.: Strange Cravings - A Second Helping :.

In Prompts ・ By Rinni
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As the month had wore on, so had her hunger grew. The usually picky eater found her palate expanding, growing, reaching ever to new heights as she craved more and more adventurous combinations. Things that would normally make her wretch at the mere thought were suddenly all she could think about, all that she could want. And her cravings were insatiable, dominating the forefronts of her mind until she gave way and gave in, allowing herself to indulge on each and every culinary whim.

Thankfully, there'd been a food trunk within walking distance of her abode had practically been a demon-send. So many delightful concoctions and combinations to fit almost every single one of her cravings. The mixture of flavor profiles and textures... She was practically on a first name basis with them at this point. Ever did they have new dishes for her to try, and they were always willing to accomodate when she came up to ask for special dishes. And it was this exact reason that brought her to their truck in the early morning, still clothed in her pajamas and wrapped in her favorite quilt. Early-morning cravings had practically torn her from her nest, egging her ever onward and forth out into the world. And luckily for her, the truck was just opening.

She was quick to explain what she wished for, big glowing eyes peering up at them hopefully. Then sparkling as her wishes were confirmed; just a moment, miss. She couldn't supress the happy little wheek that slipped out, foot giving happy thumps against the pavement as she waited. And it took a bit, her unholy smorgasbord, but the wait was well worth it, the succubun making eager little grabby hands as the bag was carefully handed over. And she was off like a whip, rushing back home as her stomach growled, mouth watering at the delectable combinations of scents that wafted from her precious bag. Soon.

Soon she would feast.

Tzillah all but flew into the house, barely taking the time to shut the door behind her as she rushed to the warm, dimly lit safety of her nest, all but diving into the pile of perfection, of pillows and blankets, fleece and silk and faux fur. She took her time getting nice and comfy, setting up her pillow as a table as she grabbed one of the bath towels to use as a table cloth. There. Perfect! Now, to unveil her feast, her delectable culinary delights. Delights being a relative term here.

The first bundle she unwrapped could generously be described as 'nachos'. Sort of. If you squinted your eyes. Chips made of solidified mayonnaise with raisins suspended in them, covered in a dill-cream sauce with shreds of cheddar, lettuce, vegan brown-sugar glaced beef, and sriracha, with a nice generous topping of lemon curd. She happily popped a couple in her mouth before continuing on with the grand breakfast unboxing. The next parcel held what looked innocuously enough like cupcakes...but the smell belied their true nature. Vanilla cupcakes with faux tuna and marshmallow filling, with strawberry and Old Bay seasoning atop them, garnished with mint and olives. She stops to indulge in one, then two, happy little hums slipping out as she wiped the icing from her lips. Right, right, she had one more box.

The biggest box of them all.

Carefully, she lifted the cargo from the cardboard shell, nose wriggling in anticipation as she lifted it from its confines. And oh, was it a thing of beauty. She could hear the demons sing as the light from the faerie lights shone upon it. The bowl was made of woven sugar cookie to resemble a basket, embedded with sugar crystals and sage. And within, shredded seitan roast marinated in sweet chili sauce and blueberry jam, forming a bed under the 'salad'. Leafy greens, mushrooms, berries, cookie crumbles, potato chips, licorice whips, fried okra, spice drops, roasted carrot and parsnip slices, and chunks of sugared butternut squash, topped with a toasted merengue layer to hold it all together.

Her glee was barely contained as she dug in, ears giving a happy little flip-flop that her face couldn't quite show. Oh, this was positively delightful! Her 'salad', her 'nachos', and a dessert of cupcakes to tie it all together at the end?

Clearly, this was the perfect breakfast.

.: Strange Cravings - A Second Helping :.
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In Prompts ・ By Rinni

I couldn't pick just one food, so she had an entire breakfast spread.

Submitted By Rinni for Strange Cravings
Submitted: 3 months and 16 hours agoLast Updated: 3 months and 16 hours ago

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[.: Strange Cravings - A Second Helping :. by Rinni (Literature)](https://succubuns.com/gallery/view/29173)
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