[SOLO] Tairghain and the Planting
Tairghain had heard of the hazeblooms returning, and was just as curious and invested as the next bun. It seemed that there was some capacity for the community to aid in the particularly important harvest, and Tair was not above a little manual labor. After approaching the garden in her battered, worn bun form and watching the others at it, she had already internally decided which tasks she was best and least suited for. Being a rather beefy, strong bun herself, the idea of hovering over each tiny plant with a watering can was almost more than her action-craving heart could handle. The pruning maybe wouldn't be that bad, though she doubted they would appreciate her taking her sword to such important plants. Alas, that left planting. Spending some good time digging was just the sort of activity to keep Tair occupied, productive, and out of trouble. Hopping over to an empty bed, she quickly got to work. With a couple of quick scoops of her deft hoof-paws, she seemed to power through each hole like a machine. Other rabbits nearby stood back in nervous wonder as this gruff, orc'ish bun attacked the soil with a strange sort of exultation. She was about halfway through the bed when someone meekly but firmly asked Tair to be slightly more judicious about where she placed the excess soil, rather than just strewing it about. After all, it could be mixed with mulch to be used as a planting mix for the next batch, so it really wasn't all that expendable. With nothing but a curt nod and a gruff grunt in response, Tair immediately pivoted in her work to place each massive scoopful into a waiting container at the edge of the bed. No one seemed to be willing to stop her or get in her way after that. Scoop, dump, scoop, dump, on she went down each row. When she seemed to have reached the end of the bed she was at, Tair turned to the buckets and buckets of extra soil she had dug out. With a quick shudder, she seemed to spring into her massive doll form, absolutely dwarfing all those around her, bun and dolls alike. Stooping down, she picked up all of the buckets of soil in one go and carried them as though they were full of feathers to an area with piles of mulch. Another shudder seemed to course through her body as she zipped back down into bun size and spent the next while mixing together the removed soil and the available mulch. The fertilizer smelled unpleasant, but if it bothered Tairghain you would never have been able to tell. Her stoic fave did not change even in the slightest as her paws grew muddier and muddier from the work. Bucket by bucket, she prepared the planting soil for the new beds and the happy seedlings that would soon be sprouting forths. As she finished, she looked over at the beds before deciding that maybe someone with less oomph and more dexterity should be the one to plant the individual seeds. After all, digging the hole is just half the work, but it is arguably the work she was best suited for.
WC: 538
Submitted By PirateQueenAlanna
for Green Thumb - Planting
Submitted: 1 year and 9 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 9 months ago