Nesting Troubles

In Prompts ・ By Aloofcloud
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It was that time of the year again, where instinct kicked in and that desire to just get comfortable and burrow invaded his senses.  It felt like an itch he couldn’t scratch until he caved in- and truly what harm could be done from just listening to his instinct? Perhaps it was the mess he’d have to clean up afterwards that kept him from acting so soon, yet even with those hesitations Yama found himself on his feet already, blankets cradled in his arms.

With a disgruntled sigh, Yama made his way towards an empty spot in his home.  He was the only inhabitant of this place- save for his newfound pet, an harpup, that he appropriately named blubber, yet even so the man was muttering things to himself as he adjusted the blankets first in the middle of the room.  

"Every year, every year..." he grumbled as he kept rearranging the way the first blankets were laid out on the floor, he was feeling a little picky about their position, worried that if the foundation wasn’t nice and smooth he’d have to deal with the discomfort of a lump or two under him, and he was trying to plan for optimal coziness.  

Satisfied, he leaves the blankets where they are, and disappears into his room, Blubber at his heels now curious as to what their owner was up to.  Yama's slender fingers reach out, grasping at his pillows and removing them from his bed as he catches the sight of his imp staring up at him with big curious eyes.

“What?” Yama asks the creature, squishing the pillow against his chest just to feel the soft material compress against him, Yama liked to busy his hands often. Naturally, his pink friend didn’t exactly have a reply for him, the creature staring for a prolonged time at the pillows in Yama’s arms, before turning it’s attention over at the pile Yama had started on.

“Oh, that.”  Yama lets out a gruff sigh, yes he was absolutely about to have a one sided conversation with his imp.  “Just making a place to get comfortable.” He doesn’t offer an explanation as to why, he at least has some understanding that rambling would all be lost on his companion, and Yama wasn’t much of a talker to begin with, so he’ll spare the monologue.   

Yama moved back to the makings of his blanket pile, placing the two pillows onto the floor blanket before he lay down in his feeble creation.  Yama lays on his back, eyes locking on the ceiling as he seems to be thinking to himself.  “Yeah.  Not enough.”  He states to himself, he knew it wasn’t enough just by looking at it, but truth be told Yama was tired, a fact leading to his impatience with the pile’s construction.

He peels himself off the floor, waddling off to rummage through the storage of linen closets.  Yama will grab the entirety of his blanket stash to carry off to the makings of his ‘nest’.  Once again, the process of dumping them out, and methodically arranging them begins.  He wants the pile to be shaped in a circle, perfect for him to rest in the middle.  He’ll leave one blanket out to the side, untouched, for now.  

It takes him longer than he wants it to, but eventually the rabbit is satisfied.  Even with all the blankets, with the lack of pillows or other soft plush things he does find it to be a bit bare, making a mental note to get more pillows...sometime.  For now, it was time to successfully relax, well deserved after all the fussing he did with the blankets.

He settles into his new ‘nest’ after he grabs the discarded blanket.  Cuddled up to his pillows, Yama nestles into the blanket with a content sigh, so maybe this wasn’t an awful idea. With him curled up, his pet comes to join him, nestling itself right behind his knees as his curled form after the perfect place for the Harpup to get comfortable.  While Yama only wanted to rest for a small time, it’s not long before he finds himself being lured to sleep with the added comfort and safety a nest can bring.

When his eyes open again, Yama realizes that he had fallen asleep, looking at a clock and seeing three hours had passed- well, that was quite the impromptu nap.  “Dammit...” A soft hiss from his lips as he slowly sits up, eyes slowly blinking as he fights to wake himself up.  Looking to his side he sees his Harpup has stayed by his side during the duration of the nap, Blubber still fast asleep and undisturbed by Yama’s grumpiness. Well, he had just successfully messed up his sleeping schedule but hey, there were tons of things burrogatory offered in terms of nightlife.  Perhaps this would be a good time to go out until he got tired once more.

Nesting Troubles
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In Prompts ・ By Aloofcloud

Word Count:  824.

Submitted By Aloofcloud for Nesting Instincts
Submitted: 6 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 6 months and 2 weeks ago

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