May I Have This Dance?

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'This was a mistake...'

Who even knew many times just these past couple of minutes Mynte had thought that about his being here. A wistful look in his eyes as he shyly watched the various buns in all sorts of gorgeous outfits dance, socialize, and otherwise just enjoying all that the Butterfly Masquerade had to offer.

Except for him, of course. Of course.

It had seemed like a not terrible idea at the time; attending the ball himself. After all, it was a chance to meet other buns. Maybe make a friend? There'd also been the hope that it being a masquerade might help some with his shyness. Not needing to hide behind his ears if and when things became too much for him; the mask he was wearing doing some of that work for him.

Clearly that wasn't enough though, since he'd been unable to peel himself from one of the more quiet corners he'd managed to find within the ballroom itself. A part of him kind of, sort of, wanted to dance, too, but...

But that meant having to walk up to and talk to another bun, which... Just the thought alone filled him with a certain kind of fear. He couldn't...

And so he quietly, wistfully, continued to simply observe. Hands nervously fidgeting with some of the frills of his own outfit.

Valon watched the nervous green bun fidget in one of the corners of the room. He was a pretty little thing, well, not little since it seemed like the other had about an inch of height on Valon, but still pretty nonetheless. Valon grabbed two glasses of champagne from a passing server before making his way there.

"Hello there, lovely, can I keep you company?" Valon asked, offering the other one of the glasses of champagne.

A full body startled chill coursed through the sloth bun's being upon being spoken to. Clearly so lost in their thoughts that they didn't even notice someone approaching them. The earlier wistful look on their face was replaced with one of surprise as he turned to look at the surprise voice's owner; a rather fancy and elegant looking red bun... And Mynte couldn't help but feel even *more* out of place, but that was besides the point here. Focus.

"Ye-- O-of cour-- N-- Mngh...." Unable to decide how to answer with words, after his short struggle he simply opted to answer with just a quick nod before reaching out to take the offered drink. Finally releasing the death grip he'd had on his outfit. "" It made sense to thank him for the offered drink right now...right?

Whether Mynte's darkening cheeks were due to embarrassment or shyness was anyone's guess at this point.

"No need to be so nervous," Valon chuckled, "I don't bite. Well, not too hard at least."

Valon took the other's hand to place a chaste kiss; he couldn't help himself, he just loved seeing others so flustered, especially from flirting.

"I'm Valon," introducing himself with a shallow bow. "What's your name beautiful?"

So...look. Mynte was trying, okay? They were trying to be as calm and collected as a Mynte could be in a social situation such as this, but this bun's words? His actions? Mynte couldn't handle them. The first comment alone had already been enough to deepen his blush. The kiss on the hand, coupled with that compliment?

It was almost kind of dizzying; just how much blood was racing to the sloth bun's face.

"M...M...MMM-Mynte..." He managed to squeak out in response. "Y-y-you...t-too..." An awkwardly feeble attempt at returning the earlier compliment. "" He asked; an attempt at asking, well... If Valon was having a good time and all that.

Valon figured he teased Mynte enough, lest he wanted them to pass out.

"Sorta having fun," he replied, "I prefer my own parties at my mansion but this is entertaining in its own way."

As much as Valon loved being the center of attention, he also loved to people watch.

"I hope you've been having fun. Or is there something I can do for you so you can enjoy yourself more?"

Normally, Valon would have something like that with a sultry voice, indicating an innuendo, but he was being sincere for Mynte's sake, deciding to show a little mercy from Valon's flirting.

Grateful that Valon managed to decipher his slightly cryptic wording, the sloth bun did their best to focus on his words. Not think too hard about...anything else.

So Valon had his own mansion and threw his own parties, huh...? Mynte couldn't help but wonder what those were like. Would it make sense to ask? Was that weird? Should--

He was only slightly startled out of his own thoughts when his brain made the connection that he was being asked a question in return now. Or...something like that. But, ah... Was he having fun? He hadn't really done a whole lot besides get here and alternate between leaning against a wall watching others have fun, and going onto a balcony to try and calm down.

"M...maybe?" he started to answer; fidgeting slightly with the glass in his hand. Maybe he should take a sip. Would that help calm his nerves some? 

He glanced back to the dancefloor; just a second or two of watching the other buns dance. Did he...have the courage to ask for one himself? Glancing back at Valon, the sloth bun looked like they were about to say something... Until the panic set in.

Valon watched the conflicting emotions cross the sloth's face before settling in panic. Feeling more generous than usual, perhaps he could help the other enjoy himself more.

"Would you be interested in a dance?"

Valon reached out offering his hand to Mynte, hoping they had the courage to say yes.

"If it helps, anyone who'd be watching would have their eyes on me," Valon grinned.

Having opted to take a quick little sip of his drink in hopes that it would help keep his panicking at bay, somehow Mynte hadn't expected actually being asked to dance. Apparently this was surprising enough that it took quite a bit of effort on his part to not spit whatever little he'd sipped before looking at Valon with wide eyes. H-him...?

Mynte looked at the offered hand, then back to Valon, then to the drink in their hand... Before flustering slightly at the other's last few words. And yet... There was an odd sort of comfort to them. Deep breath...

"Y-yes...please." He softly replied eventually; reaching out to place a hand in the offered one.

Eventually it might sink in that Mynte didn't really know how to dance.

Valon led Mynte to the dance, placing his hands on the other to lead. Valon only had a couple of inches of height on Mynte but he loved being taller than his dance partners; it made it easy to lead and control the dance.

He began the first step but stopped immediately when Mynte didn't move with him.

"Everything ok?" Valon asked with a raised brow.

Perhaps his new friend was getting cold feet before the pair even actually started dancing.

A couple of steps was all Mynte managed before realization hit; looking a bit like a freign caught in headlights once questioned about their wellbeing. 

Ugh, no, he’d already made it this far. He couldn’t let something as silly as his lack of experience dancing stop him. His grip on the other bun’s hand unconsciously tightened as he took a breath. “Y…yes. I-I’m okay, j-just…” A shy, awkward glance to the side. “I-I…haven’t really ever danced much…before…s-so…” Not that he wouldn’t do his best despite that, just…!

…if Valon wanted to up and bolt at that knowledge, there was his opening. And Mynte wouldn’t blame him, honestly.

“That’s alright, I can teach you,” Valon reassured.

Valon began explaining the basics, thankful that he’d taken the time to learn from his butler. He showed Mynte simple ballroom steps so the other wouldn’t be too overwhelmed with all the new information being given to him; he also taught him how to keep in tempo with the music to make the flow of the movement feel more natural.

“Easy enough, right?”

Valon then placed his hands back on Mynte to lead them in the dance.

Valon moved with such grace and ease that others around them couldn’t help but watch the taller of the two move like he was born for it. He winked at Mynte before leading them into a couple of more complex moves before gently dipping the other backward. Valon then began leading the dance into broader moves around the dance floor, unable to keep himself from showing off a bit.

Their dancing came to a gentle stop with the music, Valon letting go of Mynte to bow.

“See? Fun isn’t,” Valon laughed, hooking his arm with Mynte’s, leading him away from the dance floor.

“Should you fancy another dance, you know who to look for.”

May I Have This Dance?
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In Prompts ・ By grimalchimia, ChibiCrashey

Word Count: 1,509

Submitted By grimalchimia for May I Have This Dance?
Submitted: 4 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 4 months and 1 week ago

grimalchimia: Valon
ChibiCrashey: Mynte
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[May I Have This Dance? by grimalchimia, ChibiCrashey (Literature)](
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