.: Childhood Memories - The First Rainfall :.

In Prompts ・ By Rinni
3 Favorites ・ 0 Comments
.: Childhood Memories - The First Rainfall :.
3 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By Rinni

She'd ignored the the calls to come inside, ignored it as as the other kits scurried inside. Curious glow turned skyword, watching as the rain fell from the sky, before looking back down to the mud puddle she'd plopped in. She had no idea what was happening, or why the water was falling...and though her face didn't show it, she loved it. Loved the feeling of the drops plopping onto her fur. The sound of them hitting her hat. The way the droplets rippled the water's surface, the way the falling waters made the world smell. She was in sensory bliss...


... At least until the hands of her caretaker came to sweep her up, mumuring about colds and drying her off.

Submitted By Rinni for Childhood MemoriesView Favorites
Submitted: 3 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 3 months and 2 weeks ago

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