Shroom Shopping

In Prompts ・ By AcedKuma
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Snip snip snip


The thick stems of the mushrooms growing in the bushy undergrowth were harder to cut than some of the invasive fungi growing in the damp cracks of the inner city. But the overall quality was leagues above, and most were actually edible without the unneccesary psychaledic effects that the hazebloom infected spores brought on. Icarus felt like they were one of the few buns in the burrows that actually took great care of eating a healthy balance. Unlike others that deep fried and oversweetened anything they put into their mouths, it was... too much. Their basket was already stuffed full with a variety of species that they could identify as food safe. Morel, shiitake, chanterelles. The thick cap that Icarus was hacking at now was what they could identify as a porcini.


Snip snip snip


Each piece thrown into the basket only furthered their idea for dishes. Between Steel Horse and Darlet, they would have plenty of recipes to test out for their hungriest companions. Once the patch was cleared, they moved further into the wood. Looking at each patch of dead wood and soaked tree stump, they scanned for more patches that were of interest. They noticed an orange chanterelle but, something was wrong. This wasn't growing on the dirt, but instead on the lower portion of a tree thick root. This was not a chanterelle, but a Jack O Lanter. This toxic lookalike was sure to trip up someone that hadn't studied the subject thorougly beforehand. Taking careful steps, Icarus put their shears into the basket. Instead, fishing out a blow torch. Turning the flame onto the highest safe setting, they took to scorching the fungi into a blackened crisp. Ensuring that it would never spore and spread further its deceptive copycat posion. Whilst not being the most unsafe mushroom one could encounter, it was still best to kill off anything that would leave another bun in a world of pain.


A light tap on Icarus' shoulder spooks them. Until that point, they were listening to music. Not paying too much attention to their surroundings, or if anyone was watching them. Quickly they turned off the flame. The mushroom now thoroughly burnt to a crisp, it wasn't going to pose much of a problem in the future. Spinning around, the sight of a man looming over them was jarring. "If you're trying to burn down the forest, I don't think that is gonna be enough." He seemed to be joking, but the crooked smirk on his face wasn't very telling. Icarus wasn't sure what to do in this situation, they hadn't packed their note cards and didn't come with any help to gather these mushrooms. Instead, they lifted the basket up to the scruffy looking doll.


Lark had noticed Icarus in the woods a while ago. Watching them clip off edible mushrooms, smash and burn the less than safe ones. He figured he may as well interject, since staying quiet isn't really his thing. What he wasn't expecting was for the bun he was following to offer up some of his collection. He looked over the variety. Pretty good choices, he snatched up a chunk off of a chanterelle and shoved it into his cheek. "Thanks. I can see why you fried that one. These look awfully similar. But," He put a foot down on the charred husk of a mushroom. "These guys. No matter how toxic, have a purpose here too. I know in the city that everyone is rushing to clear out the overgrowth. But out here, this is the laws of nature. Someone can find a use out of even the ugliest and deadliest it has to offer."


Icarus pondered on his words. It was a bit selfish to kill off potential inedible flora. They knew which ones were safe, and collecting their ingredients should be more than enough. Although part of them did just enjoy watching the flame as the mushrooms turned to ash. But that still didn't justify their actions. Hanging their head in embarrassment, a hand ruffled the top of their hood. "It's fine. You were just doing what you thought was right. That's still a win as far as I see it. But if you don't mind, I quite like these woods. So I'd like you not to start any irreparable fires. Even if it's soggy as fuck out here."


Taking their leave, Icarus gathered up the bountiful basket and hurried out from the forest, although not before giving a quick bow to the doll. Now leaving Lark to his devices. He stared off into the deep wood for a moment before sighing and trudging further into the damp brush. He had something he needed to do. Getting side tracked following a mushroom gathering trip wasn't on his itinerary, he had something he was looking for aswell. 

Shroom Shopping
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In Prompts ・ By AcedKuma

With the explosion of mushroom growth in burrogatory, Icarus wanted to capitalize on the variety that grew in the deep woods. Although collecting edible mushrooms was the priority, eradicating poisonous mushrooms could also be entertaining. 

Submitted By AcedKuma for Mushroom Boom
Submitted: 2 months and 2 days agoLast Updated: 2 months and 2 days ago

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