From the shadows and into the conga! [COLLAB]

In Prompts ・ By Kewkie, lattecos
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Vanitas isn’t really used to partying at all, really. They’re a reserved succubun with huge metaphorical walls protecting them from the outside world — maybe it’s just their own pride talking, but they’d rather not waste their precious time with frivolous things like this kind of social gathering. It’d be much more fruitful to use it to hone their skills in the dark arts or decipher old manuscripts  instead, no?

And yet… here they are, awkwardly people-watching by the hors d'oeuvres table at Angora’s Fairy Masquerade party. Pitifully alone, since their acquaintance Isabella (not a friend, no matter how much she tries to call them so) who pleaded so much to convince them to come with her was now a little too distracted flirting with some strangers in fancy and revealing clothing. If she was going to abandon them so quickly, why even bother to invite them in the first place? 

“Seriously…” Vanitas mumbles behind their skull mask as they reach for some appetizers, resigning to their fate. At least the food is good, and the flashy clothing and masks everyone is wearing are interesting enough to keep them entertained for a while. 

She laughed at Hops’ jab about her first homemade pie. “It was just a tester!” Wendy was having fun chit-chatting with other attendees, making new friends was her forte. Mid-conversation, she felt that she had to use the washroom. “I will be back,” she excused herself and left the group to find the restroom.

After she was done, she made her way out and that was when she noticed the glowing bun, standing idly by the food table. I’m sure the group is fine without me, she thought as she sauntered on over.. The party had its fair share of dazzling outfits, but this bun stood out with their peculiar glow and natural features.

Although the other may not have wanted to be greeted, that would not stop her from trying. “Hi!” She smiled gently at them, “Know if those are any good?” Pointing towards some cracker topped with what looked to be marinated vegetables, she hoped she was able to break the ice.

It takes Vanitas a few seconds to realize that someone nearby is talking, and talking to them nonetheless. They get so easily distracted with their own ghosts that sometimes they forget they too are a part of the realm of the living.

“...” They give the stranger a deadpan stare from behind their mask, puzzled. It's eerie and empty, but that's just their usual. They just can't seem to understand why this person would bother to stop what they're doing to socialize with them. Needless to say, Vanitas is the worst at picking up the simplest of social cues. An ice breaker isn't really in their modus operandi.

“...Huh.” Vanitas glances at said cracker, trying to connect the dots inside their head. Is something in their outfit making them look like a snack expert, maybe?

“Yes.” They nod. Maybe they can accept the goofy title, since they were the only one at the food table until recently. They can be the snack expert. “It’s good. My favorites so far are the… fried cheese balls, though.”

“...Why are you talking to me? I don't think we know each other.” Vanitas asks, clueless to how rude their bluntness makes them seem. It's just a genuine question, they simply don't know how to sweeten their words like most do.

Her smile unfazed, she stared back at them and said, “Perhaps I should try a cheese ball.” Wendy walked to the table, making sure to give space for the other bun and looked for the said food. Unable to spot it she returned her gaze  to them. “You are correct in that we don’t know each other, but is this not how buns get to know one another?”

She opted for a glass of champagne instead. Uncertain whether she was being too cheeky, she decided to add, “I like to meet other attendees at these types of gatherings. In other words, I hope we can get to know each other. If you would be okay with that.” Wendy would not overstep another’s boundaries if they were not comfortable. At least she could say she tried if they said they would prefer to be alone. 

Vanitas feels glad that their skull mask is big enough to cover most of their face, because awkwardness is more than clear in their features. They'd say they feel like a fish out of water in this party, if they knew what fish even were.

“I see.” That was an obvious response, but they've asked a question that was obvious for most, just not for them. “I forgot there's people that enjoy talking to strangers like this.”

“Well… I don't mind it, I'm bored anyways.” Vanitas completes, shrugging lightly. They don't seem all that eager to talk, but it's not like they think badly of indulging in some chatter. It's more like they've resigned to their fate — this was bound to happen at some point during a party like this. “And I've ran out of fried cheese balls.”

“We shall commence to get to know each other.” And then, a best of silence. They do not have a clue on how socialization even works.

Wendy could not help but giggle at their first words. “Yes, there are people who do like to walk up to complete strangers and start a conversation.” Though lacking in enthusiasm, Wendy knew she could not expect everyone to be on the same page as herself. “Bored, huh?” She thought about how they were standing alone off to the side, guessing maybe something had happened earlier to bring them here. After all, buns don’t just waltz in here on their own just to stand on the sidelines, do they? “Other than the cheese balls, if at all, what brought you to this party?” She was curious to know.

“Please. I wouldn't dress up just for cheese balls.” They try to defend themself, trying a little too hard to keep their spooky vibes intact. They're a pride succubun, you know?

“An… acquaintance brought me here. But she's a little too busy drinking and flirting with strangers.” Vanitas gestures vaguely in the direction of a half black half white bun talking with another group and laughing with a bottle of wine in her hand. “She had an extra invite, and said I should take this chance to ‘loosen up’ and ‘have fun’, basically.”

Nodding at the bun’s explanation, Wendy quickly took a peek in the direction where they gestured. “As one would expect from most buns.” Turning her attention back to her current companion, she smiled once more, “Well, I would not fault you if you did dress up for just some cheese balls. They sound delightful, shame they’re currently out.”

She sighed happily, the thought of food plagued her mind for a brief moment. “I can definitely say the food here is great. I just wish they were larger in proportion. I’m still hoping that there will be a main entree,” she laughed at her own joke. “Do you drink?” Wendy raised her own glass, pointed to it like the other bun did not know that there was free alcohol in the place. “Usually that ‘loosens’ people up.”

They have to agree, it’d be lovely if they had bigger portions. What is it with parties and their miniature foods that look way too ornamented? Are they crafted to make you feel guilty of ruining the beautiful decor, so you eat even less? It’s a mystery they won’t ever uncover.

“...I do.” Vanitas’ eyes glitter similarly to the shimmery fur in their long ears. In fact, they kind of forgot the whole alcoholic aspect of parties, since they were a little too busy contemplating their loneliness. 

“That’s… a good idea. Sorry, I’m not used to parties.” They don’t really want to admit Isabella was right to say they should loosen up, but free booze is free booze. Vanitas moves to fill a glass of champagne for themself, their ghosts happily circling them.

“What’s your name?”

Happy that they were opening up a bit more, Wendy lowered her upbeat tone to match. “Wendy,” she said as she picked up a second glass and offered it to them. “Before I got to mingling with others, I was just drinking a number of these,” she laughed. “Plus, there are no rules in my book about what one should do at these parties.” Wendy winked. She knew the upper class would disagree, but they were probably too uptight in their little social circles to notice her anyways.

“How about yours? I mean your name.”

No rules in her book…? Did they accidentally run into the person that writes all social gathering clues, or… Wait, no. That’s stupid. There’s no such a thing. (Or is there?)

“You have a point. …Oh, thank you.” Vanitas reaches for the glass she’s offered, holding it as they pour champagne for themself. After its filled, they place the bottle back in the place they found it. Alcohol is a safe bet when it comes to parties and socialization, they’ve realized. It’s way less awkward to just stand there and exist if you have a glass of a drink in your hand.

“My name is Vanitas.” They finally introduce themself, then they point to the two ghosts that follow them around. “This is Gehenna, and this is Morwenna. They’re too shy to talk.” Spirit motes just literally can’t speak, but they feel pressured to give them an excuse anyways. Once a pride bun, always a pride bun.

“Well, it is a pleasure to meet you Vanitas, Gehenna, and Morwenna,” Wendy raised her glass to each in response. “Your attire is very different from most of the folks here, it stands out, in a good way.” Nodding encouragingly, she did appreciate the difference in not only colour but style too. Most party-goers were donning puffy dresses, frills, silk and many other expensive fabrics. She was not quite sure the make of Vanita’s outfit, but Wendy’s own was definitely not the same caliber as the high class’. “I own a diner, so the food intrigues me the most then it’s the attendees,” she winked before reaching over to the table and picking up a baguette piece, topped with olives and some type of vegetarian puree.

“...Thank you.” Vanitas is a little glad they can’t be mistaken for someone in the upper class, honestly. They don’t really get along with the fancy douchebag types, and they don’t plan on changing that any soon.

“A diner, huh. Interesting.” They take a sip of their champagne quietly, vaguely watching the people around the ballroom. “...Is your food better than this party’s?”

Wendy laughed at their question, flattered that they were curious, “I would say it definitely fills you,” she nodded.. “My diner specializes in hearty meals that probably make you feel like sleeping afterwards, all for a good price too.” She beamed, proud of her diner. “It’s my pride and joy.”

Some of the guests started a conga line, Wendy was glad to see at least some known how to have a good time here. “I’m assuming you’re not the dancing type?” Wendy turned back to Vanitas.

…That sounds pretty amazing, but Vanitas doesn’t like complimenting strangers. So, they’ll just hold the thought in their head.

“...Not much.” They cringe a little at the conga line, even if the people joining it seem to be having fun. Apologies, they’re judgemental. “I don’t really dance. Or do… whatever they are doing over there.”

She stared at Vanitas for a moment, then a smile crept on Wendy’s lips. “Well, let’s loosen up!” With one fell swoop, Wendy grabbed Vanitas by the arm and brought them towards the conga line. Though there was resistance, Wendy wanted to try and give them a little push. She positioned Vanitas to join the line first, then Wendy joined in after them. “Give it a go, Vanitas!” She laughed as they went along with the line. She may not have known Vanitas for long, and some may even say what she did was too much, but Wendy wanted to see how they would do. Sometimes, people just need someone else to help them get started.

The music got louder, and the champagne kept flowing. As they were going along, Wendy moving with the conga line whereas Vanitas just shuffled along, Wendy reached for another glass of champagne off a waiter’s tray and was holding onto the congo line with the other hand. They danced along the entirety of the room. Some of the other guests stood on the sidelines watching the line get longer and longer.

It was a night to be remembered and Wendy hoped that Vanitas was able to have some fun despite the circumstances of her friend. She made a mental note to invite them down to her diner some time in the future. Perhaps Wendy and Vanitas could make some of those fried cheese balls together.

From the shadows and into the conga! [COLLAB]
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In Prompts ・ By Kewkie, lattecos

Thank you for the collab!

Submitted By Kewkie for May I Have This Dance?
Submitted: 1 month and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 1 month and 2 weeks ago

Kewkie: rp
lattecos: rp
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[From the shadows and into the conga! [COLLAB] by Kewkie, lattecos (Literature)](
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