Dinner Party

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“- and I sweep around the pews as well; you’d be surprised what items get left behind.” 

Mercy looked down at the written list Haruspex had handed them, and back up at him. “You do all of this every night?” 

Haruspex furrowed his brow - though of course Mercy wouldn’t be able to see it. “Generally, yes. Of course, there are the occasional unexpected visitors that I may need to tend to, but this is the minimum of what gets done when I’m here overnight… Should I be doing more?” 

An expression akin to fear was all over the nun’s face. “No, nothing like that! It’s just… The bun that’s scheduled to be here overnight in your stead probably won’t get half of this done…” Mercy must have been able to read something from Haruspex, because they quickly added, “This isn’t me asking you to stay! You mentioned having plans, and you’re going, Father Haruspex!” 

Haruspex nodded, then looked towards a window. He couldn’t make out much detail through his eye coverings as well as the stained glass of the window, but he remembered that it was likely going to rain tonight. He said a soft goodbye to Mercy and took his leave. 

The Pride doll was about three-quarters of the way to his littermate’s apartment before the clouds opened up, a light drizzle that quickly escalated to a steady shower. By the time Haruspex got to the awning of the apartment building, his hair was heavy with water and his clothing was sticking to him like a second skin. 

I’m soaking wet… He quickly calculated how long it would take him to go home and change, then come back with an umbrella. Too long, I’ll be quite late… But… Haruspex sighed softly to himself, and pulled his cell-phone out of an inner pocket. He dialed his littermate’s number and held the phone to his ear. 

“Hey Haru! What’s up?” There was a slight pause, and then, tentatively, “You’re still coming for dinner tonight, right?” 

“Hello Feleli. Yes, I’ll come for dinner. Unfortunately, I’m going to be quite late.” 

Feleli’s voice was noticeably disappointed, even though Haruspex knew the Lust bun would be trying to hide it. “Okay, yeah, that’s fine… Did something come up at work?” 

“In a sense, yes. I was walking over to your apartment when it began to rain, and it would be rude of me to come into your home when I’m soaking wet. So I was going to go home, change, and return as fast as I could manage.” 

“I… Wait, it just started raining… Are you saying you’re here, and don’t want to get my floors wet?” 

Haruspex frowned. “Yes? Your tone implies you think that’s the incorrect decision.” 

“Are you -” Feleli sighed. “I’d much rather mop the floor then have you get sick, stupid. Come in please, you can have a hot shower and I’ll find you something to wear.” 

“But -” 

Haruspex. I’m going to hang up now, I expect you to buzz in right away.” 

Haruspex looked down at his phone as the dial tone droned, telling him that Feleli had indeed hung up on him. He sighed softly, and reached towards the building’s number pad. 

When Haruspex came out of the shower, there was already a pile of fabric set on the bathroom counter for him. The ‘clothing’ that Feleli had left him was a literal bathrobe - it technically covered just as much skin as Haruspex’s daily clothing did, but it was nearly comedic how obviously the wrong size it was. Regardless, Haruspex pulled the robe on. It was only as he was tying the belt around his waist that he realized what the rest of the fabric was. 

Feleli had provided him with fresh eye coverings as well. Although all light colours in their own right, none were the cold, sterile white of the ones that Haruspex had taken to wearing since coming to Burrowgatory. 

Haruspex simply stared for a moment, watching the fabric warily as if there was an angry Sciel hidden in the folds. Then he looked into the mirror, at the reflection of his eyes, at his still quite damp hair… And turned away, exiting the bathroom. 

Haruspex had showered fairly quickly, but Feleli had already dried the path of puddles Haruspex had left from the door to the bathroom, as well as prepared a pot of tea that was sitting on the coffee table in front of his couch. From the sounds of it, Haruspex’s laundry had also been put on to dry. 

Feleli looked up from his phone, the beginning of his sentence quickly choked out as he saw Haruspex’s face - all of it. He immediately looked away, and didn’t comment, but the subtle way his tentacles were shifting betrayed his happiness. “Feel better?” 

“Yes, Feleli, thank you… I agree you were right about it being unreasonable to consider going all the way home.” 

“You and Kyril aren’t always right, just because you’re Pride buns,” Feleli teased lightly, looking up at Haruspex again with a playful smile on his face. He held up a fresh towel and gestured at Haruspex to join him. “Come here and I’ll do your hair.” His wagging tail froze. “I - If that’s okay, obviously… I just thought - “ 

“Feleli, of course you can.” Haruspex moved to kneel on the pillow Feleli had set up in front of him. 

Feleli had always been the most energetic of the three of them. Even in kithood, Feleli was always creating, and if he had to go too long without a creative outlet, he would get antsy. More than once, Haruspex had given him that outlet by letting him play with his long, long hair; Feleli loved braiding and would get lost in doing elaborate hairstyles, the physical stim helping him work out any excess energy. 

And so, Haruspex immediately calmed as he felt Feleli’s fingers in his hair. Feleli first went about drying Haruspex’s hair, gently patting it with the towel section by section until it was only slightly damp. Feleli reached into the box of hair accessories beside him and began pinning off the areas he was going to braid first. 

“How do you keep your hair so healthy?” Feleli asked in the same part surprised, part jealous tone he always used. “You barely even sleep; there’s no way you can make time for some ten step hair care routine.” 

Haruspex laughed softly. There were few things that catered to his Pride like being thanked for his helpfulness, but he’d been complimented for his hair enough times that it was starting to inch its way up the scale. “I don’t do anything. My hair has always been like this, Feleli.” 

“That’s not true! It wasn’t this soft when we were -” Feleli’s teeth clicked as he slammed his mouth shut so fast Haruspex was grateful he hadn’t bitten his tongue. “Sorry, Haru.” 

“Feleli, please, you’re allowed to speak freely with me. I’m not going to get upset with you.” Haruspex could easily piece together what Feleli had been implying. “I suppose you could say my hair care routine is to reduce stress.” 

It wasn’t much of a joke but Feleli still chuckled, seemingly relieved that no tension had formed. “Yeah, maybe I should get on that.” He joked back. Then his tail came forward and gestured at a sketchbook sitting on the table near the teapot that had yet been untouched. “While I’m doing this, do you think you could take a look through that sketchbook and let me know what you think?” 

When he felt Feleli’s hold loosen enough for him to lean forward, Haruspex did so, grabbing the sketchbook and pulling it into his lap. He kept his head as still as possible while Feleli continued his work, skilled fingers sliding through his tresses and reaching into the accessories box multiple times. Admittedly, Haruspex didn’t know much about fashion, but this was Feleli’s livelihood along with his passion, so he wasn’t about to refuse his littermate’s request. 

This specific sketchbook was Feleli’s most recent, judging by the dates scribbled under the sketches. As he flipped through, Haruspex noted that many of the designs would be more than suitable for the galas and other high-society events that tended to crop up in the late spring. Haruspex commented on a few he particularly liked, and questioned a few others that he didn’t quite understand the construction of. Feleli’s responses were minimal as his main focus was on Haruspex’s hair, but there were a few thoughtful hums from the Lust doll.

Eventually Haruspex felt Feleli pull his fingers free and gently turn his head back and forth, admiring his handiwork. “All done! Come to the bathroom so you can see properly.” 

Haruspex got up from his kneeling position and obediently followed Feleli to the bathroom, waiting for the smaller doll to pull out a second, smaller mirror before standing in front of the main one. Feleli held up the smaller mirror behind Haruspex’s head, making the reflection bounce from glass to glass and allowing Haruspex to see what exactly Feleli had done to his hair. 

It was elegant, perfectly suitable to pair with one of the outfits in the sketchbook Haruspex had been looking through earlier. Small braids were strung into larger ones and then pinned up. The largest braid hung down Haruspex’s back like normal, but was dotted with small gems and other accessories that Haruspex recognized as being handmade by Feleli. With the amount of glittering accents the Lust had managed to fit into his hair, Haruspex was surprised at how light it still was. 

“It’s beautiful, Feleli.” Haruspex said truthfully. “I absolutely won’t have time for this in my daily life, but having a hairstyle like this makes me feel like I’m the guest of honour for tonight’s dinner.” Haruspex’s tone was light, joking; for once, his gaze was focused on the veritable artpiece Feleli had made of his hair… And not on the eyes that he habitually covered. 

“I’m glad you like it, Haru.” Feleli’s tail was wagging and he had a smile on his face. “I’m always grateful for any opportunity to play with your hair.” He looked like he was about to say something else but was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Shit, is it that time already? If that’s Ky Ky I need to get the food ordered right away.” The Lust pushed the handheld mirror into his hands and zipped off to answer the door. 

Haruspex raised the mirror and took another long look at his hairstyle before putting it down on top of the abandoned wraps that still lay on the counter and going back out into the living room. 

Kyril was just closing the door behind himself and toeing off his shoes, setting his umbrella up to dry before he turned towards the rest of the room. The other Pride doll raised an eyebrow slightly as he took in Haruspex’s current appearance - more specifically, as the two buns’ eyes met. 

“The wraps would’ve gotten in Feleli’s way while he did my hair.” 

As if summoned by his name, the Lust doll came out of his bedroom, laptop in hand. “Doesn’t he look great?” 

“He looks like himself.” Kyril answered, a soft smile spreading across his face. “It’s nice to see you again, Haru. It’s been awhile.” 

“Yes… It has been, hasn’t it.” Haruspex gave his own small smile back before gesturing to where Feleli was cleaning up the aftermath of their hair-styling session. “Shall we?” 

Kyril nodded as he moved past him towards the couch, giving his opinion on the choices Feleli was listing off for what to order for dinner. Haruspex simply stood there for a moment, taking in details he couldn’t often see when he wore his wraps. The holographic Shimmer on Feleli’s body, and the way his Star Motes glittered in different intensities as he rattled on about his restaurant recommendations. The Glow of Kyril’s freckles, and the textured ridges of his Grand Horns. 


“Yes, I’m listening. If I had to pick just one, I would go with…” 

Now that the three were together again - as they rarely were - the ‘event’ of the night could properly start. Haruspex sat on the couch with his littermates, careful to arrange the bathrobe just so as he did. Kyril teased him, and then Feleli, triggering a laugh and a thrown pillow from the smaller bun. 

And despite having his face being completely exposed, Haruspex quickly found himself settling into a level of comfort he had not allowed himself to indulge in for far too long. 

Dinner Party
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In Prompts ・ By FlytexofxFancy

Let the priest feel pretty !!!

Submitted By FlytexofxFancy for Rain CheckView Favorites
Submitted: 2 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 months and 2 weeks ago

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