Baby Buns and Nuns
Between rows of baby bottles and a floor half-hazardously askew with toys, Blush felt almost smothered in his nun attire. He would be forever graceful that he was at least given a pink outfit, he would have withered away if he had been forced to wear black.
“Remind me again why I have to dress like this? Would my priestly robe have not done the same,” he huffed, gently rocking a baby bun in his arms.
Mercy only smiled, they seemed almost amused by the question. “Nuns work in the bunnery and only nuns.”
Blush rolled his eyes, “Then why did you ask me to help if it’s only nuns?”
Mercy shook their head, “Because there is an abundance this year and the bunnery needs all the help it can get.” They adjusted, moving the baby bun in their arms to their shoulder and softly patted his back. “The little ones feel comforted by the nuns and I don’t believe it’s asking too much for you to dress like this for one day.”
Blush ducked his head down, feeling embarrassed to have complained. He knew Mercy was right, as they often were, but he wasn’t very fond of being called out for it. It made him seem selfish when they was much to do before Murmur came to take away the new generation. He could only imagine how busy it will be when the last generation finally returns for their adulthood in the burrows.
Mercy seemed to take pity on him as they turned to grab two full baby bottles and reached out to hand him one. “It should be about feeding time for this pair, make sure to be careful.”
“Mercy, this isn’t my first time in the bunnery, I helped you last year too.” Blush teased, grabbing the bottle with a sure hand.
“Don’t be smug, it ruins your face,” Mercy muttered, encouraging their baby bun to latch onto the bottle. “A year can be a long time to remember how to care for the infants until Murmur gets here.”
Blush scoffed, a touch playfully, “I’m sure I can remember and even if I can’t, don’t I have you to remind me?” He looked down at the baby bun in his arms, charmed by their red and pink coat, as he held out the bottle for them to latch onto.
Mercy gave him a dry look, “I can’t spend all day by your side, there are many more baby buns to attend to and even more helpers that need guidance.”
Blush shrugged, his shoulders rolling with the movement as he continued watching his baby feed. “I’m only joking Mercy, don’t worry. I wouldn’t bother you all day with my questions.”
Mercy nodded, “Very good, there are others who need a lot more help than you do.”
Blush laughed, “Oh I’m sure there are. The buns must be a handful, I mean look at this one, they’re already done with their bottle.”
Mercy raised an eyebrow, the bun in their arms was only halfway done. “A strong appetite. Are you sure you were watching?”
“Oh my dear head nun, so little faith.” Blush hummed, raising his baby bun to his shoulder to burp them. “I had my eyes on them the entire time, they really did just eat a lot.”
Mercy’s expression softened. “Then that’s good, another healthy bun for Murmur to take care of.”
Blush gently patted the baby bun’s back, amused by the soft little burp he heard. “I should think Murmur will be very happy with this batch. So many fun colors and combinations, it’s like a rainbow in the bunnery.”
“It’s not the colors, Murmur cares for, it would be their health. I’m sure you know best about some buns being sickly,” Mercy’s tone of voice was careful as much as it was kind.
Blush sighed softly, comforted when his baby bun bumped their hornless head against his chin. “Meaning how my lover was such a bun? Or rather still is?” He laughed quietly, “Don’t worry Mercy, he still has a good life. Even worried that our bun this season would be sick like him.”
Mercy bowed their head, “Of course, that was a tactless thing to say.” They paused for a moment when their baby bun finished their bottle, bringing him back up to their shoulder.
Blush was quick to disagree, “Don’t worry, I know what you meant. I just wanted to let you know that those sickly ones still have a good life. I’m sure you worry at times.”
Mercy smiled, “At times, it’s good to see you are still aware of your surroundings.”
Blush rolled his eyes, “Enough with all the conversations hmm? I’m sure these little ones want to play now, instead of listening to us while we burp them.”
“I’m I have to leave this up to you, I need to check on the others.” Mercy muttered, passing over their baby bun to Blush. “Make sure they nap after.”
“What? Mercy!” Before he could complain, Mercy already started in the other direction. They were true to their word that they needed to rush to check on the others.
Blush sighed, looking down at the sweet faces of the two baby buns looking up at him. “Well little ones, I guess it’s playtime. Just let me find a clean area and you can have all the toys you wish.”
This may not be Blush’s favorite thing to do during the breeding season month, but it was hard not to enjoy spending time with such innocent little ones. They just wanted to eat, play and sleep most of the day. They even seemed to like his pink robes a lot more than adult buns did.
He laughed quietly as he cleared out an area to set down the buns and even collected a few toys for them. Let Mercy go off to do whatever they wished, he would handle a few more hours alone doing what he did best.
Making other buns smile.
Words: 1001
Submitted By oldmanbecca
for Bunnery Bustle 2024
Submitted: 10 months and 1 week ago ・
Last Updated: 10 months and 1 week ago