[Gift] Lyra's Nesting Instincts

In Prompts ・ By neonjelly
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With Matentines officially over, breeding season in Burrowgatory has kicked into full swing. Lyra’s typical social tendencies were being overridden by her natural instincts. She had been out, spending the afternoon with Hop, when suddenly it all became too much for her. She made an excuse to her friend before she left the Rabbit Hole for home.

She hugged her ears around her neck and pressed the soft fur into her face with a sigh of relief. Even though it wasn’t a proper nest, being surrounded by something soft still made her feel a little better. She peeked through her fur and kept her ears pulled around her as she walked. In her bun form, it took her a little bit longer than usual, but she didn’t want to be in her doll form right now. Her instincts were telling her to stay in her bun form.

Thankfully, she didn’t live very far. She made her way to the entrance quickly and walked inside, closing the door behind her. She left it unlocked for now; she knew Shio would be home anytime so it shouldn’t be a problem. She moved up the stairs and straight into her room. Her bed looked soft and inviting, but it wasn’t enough for how she was feeling.

It was time to make this cozier. She started by pulling all of her extra pillows and blankets down from the top of her closet, even though she had to jump and climb to reach them. Then she took some of her soft scarves from the winter and lined them along the inside of her small pillow nest she’d built. But it still wasn’t enough. She went back to her closet and started going through it in a frenzy, tugging down anything soft, fluffy, or comfortable to toss onto her bed as well. But nothing felt right. There was a certain something missing.

And then it dawned on her. It wasn’t just something missing, but someone. She peeked in the clothes Shio had left here. She picked through it piece by piece, carefully putting back anything made of leather, or anything with spikes, or anything that wasn’t soft enough. She wrinkled her nose when she realized just how little clothes Shio had that worked for a nest. She’d have to change that and buy the other bun some softer clothes. Ultimately, she was left with Shio’s pajamas. Worn out, faded t-shirts lined the inside of her little nest.

Finally, she was proud enough with her work. It was the perfect little nest for her instincts to finally stop screaming at her. She hopped up into it and made herself comfortable, waiting for Shio to get home. While she waited, she fluffed the soft fur on her ears and wrapped them around herself again. If she had to wait for Shio anyway, she may as well get comfortable…maybe she’d even take a nap. She curled up in her nest and closed her eyes, relaxing in her hard work.

It didn’t take very long for her to fall asleep. Her nest was so soft and plush and her fur was keeping her nice and warm. She didn’t dream while she slept. When she opened her eyes again, she could tell it was darker outside than it had been. She heard the front door close and lock, and it wasn’t long before Shio was making her way up the stairs to Lyra’s room.

When she saw Lyra relaxing and rubbing her eyes in a homemade nest, the other bun rolled her eyes. Lyra could still see a hint of a smile on her face, though.

“It’s that time of year huh?” She asked as she moved further into the room. She crawled up into the nest on the bed and let Lyra cuddle into her side.

“It is! You can’t blame me for my natural instincts,” Lyra pouted up at her before she relaxed in her hold. Lyra let her eyes close as she wrapped one of her little arms behind Shio to hold her close.

Shio let out a laugh and gave her a toothy grin. “Sure, sure, it’s your natural instincts. But it doesn’t mean I can’t make fun of you for them. You always get so cuddly this time of year.”

Lyra huffed and pouted more, hiding her face in Shio’s shoulder. She felt gentle claws combing through the fluffy fur on her ears to soothe her. She tilted her head and stayed close to Shio, relaxing a little more now that Shio’s teasing was out of the way.

“We need to get you more soft clothes. You didn’t have much for me to nest with,” Lyra accused with a soft huff. But it just made Shio laugh more.

“Okay okay, just for you, I’ll get some softer clothes.” She rolled her eyes, but Lyra could tell her smile was a fond one. This little life she’d made with Shio felt perfect at times, and right now was one of those. She curled up with Shio and held her close as they settled in for a long night of sleep in Lyra’s nest.

[Gift] Lyra's Nesting Instincts
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In Prompts ・ By neonjelly

Lyra makes a nest out of everything she can get her paws on...

Submitted By neonjelly for Nesting Instincts
Submitted: 4 months and 4 days agoLast Updated: 4 months and 4 days ago

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[[Gift] Lyra's Nesting Instincts by neonjelly (Literature)](https://succubuns.com/gallery/view/27527)
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