The Munchies
The sounds of water bubbling loudly drowned out all potential conversation. The entire rotation looked on in admiration as Jousah flexed his vacuum lungs, pulling a thick layer of smoke into the bong before pulling away for just a moment. Taking one brief exhale before going back in, a tentacle swiftly removing the bowl and passing it off to his left.
"Damn dude. This shit is straight ashed." The bun next to him took the initially packed bowl and tapped the char from inside. The foggy contents of the bong quickly disappeared before they could even begin packing the bowl again. Jousah could only let out sputtering coughs and laughter as the smoke bellowed out of his mouth and nostrils. Doing his best to catch his breath before the light headedness caught up with him and left him unable to function for the next twenty minutes.
He set the glass on the table in the center. The ice catch had since melted since their circle began. "Necesito un merendar, I'll get some ice when I come back." He pushed himself up, wobbling slightly before his tentacles pushed on the couch to stabilize his footing. Hobbling himself out of the living room and into the kitchen. For now, the space was surprisingly empty. He took the opportunity to fix himself something special.
Pulling open the cabinets, an array of spices, oils, and seasonings stacked neatly side by side. Surely organized by Arrie in her spare time, but he would need a few of these for his special recipe. Spotting a jar of cinnamon sticks, he spun the lid off and stored a couple curled in one of his tentacles. The other tentacles grabbing Old Shore seasoning, Forneus Sea Salt, and a few other powders and seeds for flavour. If he was being honest, he had no idea what he was doing. But he had a vision in mind for exactly what he wanted to make.
Remembering the seaside pirate themed restaurant that Darlet had taken him to last year, he wanted nothing more in his high and hungry state than to chow down on some seaweed filets. Although with their current pantry situation, seaweed was out of the option. He shoved a cinnamon stick in his mouth, snapping off a piece and chewing it carelessly while he pondered a good substitute. They had spinach, and arugula, perhaps peeling cabbage leaves and frying it would give off a similar texture.
Pulling open the refrigerator, a bun laid sleeping on the bottom shelf. Jousah sighed and carefully opened the produce drawer underneath them to retrieve the cabbage head. Now with most of the ingredients. He began to wing it. Grabbing a pan from a cabinet over the stove and filling it with oil. He gradually made a seafood seasoning mix with the spice rack in his tentacles. A dash here and a sprinkle there. Occasionally dipping the tip of his tongue down into the bowl and gauging the balance. Not that he could really tell considering his cheek was still packed with chewed bits of cinnamon stick, but he thought the brown concoction was passable for seafood flavour.
He began frying the cabbage first. Then breaded them in the powder mix, before putting them back into the oil. He had literally no idea what he was doing, and what he ended up with looked nothing like the finely layered and deep fried filets that he remembered. But the thin and almost chip-like result was its own success. Somehow, he'd made some sloppy seafood flavoured cabbage chips.
Although he hadn't really planned out any of this very well. He considered this to be a good enough attempt, and decided to give his salty oily creation a try. Checking that it wasn't still boiling hot, he lifted the crispy slice to his tongue. Though the outside had definitely cooled down, the inside still held a bit of very hot oil that squirted into his mouth. Causing him to drop the chip back onto the plate, gasping for air to cool down his tongue. The second try was less painful, and left a very nice if not extra salty taste in his mouth. Not that he minded it too much.
He walked back into the living room, chip delicacy in hand. "I return. Anyone wanna try these? I just made them, muy cálida, don't burn yourselves." He held the plate to the remnants of the circle he left behind. Most of the members had since left to mingle elsewhere or find a different high. The bong was also gone, and now a fresh joint being passed around in the circle.
A bun looked up at Jousah, a goofy smile on their face as they shook their head. "Bro. You forgot the ice. It's been over an hour."
Jousah is hungry, and maybe a little under the influence. Right now, he has a craving that he needs to fulfill, even a severe lack of culinary skills can't stop him.
Submitted By AcedKuma
for Strange Cravings 2024
Submitted: 10 months and 1 week ago ・
Last Updated: 10 months and 1 week ago