away.”


Oh, so those were rewards

Admittedly rather curious about what kind of 'challenges' this bun was talking about, Damian took a second to look over the strewn items with that new bit of information in mind. Not that it changed a whole lot. There were certainly some interesting things strewn about, and he did contemplate helping the guy pick some of his stuff up... That is, until the last few words were spoken, anyway.

An inquisitive eyebrow, followed up by an amused, slightly sly, grin as he started to make his way towards the bun now pointing at him. Hands on his hips as he leaned forward slightly. "Yeah? 'nd what're you gonna do?" Curious. Challenging.

Damian could think of a couple of things, but that was Damian.


Even as he remained kneeling, the mighty Sajjita instinctively puffed himself up, like one devish sensing another in its territory. He raised his head a tad higher. “Normally? Capture you. Stuff you somewhere nobody else’ll see. N’ entertain you ‘til you surrender or all out of screams. But see. I just got here… N’ from the looks of you, the kind of effort it’d take to end you ‘ll get us both tossed out early. Need something else to keep you busy. So...”

He nudged the guy’s knee with his periscope. “How ‘bout it, tank-tush? You a betting bun?”


Hmm.... Not exactly what he'd thought or had in mind, but... This was interesting, too. Capture him? Stuff him somewhere nobody else'll see? Entertain him until he surrenders or is out of screams? While Damian had no plans to go out without a fight, fancy ball be damned, still... "Kinky."

At least they seemed to be on the same page with regards to just how easy it would be to manage that kinda feat, though. Which was honestly a bit of a shame since, well... He wasn't the one that apparently just got here. He already got to enjoy the ball some and honestly, if this bun could manage to put up enough of a fight to get them both tossed out? He didn't hate the sound of that. Shame to have his visit cut short, but as a wise bun once said; 'It be like that sometimes.'

While getting nudged by whatever this guy was currently holding didn't faze the pride bun much, that... Nickname? '...tank-tush?'

No; not important. "I s'pose it depends on the kind of bettin' y' got in mind. Hit me."

Literally or figuratively. Preferably the former, but…


Despite himself, Sajjita’s expression lit up a little brighter at that confirmation, and somewhere in the back of his mind echoed, “Wait, really?” 

With the promise that someone would humor him, he chuckled quite sinisterly, “Alright then. Death wish granted!” He put the rest of his clean-up on hold as he hastily jumped back into a standing position, in a way that might come very close to accidentally headbutting his victim straight in the face if the purple bun was still leaning. “Tremble in face of your imminent destruction as I, Terror of the Ball - Slayer of Champions, challenge you to a battle… of conquest!” 

He held his cape across his lower face as he took a few steps back, then flung his arm out for a melodramatic cape flourish.

“One hour. Whoever steals the most dances wins. The loser? Grants the victor – that’ll be me – three grand prizes… I’ll be getting your naming, a look behind your mask, and one bonafide favor. Savvy?”


Call it a brawler's instinct, but Damian was fairly quick to lean and take a step back to prevent any kind of headbutting to his face from happening. Someone sure did seem excited.

An inquisitive eyebrow was raised as he listened to the other bun go into what Damian could only describe as some kind of villain-esque monologue. Not a particularly long one thankfully, but... He'd be lying if he said he saw that, or any of the added eccentricities, coming. He was pretty sure he was starting to learn, though.

Despite his mild surprise mixed with amusement, the pride bun couldn't help but let out a snort comment this 'Terror of the Ball' made. So, the punk was that sure of himself, huh? "Awful roundabout way of askin' t' get t' know me, but aight." He replied, flashing the other a cocky grin as he took a couple of steps towards him. Once again doing the whole leaning forward as he spoke. "Say that by some stroke of luck I win, which I'm going to... We sharin' the same prize pool, or do I get to choose?"


At the comeback, Sajjita squinted in mutual understanding, “Now that’s what I’m talking about! Go on. Get your hopes up for no reason.” If his opponent was leaning and looming? He was crossing his arms and craning his head up too, closing the gap further in a showdown. “S’ more fun kicking your ass if you’re motivated… What three wishes you in for?”


Damian took on a fake pensive expression and he pretended to think about his answer to that question for longer than he actually did.

"How about... A fun fact. Yer number. And a date." He had thought about asking for more than just a date, but... Well, he was still kind of sussing this bun out.


The things his victim requested got a snicker out of Sajjita. “Huh. N’ here I thought y’ were flirting just to be polite… But yeah - sure, sinnamon lips. F’ you somehow pull off the impossible, I’ll give you a day of my full and undivided attention.”

Sort of taunting as he spoke, Sajjita raised a hand and briefly brushed his fingers across one side of his rival’s jawline, tracing it from back to front and flicking off from under the tip of his chin.  “Won't go easy on you though. So y’ better not cry when your dance shoes catch fire. Speaking of…”

He looked off toward the hallway leading back inside and perked his head at the shift in the faint music. “Sounds like they’re starting the next song.” Sajjita seemed briefly distracted as he considered, and when he looked back at his opponent, he flashed a mischievous smirk. “You, uh… sure y’ remember how to dance?”


As amusingly distracting as this stranger's choice of words were, Damian opted to focus more on the challenge than the quirky flirting that was being done. At least, he thought it could be flirting. Especially if you included the way the other bun started touching his face. The flick did earn the other bun a bit of a smokey snort in response, though. Tease.

Golden eyes followed the direction the shorter bun suddenly shifted his attention to, noting the change in music, but ultimately settled back on the bun. Damian knew that he was ready to get started with this little challenge of theirs, but seeing as his opponent still had more to say...

A pause, followed by another smokey snort, followed by a cheeky grin. "'s that yer way of askin' for a pity dance to warm-up on? 'cause..." The pride bun held a clawed hand out, "Sure, 'm game. Yer gonna need all the luck y'can get anyway."


‘Damn. Beat me to it.’ Sajjita’s face twitched on a thought. Then aloud he chaffed, “That’s some hella projection.” He grasped the offered hand all the same; not in a delicate gesture, but an insistent grasp around the wrist as he aimed to guide the big man to rest the hand on his (Sajjita’s) shoulder. 

Meanwhile, Sajjita’s other hand reached to hold his rival’s spare one, raising them palm-to-palm. “But hey. Even if my good luck rubs off on you? S’ no way you’ll clutch out a win. Might as well enjoy the pity while you can.” Whether the smoky bun cooperated or not, Sajjita eventually released that wrist to wrap his arm around and settle his freed hand on his dance partner’s back. There were still a few trinkets scattered on the ground, but if they ended up a bit more broken, Sajjita would worry about it after.


There might have been the slightest bit of resistance from Damian when the other bun went about taking his hands and putting them wherever he pleased. Considering they were literally just going to dance, and things probably wouldn't escalate to some rough 'nd tumble fighting? Damian could stand to let the other bun have that much. 

But only that much.

"Y'know, yer doin' a whole lotta talkin' 'nd not a lotta dancin'. C'mere." The moment there was an opening Damian'd take over control and lead their dance, though it wasn't like he was opposed to the idea of taking turns. Just that the other would most likely have to fight for that right.

May I Have This Dance? | New Challenger Approaching
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In Prompts ・ By ChibiCrashey, Xeluna

This can only end well

Submitted By ChibiCrashey for May I Have This Dance?
Submitted: 4 months and 5 days agoLast Updated: 4 months and 5 days ago

ChibiCrashey: Writing
Xeluna: Writing
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