Childhood Memories - Sive's Moment of Envy

In Prompts ・ By Dustbunnie
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Childhood Memories

Sive’s childhood wasn’t a happy one.

Being neglected by her demon caretaker made simple tasks like eating, having fun, and learning incredibly difficult for her. Every one of her fellow buns would fight for table scraps, if any were around. Sive, being a bit of a late bloomer, meant she was treated moreso like a runt of the litter. Many buns would try to stand out, or fight, or do something to get attention! But… she just kind of faded into the background. After all, she didn’t have any friends, nor any reason to try. At least, not until she felt the immense pang of hunger drive her to head over to its source; the gardens…

As a last ditch effort, some buns would seek out any form of vegetation that grew, there had to be some for the buns Gremory liked after all! The problem was always getting caught stealing…Gremory’s punishments were harsh, and unloving. That is, if the favoured buns didn’t get to the unloved thieves first. Sive truly enjoyed learning how they grew, the vegetables mainly. She felt that if she could learn its secrets, then nobody would have to starve! 

Sometimes she would watch from the underbrush seeing the vegetables be planted, harvested, and re-planted by what Sive can only assume are lesser demons. Eventually, she started to gain a simple understanding of how the plants worked! With a tilled spot of dirt, some good spacing for the seeds, water, and sunlight, the plants seem to magically grow over time! Admittedly it was a boring process to watch, but seeing sprouts emerge from the ground delighted Sive!

Starting small, she decided to grow some lettuce! Picking a secluded spot near the exposed roots of a great tree, she set up her special veggie spot! Using a stick, she tilled out some of the soil, and planted her stolen seeds. Thankfully her theft went undetected as it was taken little by little each time someone planted new seeds. She could feel hope growing inside of her; Finally, everyone will have some delicious food to eat! Maybe Gremory would be proud of her, for once… Maybe she’ll be worthy of being loved. 

Day in, day out, she would spend a lot of her time in this spot, tending to her patch. Some of the plants she grew failed, but each time, a learning experience! When she finished watering them, she would sit, talking to them. Sure, plants aren’t like succubuns, they can’t exactly talk back, but who cares. It felt almost therapeutic to talk to the plants about… everything. Her hopes, her fears, hell, even just talking about her day. Plants were her friends! Friends who didn’t mind her presence, and in fact, needed her help to flourish! 

Unfortunately, not all dreams come true. One particularly rainy day, Sive’s dreams were crushed. As she snuck off to her usual spot in the woods, to her horror, three of Gremory’s favoured buns were tearing up her vegetable patch! She sprinted over, screaming “NOO!!! What are you doing?!”

The buns turn to face her, faces contorted with malice and an overblown ego. “What’s it look like, you runt? We found this cool new hideout, and now we’re just clearing out the trash. Duhhh!” One replied, laughing at the end like it was all some big joke. One of them just kicks the young lettuce plant over, uprooting it just like that. Another one laughs and shouts “Hey toss it over, we could use it like a kickball or something!”

Sive starts to notice tears running down her face. Grief, sorrow, and… rage, all at once run through her body. All her hard work, gone. These buns never had to feel the pain of an aching belly, the despair that came with being unloved, they would be given everything they wanted. Anything they wanted, and they chose to take away the one thing that made her happy…

One of them stares at her in annoyance. “Hey, this is our space now, get out of here before we tell Gremory on youuuuuu~” teasing her. The others howl in laughter before repeating “ooooooh we’ll so tell Gremory that you’re bothering usssssssss!”

Standing there soaked, she grits her teeth, tears streaming down her face. Her small hands ball up, and she charges at them. Throwing caution to the wind, she leaps upon one of these buns, biting their ear, scratching their face with her hooves, punching them. Screaming incoherently, all she wanted was for them to pay!

Her memory of this time starts to get a little cloudy… The next thing she remembered was being put in a solitary room by Gremory for daring to harm these precious little buns. A timeout essentially for ruining their precious coat, and leaving them with injuries! It was worth it, she thought, but it didn’t matter. 

After she was let go, she eventually worked the courage to take a look at her once beloved patch. Those jerks completely took it over, and were using it to play pretend. Whatever it was, she didn’t care. There’s no way she’ll ever get that spot back now… It’s not fair… why did they get everything they wanted, and anything she wanted was just ripped away from her???? She just wanted to make things better for everyone!

Present Day…

The thought occasionally runs through her head now as a fully grown bun. That moment really hit as a defining moment for her envy. She sadly sighs, as she trims off some wilted stems from her plants. It’s that time of year after all, and with her having a kid on the way, it’s no surprise these memories would come rushing in…

She wipes away a stray tear before looking up at the almost setting sky. At least now… she can grow whatever she wants. Nobody will take that away from her again.

Childhood Memories - Sive's Moment of Envy
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In Prompts ・ By Dustbunnie
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Submitted By Dustbunnie for Childhood Memories
Submitted: 3 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 3 months and 1 week ago

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[Childhood Memories - Sive's Moment of Envy by Dustbunnie (Literature)](
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