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In Prompts ・ By Kewkie
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Another party where she was requested to attend, she thought to herself as she eyed the double doors down the hallway. She sighed and carried herself gracefully through the doors, not paying attention to the staff who greeted her at the entrance. Beatrice got her personal designer to create the very outfit she had on, it fit like a glove. As it should, she was proud of her access to whatever gown or outfit she wanted.


The crowds were the usual, the high class, elite and famous Succubuns who ruled the city both in the public eye and away from it. With her head held high, she scanned the room for her usual posse, it did not seem like they arrived yet. Typical. She clicked her tongue, they were never on time and it annoyed the Hell out of Beatrice. They should have just gone with custom. From her previous conversation with her group of socialites, the bunch of them were going to mix and match premade designer pieces for the event instead, this was no doubt why they were late. Fashionably late, my ass. 


A waiter walked up to her and tilted their tray which donned a bunch of champagne glasses. She will at least indulge herself in the unlimited alcohol while she waits. Picking up a glass, she took a sip. Not the best, but it will pass. Beatrice stood slightly off to the side, but close enough to another group so that it looked like she was at least somewhat a part of the action. 




Why am I here again…?


Somnus was wondering if he could find an excuse to leave the party without his friends nagging him. While he loved dressing up, he could do without the excessive amount of socializing you needed to do at parties. Just a few more hours and then I can pass out with my lil imps. Taking a deep breath to brace himself to brave the crowds of noisy Succubuns around him, Somnus darted to the nearest table to get a drink to survive the party.

Leaning against the table, he surveyed the people around him to find the least tiring person to talk to while waiting for the party to end. Oh? A lady on her own? He could see her trying to blend in with a nearby group but he could tell that she was sticking out like a sore paw. Time to have fun and save a princess

“Hello, miss. I think you have something of mine?” 




Her ears caught the voice of someone nearby. At first she did not think they were speaking to her, but as her gaze wandered the room, she caught sight of a male looking at her expectantly. Beatrice tried not to turn up her nose, she was used to being approached, her status made sure of that. But if she gave attitude, she might really be left alone at this rate; her jealousy started to rise as she felt like others had no trouble fitting in. Don’t Beatrice, she told herself. Plastering on a polite smile, she turned to the gentlemen, she might as well entertain him. “Oh? Do elaborate what I could have possibly taken of yours?”




“Why you stole my attention, milady”, says Somnus as he plasters on a corny grin. He can see the lady’s mouth twitching, trying to not smile at his stupid joke. She huffed at him and turned her body to fully face him. “Is that my fault or yours for having such a fleeting attention span?”, she says, cocking an eyebrow as she tilted her head up to look him in his eyes. Can’t blame her most people are shorter than me

Dramatically leaning his head back, placing the palm of his hand on his forehead and fanning himself, Somnus tried his best to be as dramatic as possible. “Oh! The insult! The audacity! The bluntness of this mighty lady bullying little old me!” Taking a small peek, he can see the lady’s mouth twitching again and some people around them snickering. He grins wildly and immediately captures the lady’s hand to place a small kiss on her gloved hands

“Well as the price for bullying me, you are now punished to accompany me for at least an hour” Somnus declares with a wink from his bowed position.



She should have seen that one coming, a bit upset at herself for having this pulled on her. She sighed, a bit annoyed, but remembered she was trying to keep this lad’s company until her friends came. “If I must,” Beatrice kept her head held high, trying not to roll her eyes. This fellow was full of drama. “I must say you certainly have flair to you,” she would at least toss him a cookie.


He chuckled, “Please, you flatter me, my lady. Now, if you will bless me with your name?” Somnus was glad that at least she seemed to have yielded to his theatrical performance. He half-expected her to slap him, but that was also unlikely at a place like this, at least not for the high class; it would be seen as unclassy to straight up slap someone.


“Beatrice,” she answered curtly, he still had her hand, she eyed it unpleasantly. The fellow was at least dressed like he belonged in the same tier as her.



Grinning, he pulls her hand closer thus pulling to him. “Well, Lady Beatrice, would you honor me with a dance while we chat?” Somnus says as he hovers his other hand over her glass to silently ask for permission to put it on the table.

Beatrice huffs again but hands the glass over to him, making his grin wider. After placing the glass on a nearby table, he pulls her gently towards the dance floor. Somnus turns to face her on the dance floor and hovers his hand over the curve of her hips. Beatrice moves closer and on the next beat, they both move as one and join the hundreds of Succubuns dancing on the dance floor.


“So how did a little lamb like you end up here alone? Your den of friends are too busy to come with you?” asks Somnus as he slowly spins her. Beatrice groans though she would forever deny doing so. “They wanted to be unique and pick their outfits right before the ball and be “fashionably late” than arriving early in a custom as they should have” her bottom lips juts out slightly as she complains. Somnus raises an eyebrow. 




His inquiry to her business annoyed her more, she did not want to share much information about why she had to be alone, so she kept her lips tight despite his raised brow. They danced gracefully, clearly both had been brought up with some sort of dance training. It was time for her dance partner to be in the hot seat. “I believe you owe me your name,” her brows were raised pointedly. “It is impolite to have one’s name without sharing your own.” She made sure to keep her back arched, the posture engrained in her as she was taught to do in ballroom dance.


Somnus kept his grin, wide as ever, “Pardon me.” He took the chance to dip her at a suitable time in the dance, breaking away from the rest of the crowds for a brief moment so he could say, “Your knight in shining armor is Somnus.”


The tone he held was confident, goofy and borderline cocky. Beatrice did not like his pompous jargon. “And how did you get into this party?” Her eyes fixed on him from the corners while she kept her head turned towards the side, once again, minding her posture. 



“Why I was invited of course!”

Beatrice squints her eyes. She prided herself for being knowledgeable on the high society Succubuns and while she didn’t remember every face as far as she knew, there was no one named Somnus in high society. “You’re not a noble. I would have recognized you if so. Nor are you famous Succubun. Why would you be invited to this ball?” Somnus grins at her words. He fans her out before pulling her into a shadow position, his tall frame looming over her back. Somnus leans in close to her ear.

“Why? Do you think a ball this big would be possible without some…underworld connections?”

The envy Succubun inhaled sharply, her extensive training the only reason she did not stop dancing. Beatrice could hear her heart pound in her ears. She didn’t expect such a goofy character to be associated with the Underworld of the underworld. Somnus did not share her emotions. He was humming along to the music as he slowly led them to the edge of the dance floor. As the music drew to a close, they separated and bowed to each other. Beatrice looked into Somnus’s eyes, trying to look calm in the face of the dangerous Succubun whose grin now held a note of danger and malice. The crowd around them slowly grew as some of the formerly dancing Succubuns went to find food.


Beatrice turned, startled at the sound of her friend shouting her name. Her friends crowded around her complaining on how long it took to get ready and be allowed into the ball, distracting her from the tall Succubun. As she turned back to look at him, the spot he was standing was now empty.

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In Prompts ・ By Kewkie
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Submitted By churrosbosan for May I Have This Dance?
Submitted: 4 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 4 months and 2 weeks ago

Kewkie: RP
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