Mission Compromised

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I look stupid. 

Six was staring at himself in the bathroom mirror, scowling. He’d been given a box and an envelope yesterday and sent home without further ado; inside the envelope had been a summary of the mission he was undertaking tonight along with an invitation to the Fairy Masquerade that had been the talk of Burrowgatory all month. And inside the box was a custom tailored outfit that he was expected to wear to said ball. Tonight.

Six sighed. The high-waisted black pants were fine, even with the gold embroidered florals down the legs. The shirt hung a little too ‘off the shoulder’ for his liking, but it was nearly the exact same shade as the Flora growing from his face and tail, so he accepted it. There had also been a collection of jewelry… And enough golden glitter to paint the entire penthouse if he’d wanted to. He hadn’t, obviously, instead opting to gild the petals of his Floral eye, line the one he could see out of, and scatter it along his throat and collarbones. 

Stupid,” he muttered, grabbing the black filigree-like mask from the box and exiting the bathroom. 


“If you keep insulting the mirror like that, it may crack.”

The envy’s voice said, his large ears came with a pro and that was his hearing but that also may just be because he was outside the bathroom. Waiting for the other bun to come out so he could take a look at his outfit.

Zephyr had not been invited, not that he minded, he tended to stay away from Angora and her business. But a part of him was a little bummed, and that reason was the other bun walking out of the bathroom. Giving him a chance to look at him in full as the smile on his face widened.

“Well look at you doll face, you look lovely as ever.” His voice dipped into playfulness but it was genuine, with how the look in the envy’s eyes was softer than his normal cheeky nature.

“Making me wish I had been invited, I mean what am I going to do? A whole night without you? You are cruel to me.”


“You lasted how long without me before we met, I think you can handle a single evening.” Six’s tone was heavy with the (infuriatingly false) annoyance that he often used on Zephyr. The Greed quickly turned away, holding the mask up to his eye and gesturing at the ties of it with his tail. “Help me, will you?” 

Of course, Six was an observant bun. He could hear in Zephyr’s voice that the compliment was genuine, and he’d seen the way the Envy had looked at him. 

He also knew that Zephyr would be able to feel the heat of his blush when he came closer

“At least you’re enjoying this.”


Zephyr's smile never falters as the greed bun almost scolds him, he knew that Six enjoyed his company as much as he enjoyed Six’s but it was hard to get him to admit that. So Zephyr complied, choosing his next task that was basically given to him.

HIs hands quickly made work of the ties to the mask, helping him tie it so it didn’t fall from his face and he could wear it without worries of it injuring his face or being so loose it's a bother, a good medium.

“I enjoy you in general doll face, you should know that about me at this point.” His voice dipped into a deeper tone, placing himself in Six’s neck for just a moment before kissing at the greed buns jaw.

“That’s why I’ll miss you so. But sacrifices must be made.” He sighed out before pulling himself back and finishing off the tie for the mask.

“There, how's that feel doll?”


Six hissed a surprised inhale as Zephyr snuck the kiss to his jaw, barely suppressing both the instinct to smack him away and the shiver that threatened its way down his spine. Then Zephyr pulled back, and Six let go of the mask, tipping his head this way and that to make sure it stayed where it was supposed to. 

“It’s fine… Thank you.” Six turned, grabbing the handkerchief tied around the Envy’s neck and pulling him down for a proper kiss. “I need to go.” 


While the greed bun made sure the mask was secured to his face, he couldn’t help but watch him. A sigh coming from him as a part of him desperately would miss the bun while he was away. He was clingy, and possessive, he already missed him and he was still here. But his thoughts of missing him were interrupted while he was yanked down, a chuckle coming from him as his lips were kissed by the other. 

He was desperate though as he leaned down to kiss his lips again as he spoke, the words ‘Need’ and ‘Go’ being all he heard and that was enough for him to understand.

“I know, you have fun.” He finally spoke after pulling his lips off the bun in front of him. “Just don’t have too much fun without me. I’ll get jealous, and you know how that gets me. See you later tonight.” 


“I’m not going to the gala to ‘have fun’, Zephyr. I’ve got a mission, of sorts.” Six didn’t elaborate, and he knew that Zephyr would respect that there were ‘work things’ that he couldn’t share. He turned away from the Envy, patting the places where he hid his knives to make sure they were secure, and left without anything other than a wave over his shoulder. 

~~ Time Skip ~~ 

This is stupid. 

Six smiled charmingly at the bun who had asked him to dance, raising his champagne flute as if it was a proper excuse not to head to the dance floor. He was playing the wallflower, standing near a back wall and just generally keeping an eye on the gala-goers, going over the mission details in his head. He took a sip of the champagne; it was actually quite good, a shame he couldn't indulge.


A shame it really was, indulging in the drink not only wasn’t possible due to the work Six had but because he couldn’t get more than a sip after his other hand was taken, a familiar laugh coming from behind him before another hand was around his waist and someone had rested their head to his shoulder.

“Well look at you doll, you’re not dancing?” Zephyrs voice was back to a tease as he kissed again at the greeds jaw. “Did you miss me?”

He wore a mask similar to glasses, being pure black with his right eye having a caution symbol over it. It wasn’t hard to spot him with his horns but it was nice to seem mysterious. Not to mention he was wearing a suit for once.


If Zephyr’s familiar laugh had come a second later, the glass in Six’s hand would’ve been shattered and used for something other than holding champagne… As it was, Six had to exhale slowly before he could speak.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Six couldn’t turn his head to properly look at the Envy with how close he was, but that yellow Glow was unmistakable. “There’s no way you’re allowed to be here.” He put his champagne flute on the nearest table, newly freed hand going to the one that Zephyr had at his waist and gripping the other bun’s wrist.


The envys laugh could not be stopped as he heard the exhale of the other man, knowing damn well that if he was a second too late he’d be eating glass most likely.

“Absolutely not, in fact I am most likely banned.” He started as he pulled himself out of his neck only to twirl the other around. He took the greed buns hand that held his wrist and instead placed it on his shoulder, while his other hand kept hold of the hand he grabbed.

“But if you think I’d pass up a dance with you my darling? You would be mistaken. Common now, dance with me. Before I get thrown out.”


"Idiot," Six muttered, but he didn't fight as Zephyr turned him around and pulled him into a proper dancing position. His eye widened slightly as he took in what the Envy had decided to wear. "Are you... in a suit?" 

Six was used to Zephyr wearing multiple layers, as well as a massive coat. This suit, however, hugged his frame well, the sleeves accentuating the muscles in his arms and shoulders in a way that Zephyr didn't usually care for. 

"You... look good." Six admitted begrudgingly, stepping a little closer to the other man so he didn't have to reach so much. Why does he have to be so much taller than me…


The lack of layers to Zephyrs outfit wasn’t something he was fond of, he hated feeling so exposed but sacrifices were made and the look of shock in the greed eye was enough to cause that smile to turn into a smirk.

“Well of course, what else was I to wear? I can’t look back against you.”

He was glad that the other accepted his dance though, just by stepping closer and allowing him to pose them both. With the nonverbal accepting, his other hand finally made it's way to his wait to lay there as he lead them both.

“Ballroom dancing is not my drink of choice, but I did learn it a bit. So if I’m rusty, feel free to correct me dollface.”


“I… The instructions I was given didn’t tell me I had to dance, and I’ve never had reason to learn.” Six scowled a little, both at having to admit that he didn’t know how to do something and, not that he would ever admit it, at the thought of Zephyr dancing with somebody else, especially looking as handsome as he did now. “Why do you know how?” 


The question hung in the air for a moment as the envy continued to lead the other in a dance, taking just a moment to softly dip Six so he could sneak a kiss to his check before pulling him back up with a smile. 

“My brother Mortis taught me, he always thought dance was a good skill to have.”


“I suppose for someone like him, it would be.” Admittedly, Six didn’t know much about Zephyr’s littermates, other than that they were fairly well-off carats wise… He glanced out towards the dance floor idly, even though he wouldn’t be able to recognize them if he saw them. 

Six focused back on Zephyr, looking up at the Envy thoughtfully. “Did you really break into Angora’s masquerade just to dance with me? You could’ve waited until I got back, and we could’ve had the rest of the night.” 


He didn’t like to talk much about his littermates but it was glad for one thing, the ability to dance in this moment. He’s not very good with most dance, but his feet were able to memorize the dance moves he was taught, pulling the other bun more onto the dance floor.

He did laugh though as he asked yet another question, but it was clear by the cheeky smile on Zephyr’s face it was obvious. “And miss this up? Never~ A night to dance with you, having my hand on your waist and your hand in mind? To see you like this? It is all I could ask for, outside of you loving me. Seems I now have both in my grasp.”


Caught off guard by the heartfelt truth in Zephyr’s words - and his own vulnerability upon hearing it - Six mistepped, having to cling to Zephyr to avoid stumbling completely. “L-love…? So, you, what… Wanted to have a ‘normal date’ or something?” 

Six tried to put some sort of sarcastic disbelief into his voice; it wasn’t working, instead just making him sound flustered. 

“People like us don’t get those.” 


“Yeah, why not? Embarrassed to be seen by me?” He teased, watching the other buns face wash with shock and his arm around his waist to hold him before he fell. Making it look like it was on purpose by dipping the other bun with a sly smile.

“People like us don’t get them, sure, but we can make them. If you let me try Six.” It was said in a tone just enough for him to hear, that smile shifting into a softer one as Zephyr got closer to his face. “And I’d give you it all.”

With that though, he pulled them both back up, not letting Six sit in his flustered state and spinning him around once.


“S-shut up…” If Zephyr kept talking like that, Six would kick him out of the damn gala… “Don’t you think that if I was embarrassed to be seen with you, I wouldn’t stay by your side at the ring all the time like I do? Idiot…” 

Six was having a bit of trouble keeping up with the dance steps, seeing as how he’d never bothered to learn, and the ease of which Zephyr maneuvered him around like a toy was definitely not helping him feel any less unbalanced, both literally and emotionally. 


He wasn’t trying to roughly dance with him, but the more embarrassed Six got the more Zephyr slowed their dance until finally Zephyrs hands landed on Six’s hips. Pulling him against him and looking down at him, his eyes soften as he looked at the bun that made him happy.

“I think you just get nervous to admit it. And it's ok. But at least for tonight…” He started, one of his hands reaching up to take the greed buns chin as he leaned down. Zephyr leaving a soft kiss to his lips.

“I got to dance with you… and draw a bit of a crowd.” Was added with a soft laugh.


“If you’ve compromised my mission, you dumbass…” But Six left the threat unfinished, raising himself onto his tiptoes to kiss Zephyr again as the taller doll moved away, a lot more gently than he usually preferred to, but one that suited the setting they were in. Then he stiffened. “Wait, a crowd?” 


Feeling the bun stiffen he only laughed as he picked him up and spun him around, pressing more kisses to his face before setting Six down to his feet.

“Nope, I was just wanting to see you make that face.” 

His hands slid off Six, one of them reaching for one of Six’s. With his hand, he kneeled down, kissing the top of the buns hand as he looked up at him.

“Thank you for dancing with me though… I should probably get going before I am thrown out though.” Was whisper to him.


This Envy bastard… Six’s face was probably as red as his Flora as he looked down at Zephyr. When did that yellow Glow start giving off so much… Warmth? Safety? Whatever it was, having Zephyr here, like this, was making it impossible for Six to focus on his task. “Y-yeah, okay… I’ll see you at home.” 

Ah. That was the word he’d been looking for. 

Mission Compromised
1 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By FlytexofxFancy, Aesthetic-Static

Bastards in love...

Submitted By FlytexofxFancy for May I Have This Dance?View Favorites
Submitted: 4 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 4 months and 1 week ago

FlytexofxFancy: RP Partner (Six)
Aesthetic-Static: RP Partner (Zephyr)
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