T'was A Stormy Night

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Twas’ A Stormy Night

The rain was soft, a gentle tapping on the roof of the tent as Darla laid about in her newly made pile of costumes, pillows, and anything else Bell could possibly have to have made her impromptu visit more comfortable. The soft fabrics were a wonder against Darla’s skin and it was in moments like this she was surprised she wasn't a sloth bun. 'No, just a pillow princess with standards.' Bell would remind her. Comfort wasn't the issue though, if Darla was worried about that then there were always new ways to arrange her pile. No, what she felt now was deeper, more consuming. She was listless.

To many of the buns in Burrogatory staying in during the rain would have been a nice change of pace. An excuse to finish work indoors or relax with a cup of tea. Normally Darla was one of them, more than happy to cuddle up with her favorite cuddle bun and create more fun memories, but she knew Bell was restless in the pile after spending the whole morning cuddling up with her inside her nest. With so much to do around the carnival it was no wonder the greed bun’s mind wandered. At first Darla had smiles and ushered them along, telling them that she could wait until they were done. Still, after well over an hour of nothing but work and the occasional scoff or noise of frustration Darla was beginning to think enough was enough. 

She was determined when she stood from her pile, ignoring the cocked brow sent her way as she marched towards the chest in the corner of the room. She may have not been in this tent often but she was familiar enough with Bell to understand that they were a creature of habit and if she remembered correctly (which she knew she did!) this is where all the rainy day fun time goodies would be stored. The moment she opened the lid she couldn't help but beam in satisfaction as she came upon her prize, an assortment of cards, board games, and dice lay neatly arranged in the box. Some of these were games she herself had given Bell. That definitely came with a mix of pride and soft appreciation. While she hadn't expected Bell to throw out any of the trinkets she had given them after their breakup, it was always nice to see them still in a place of care, especially since their reconciliation.

Darla smiled as she rummaged through the chest, noting that her sudden actions seemed to capture the attention of her partner as she began sorting through boxes. Bells seemed to sit back, an amused smirk replacing the questioning glance and they leaned forward, resting their chin on their hand as they watched. It seemed like even Bell was ready for a break.

Darla sought out her prize with excitement, memories flashing through her head with each and every box, and she couldn't help the bubbling feeling that filled her chest. Luckily it didn't take long for her to find it either. "Aha!" She exclaimed as she lifted the box triumphantly, the gentle shuffling of pieces could be heard from within, just waiting to be released from their prison. Bell couldn't help but laugh as they saw what she had found. The beaten copy of Betrayal at House on the Hill was raised victoriously in all of its ‘gloomy’ glory.

"You know that's 3 to 6 players right?" Bell chimed in. They were looking at her far more amused now, hopping down from their seat and making their way over to where Darla stood with her prize.

"I know that! But if you and I play as two characters then it'll be fine!"

"What happens when one of us is the traitor?" 

"I trust that we can be fair impartial players." That got a snicker out of the other, crossing their arms and looking amused. 

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes!" Darla had the utmost confidence in her actions, her beaming smile and soft eyes held hope and excitement in them. It would be just like old times in the best of ways.

Bell rolled her eyes and held out their hands, making a grabby motion and looking at Darla with a fond exasperated look. "Fine, fine you win. Let's set it up." 

Darla giggled and held back a squeal of excitement. Her friend-with-benefits-kinda-ex-girlfriend-now-kinda-new-girlfriend always knew just how to cheer her up. She was quick to clear off parts of the floor, pushing any stray pieces of her pile before helping Bell set the base pieces down onto the floor. A blanket soon was placed onto the hard surface to cushion seats for the two of them and Bell seems focused on their task, shuffling the cards and laying out the books before handing Darla her token and piece. They were known to be Darla’s after dozens of games with her insisting as such.

She takes it with a fond smile, on that is returned with a slightly flustered one of their own, strengthened only by the way her fingers brush purposely against theirs. She smiled cheekily and looked at the other innocently, blinking her eyes in an attempt to appear demure, obviously so, before setting down the piece.

The next step is then commenced, phone out and streaming a haunting ambiance to set the mood. If there was anything Darla was known for it was just that. Still as she lowers the lights and scoots close to her companion she can’t help but take the last step. 

Piece held in her hand, Darla holds it before them and speaks lowly, low light creating shadows that cascaded across her face. For a moment they both held their breath, a quiet fondness mixed with the eager eyes that followed every motion. “T’was a stormy night when four strangers awoke in their new prison, confused and all too unaware of the dangers that they were about to face…”

An hour later the two buns faced off, fighting side by side and against each other to reunite or save the mummies ‘bride’ from his clutches. Darla had been the traitor, quite fitting for the one who had damned the house's inhabitants in such a way. Bell bit their lip in concentration as they focused on keeping the bride safe and ridding the Mummy with the spell. Two rolls had passed in failure. This would be their last chance before the mummy defeated their only hope for good.

Darla grinned as her survivor rushed The Girl from room to room as her traitor worked to dash their hopes. Bell inhaled as they rolled their dice, Strength and Sanity hanging on by a thread…2…2…1…2…

“Yes!” Bell exclaimed and Darla giddily bounced as the mummy was vanquished. She was quick to pick up the survivors handbook and pass it to Bell so they could read off the end with dramatic flare appropriate for the jester. She could only look on with a smile as they spoke, eyes fixed on the performance before them as they felt their heart pound in their chest. She felt like she was floating.

This rainy day wasn't so bad after all.

T'was A Stormy Night
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In Prompts ・ By MyCrimsonDahlia
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Submitted By MyCrimsonDahlia for Bored GamesView Favorites
Submitted: 5 months and 5 days agoLast Updated: 5 months and 5 days ago

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