Limon's Abomination Milkshake

In Prompts ・ By Limi
2 Favorites ・ 1 Comment

"I'm hungrrrrrrrrrrrry!"
Asmodeus glanced up from a puzzle he had been working on toward the small bundle of pillows and blankets set up nearby.
"What are you hungry for, babe?"
"I don't knooooooooooooow" Asmodeus sighed at her whining and leaned over to where Limon was absolutely pouting from a small bundle of pillows and blankets. Her little bun cheeks was absolutely puffed out and her hooves crossed over each other.

".......Burgers? Hot dog? Chilli? Sundae? Ice cream? Pickles?"
"What the fuck? Why would I want pickles???" Limon had been shaking her head until that last question and Asmodeus shrugged.
"Ramen? Pasta? Cinnamon rolls? Dango? Mochi?"

"None of the above!" Limon slumped into the pile with a deep pout and Asmodeus had to hold back a soft chuckle at how cute she was when pouting. He did reach over to pat her head and it was promptly yanked down to be attacked in bunny kicks.
Okay he snorted in amusement at that. The sight of his citrusy girlfriend in her bun form clinging to his hand and kicking with her hind hooves was just so...

"Food or Drink?" He had to at least try to narrow it down to satisfy her hungry.
".........Drink?" Limon paused in middle of kicking his hand and Asmodeus nodded. She resumed her kicking as he continued.
"Bubble tea or Milkshake?"
Her pink eyes lit up with some mischief and Asmodeus felt chill down his spine. He was going to regret this wasn't he?
"MILKSHAKEEEEE" Her kicks intensified in excitement and her tail was thrashing now.

"......We need to find an open parlor since yours is temporarily closed....I have to see if I have a bag for you...." Asmodeus started to move only to pause when Limon was Not Letting Go of his hand.
"......Babe....." the sloth huffed out a soft laugh. "I need my hand back....babe....."
When he managed to get his hand back, Limon was already sulking into the pile as he departed the living room to find one of his front sling bags that would be large enough to house Limon.
Asmodeus snorted when he found one large enough to house his beloved girlfriend happened to be split in two colors: yellow and green. Chuckling to himself, he picked it up and went to his bedroom where a large nest will be along with a soft fluffy blanket draped on his bed. It happened to be black and dark grey striped, matching his ears and Asmodeus huffed out another chuckle as he realized that the two things were very much like him and Limon.
"Cute" he murmured as he folded the blanket inside the sling bag and returned to living room where Limon is sulking in.
"Still sulking, babe?" Limon jerked up at his amused tone and huffed in his direction.
Chuckling, the sloth set the bag down and reached for Limon only for her to promptly start bunny kicking at his hands.
"Really now?"

Shaking his head as he brought the kicking bunny up to his chest for some cuddles and she promptly settled down with a soft hum. Chuckling lightly as Asmodeus dropped a kiss onto her head between the heart horns as he carefully deposited her inside the sling bag where she would definitely be comfortable with the fluffy blanket.
"Comfortable?" At her nod, he carefully picked the bag up and got it settled around his torso with the bag facing forward. Limon promptly burrowed deeper into the bag with a happy sigh as Asmodeus departed his apartment to find an open parlor to inflect Limon's horrors upon.

After a while of wandering the streets, Limon began to attempt to climb out of the sling bag and Asmodeus ended up just holding her in his arms with a chuckle. "So impatient...."
"....I know, babe....I'm trying to find a place with milkshakes....." Asmodeus sighed at the sulking bun in his arms. Pregnancy cravings really were troublesome.

Then. A savior showed up to save him from his beloved's ire. A retro small diner. Perfection. He returned a protesting Limon back to the bag and entered the diner where an adorable pink-brown greed bun was at the counter with a incredibly sweet smile on her face.

"Hello and welcome! My name is Monet. How may I-" Her eyes trailed toward Limon inside the sling bag attached to Asmodeus' body and the puzzles pieces clicked together "-Oh are you looking for something specific?"

"Yes, we-" "MILKSHAKE!" Asmodeus began only to be interrupted by the eager citrusy bun. Chuckling softly, he gestured for her to continue.
"I would like a strawberry milkshake with soy sauce and olives blended in please!"

What. Monet's face freeze in that customer service smile as she slowly glance up at Asmodeus' completely poker face that was betrayed by a slight eye twitch. Monet's smile twitched as she returned to expectant Limon.

"C-Certainly...I will...get you that...drink...Please pay here..." She rang it up and Asmodeus quickly paid with a soft sigh at the upcharge as Limon grinned widely while bouncing in the sling bag. She did not stop even with Asmodeus' hand patting her head. Monet hurried away to make the abomination also known as Limon's strange craving milkshake.

When it was set in front of her, Asmodeus immediately grabbed it and moved to a nearby stool. The moment he sat down, Limon was hopping out of the sling bag and reaching for the straw.

"MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm Tastyyy!" She hummed as she sipped the milkshake. "Want to try, Asmo dear?"
"Uhhhh sure?" Asmodeus hesitated but took a sip. Paused. Then.
"....Not for me. You can have it..."
"OKAY!" Limon returned to drinking her milkshake happily and Monet watched him discreetly spit the sip out with a wince.

Limon's Abomination Milkshake
2 ・ 1
In Prompts ・ By Limi

I am so sorry

Submitted By Limi for Strange CravingsView Favorites
Submitted: 6 months and 4 weeks agoLast Updated: 6 months and 4 weeks ago

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[Limon's Abomination Milkshake by Limi (Literature)](


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I'm crying. She's so cute, and for what!! I adore them so much ohmygod

2024-03-07 07:05:20

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