Like Normal Buns

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The gala hall was covered in glitz and glamor, every table centerpiece sparkled like a jewel. The chattering of buns dressed in regal attire set the atmosphere as Virdia, local bun popstar, walked through the crowd; her hips swaying enough to shake the crystals dangling from her dress in a vie for everyone’s attention. Her personal paparazzi, she definitely did not bribe into following her around, are at her side always making sure to get a good angle for a photo shoot. Virdia picks up a champagne glass and poses for her cameras, pushing her fluffy ears backwards like hair she accidentally knocks Fig’s drink out of his hand. Spinning around with her face in shock, she feels over her ears to make sure no alcohol got on them. 

“Wait a second…I know you!”, Virdia smiles while looking Fig up and down, “almost didn’t recognize you with your clothes on”, she winks.


Fig narrowly avoided getting any alcohol on his suit, sighing in relief when he realized he’d succeeded. This was one of the few clothing items he had that he hadn’t made himself, and it would’ve been a huge sign of disrespect to get somebody else’s hard work ruined… 

He scowled at the doll who had knocked the drink out of his hand and paused as he recognized her. “Virdia?” Fig laughed, raising an eyebrow. “I’m surprised they let you in; you don’t always act ‘like a lady’.” 


Virdia scoffs at the remark, “I’m plenty ‘lady-like’ for this kind of shindig”. She moves her hands in an outward motion showcasing her sparkly red dress, “See? Not just any doll could be caught wearing such a stunning piece!” 

She glances back at her entourage then leans in closer to Fig, “sorry about knocking over your drink. I hope I didn’t get any on you but I’m going to start some drama for my fans.” She smiles up at fig locking eyes before grasping him by the tie. 

“How dare you bump into ME?!” she exclaims, the music hitting a loud crescendo before picking up speed. 


Fig was surprised at the apology that sounded truly genuine and was about to say it was no big deal when he registered the second half of Virdia’s sentence. ‘Ah, that sounds more like her,’ he thought, barely holding back a laugh. ‘Drama? I can do drama.’

“Virdia, my beloved!” Fig didn’t usually play in drama like this, but it was about fifty-fifty on whether Virdia hired this entourage to follow her around, and he figured the poor things might want some excitement. He made his eyes wide and essentially tried to make himself look as pathetic as possible. “When I heard that you’d gotten invited to the masquerade, I worked my tail off day and night to be able to attend as well. I just knew you’d look beautiful, and I missed you so much.” 


Virdia’s grin grew wider as she moved one of her hands from Fig’s tie to his shoulder. “Show me how much you’ve missed me~” The hand not on his shoulder grasped at Fig’s tail as she placed it between her teeth like a rose and pressed her chest into his. 

 A fast paced waltz began playing as Virdia took Figs hand in hers, “take me by the waist, I know you know how” she giggles.


As much as he and Virdia had, ahem, argued during their first meeting, who was Fig to deny a beautiful woman of her request? Wasn't that what events like this were for

One hand in Virdia's, and the other at her sparkling waist, Fig let himself be pulled into the fast paced dance. 

Did his fingers dig in a little more than was ‘proper’? Perhaps

Did he think Virdia minded? Not one bit

Each side half pulled, half pushing, the two dolls maneuvered onto the dance floor proper as the music picked up. 


Virdia squeezed Figs shoulder as she felt his hand grip her waist. The pair began a feverish dance; coiling around each other like fighting Sceils looking to strike. As they dance Virdia’s fluffy ears bounce around, her piercings shining in the bright spotlight that illuminates their path.

The shrieking of the bows on violin strings drown out any thoughts but the innate feeling to keep going. Virdia whips her head back, her jaw hangs open in an ecstatic smile, tail tightly curling around Fig’s thigh. 

“Are you getting this, my pets!” she shouts at the cameras, “perhaps some day one of you darlings will be as lucky as Fig is tonight!” Using Fig’s body as an anchor by grabbing his forearms she dips herself between his legs forcing him to pull her upright again.


Fig couldn’t help but chuckle at Virdia’s dramatics. He followed her example, pulling her upright, then leading her into a spin before pulling her close to his body. He tried to keep his face as ‘I would worship this doll day and night if she let me’ as possible. 

When Virdia’s ear was close to his mouth Fig murmured, “You’re having fun with this, aren’t you?” The tip of his tail lightly traced up her thigh, intimate enough that cameras started flashing, but not too risque to be out of place at this high-society event.


“You know it” Virdia smiled deviously but making a soft eye contact with Fig. The music was beginning to fade out as Virdia and Fig slowed down their spins, swaying back and forth in each other's arms. 

“That was quite fun” Virdia starts “I guess our next dance should be the horizontal tango” she winks as she steps away from Fig and towards her cameras. Virdia’s tail coiling around Fig’s wrist trying to bring him along with her. 

“How about we end this encounter with a drink?” Virdia looks over her shoulder at Fig. 


Fig snorted a laugh at Virdia’s ‘horizontal tango’ comment, about to reply when she started moving away from him. Then he felt her tail at his wrist. Ah.

“I could use a drink.” He followed after her, catching up and slinging his arm around her waist, pulling her closer but keeping his hold loose enough that she could move away if she wanted. “You do owe me one, considering you knocked my other one out of my hand.” Fig’s tone was light, teasing. 

He wasn’t sure how much longer he needed to lay on the heavy acting, and figured he’d just follow her lead.


She gave a teasing pouty face, “that was an accident! I sweaarrrr~” She giggled at the last part as she took a seat at the open bar, waving off her camera crew so they could have some time alone. 

“Ahh~” Vidria sighed as she rested her head down on the bar, “as much as I love the attention, keeping up for the cameras can be so draininggg” she whined.  The bartender came over and Virdia sat up asking for the strongest drink he’s legally allowed to make. 


Fig chuckled when he heard Vidria’s order, moving to stand beside her and placing his own order; whiskey, neat. He took off his suit jacket and laid it over the back of his stool as he took a seat. 

“You don’t think you would’ve gotten enough attention here without them?” He wasn’t entirely teasing anymore. “I mean, you look great, there’s no way you had to bump into me to get a bun to dance with you.” 


Virdia side eyes Fig but doesn’t make a snarky comment. “I know”, she starts, tracing a circle on the bar with her finger, “I wanted to dance with you” she averts her eyes as she makes the statement, a small blush forming on her cheeks. 

“And of course I needed my entourage, how else will my fans who could never attend such a prestigious event feel in the moment with me,” She smiles to herself like this is the kindest act she could ever muster up. 

“But really,” she turns to look at Fig, “there is so much I need to do to keep up my image and secure income from my fans. Drama just happens to pay the big bucks. I truly hope I haven’t made you uncomfortable with my actions tonight” Virdia’s smile turned soft as she talked, her tail resting on Fig’s leg as a gesture of friendliness and intimacy. 


Fig raised an eyebrow as he saw Virdia’s cheeks darken slightly in a blush, but he didn’t point it out, letting the Pride doll keep her, well, pride. He listened to her explanation, nodding along. I get it. And no, you didn’t make me uncomfortable, or angry, or anything. Takes a lot of effort to have strong emotions like that.” He chuckled softly as he gestured at his Sloth horns. 

The bartender placed their drinks in front of them, and Fig pushed Virdia’s closer to her before taking a sip of his own. “I’m happy to act as the lovedrunk ex-lover, or whatever, for the rest of the night if you want me to. Or we can enjoy our drinks like normal buns, and have another couple of dances like normal buns, and then we see what happens after that, yeah?” 


“Yeah, I think I’d like that”

Like Normal Buns
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In Prompts ・ By FlytexofxFancy, Sweetroll

POV you run into a ONS unexpectedly and they look super hot oh no 

Submitted By FlytexofxFancy for May I Have This Dance?
Submitted: 1 month and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 1 month and 2 weeks ago

FlytexofxFancy: RP Partner (Fig)
Sweetroll: RP Partner (Virdia)
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[Like Normal Buns by FlytexofxFancy, Sweetroll (Literature)](
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