Blind Date Collab - A Purposeful Dinner

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Sapphire finally decided that she's going on another blind date. The last one was horrible. Horrible because it hardly went anywhere, and when it did go somewhere, that somewhere was all over the front of her dress! She chuffs as she nicks herself on one of her bracelets, too distracted by the unfortunate memory. 

Sapphire exhales to calm herself, brushing her hair and applying a product to improve the sheen of her horns. Tedious, intricate beauty work follows. Heading towards the front door, she double-checks herself in the reflection of its glass. Mmm. Nice. Sapphire supposes gracing buns with her face who wouldn’t see it otherwise is a positive of these blind dates. She hums in approval and slips outside.

On another side of Burrowgatory, Julius... admittedly hasn't had much luck finding a date this season. Many a suitor has turned out to be a major flop, none have even gotten to the blind date step! From opportunistic individuals who just want him for his money, to just sloppy and messy buns who don't even bother to hide their rude manners, Julius has felt kind of disheartened by this whole quest for true love. 

As he puts on one of his finest tuxedos, he contemplates the weight of the date he actually managed to secure tonight; with a wealthy jewellery store owner! While this is against the rules that were set out for the event, a generous… donation to the church goes a long way to securing a spot with a good match. Not just that, she’s an incredibly reputable owner too! This could mean favourable business prospects for them both... if the date actually goes well! Imagine the fairytale romance surrounded by major business success~! 

Beyond that though... Julius yearns for someone who just gets him. It's so ironic that it's such a struggle these days. Why has his true love eluded him so? Combing over his finest perfume samples, he wishes to wow his date, the way a prince should! ("Hmmm, Crystalline Spirits... Apple's Kiss... Glass Slipper... hmmmm... what will she enjoy...?" He thinks to himself, walking past his shelves filled with ornate samples) His hand brushes past a particular scent; Royal Coronation. A mature, deep and creamy scent. Perfect for a ruler who wants to feel in charge. Yes... one of his signature perfumes, it's a definite classic. Not overwhelmingly sweet, which isn't always easy with cream-based scents, very popular for those who want to have a subtle sweetness while feeling elegant and refined. 

Julius orders one of his assistants to bag up a sample and fill up the rest of it with other goodies that Sapphire may enjoy! As he finishes off his outfit, he puts a little floral clip to his tie, making the knot resemble a lotus flower. Sending a message to his driver, he heads off! Gift in hand, and a couple assistants to aid in this evening's events.

Sapphire takes a moment to simply enjoy the view of the restaurant before her; it's classy. Honestly, she’s surprised the church can get a place like this on one of their rental lists. She huffs and tosses her hair over her shoulder, her hooves clinking against the tiles. It almost seems... Abandoned? Where is everyone? Saphie knows for a fact that these beautiful outdoor seatings should be bustling.

Now a little concerned, she takes out her handkerchief from her bejewelled purse and opens the front door with it in hand. Swiftly tucking it away as she steps inside. Hm. It’s… Empty. Sapphire’s tail sways a little anxiously until she spots the man who must be her date. Oh, Hell below, it’s Julius.

She knows Julius; how could she not? She quite adores his company’s perfumes. In fact, she has a few spritzes on right now; however, she didn’t want to shroud her natural scent in the spirit of Matentines.

Sapphire tucks her purse under her shoulder and raises her head a little higher. A smile crosses her lips. Maybe this date will be worth her while.

Hopefully the special reserved location will prove an asset to winning Sapphire’s favour. Normally these places are crowded, but Julius does not wish to make this quest for love a public affair. Their experience will feel like it’s only them in this whole world!

As the driver pulls up, and opens the door to let Julius out, he notices that Sapphire has already arrived (“Shit! I was supposed to arrive first!” Julius internally flips out). He fluffs up his coat a little, firmly grasps the bag, and strides towards the door, assistants already ready to open both doors for his grand entrance.

“Ah! Sapphire! I’m so glad you could make it here tonight!” He exclaims proudly, arms waving to the side in a sweeping motion. “I hope my choice of venue proves to be the most divine for you and your senses tonight~!”

As he makes his way over, his eyes take a cursory glance of the place; the polished tabletops, the spotless flooring (except for the inclusion of rose petals and a gorgeous carpeted pathway, of course) and the servers all at the ready. The staff truly outdid themselves this time! Feeling proud of his decision for tonight, he gracefully removes his top coat and hands it to one of his assistants to hang up. Sitting down, Sapphire is even more gorgeous in person! He can pick up a couple notes of one of his perfumes, albeit faintly. A strong nose goes a long way! 

He feels even more proud of himself; this date will go off without any hitch!

Sapphire is quite quickly charmed, smiling with a soft laugh. She could make grand assumptions about him, as most people in her tax bracket are annoying, mouthy, and stubborn. But like Momo suggested, she’ll relax. It’s fine. Maybe it’ll even work, unlike last time.

"Oh, I do quite like it. You bought this place out for the two of  us?” Saphie asks as she approaches. She offers the back of her hand to be kissed, seeing if Julius is as proper as he portrays himself to be. She has faith in him.

“I’m quite the lucky lady to have you be my date tonight... I didn’t know you were interested in the program as well." She also appreciates the angle this puts them in; Julius has to look up at her, and she looks down at him. Mmm. It's a downside of being petite; she can't always have this view.

“Of course I bought the place out for tonight! It would be quite the zoo in here otherwise, and I wanted to leave a good first impression.” He replies proudly, with one hand placed on his chest. “And I’m glad you like it! I heard glowing reviews about this place, and so far it certainly meets my expectations!” With that he does another look around, the decor here is splendid, and certainly on theme. The candlelight between them is also beautifully sculpted in advance to resemble a heart. How charming~!

“I suppose we don’t require… typical introductions, we are both familiar with each other, no?” Lifting a brow in accordance. “But where are my manners, I had the gift here picked out just for you, I sincerely hope you enjoy it~” And with that, he gently hands Sapphire the gift bag containing the perfume (of course), along with some chocolate & bourbon bonbons in a fancy transparent glass container, and finally some high quality coffee beans! 

Shortly after introductions, one of the servers comes over to take their drink order, and present menus. Julius decides to order one of their seasonal Matentines Day themed wines. A blushing rosé with hints of a fruit medley, perfect for the season!

Hm. Instead of a kiss on the hand she gets a gift bag of expensive goodies. Why the Hell not, a woman can only be so mad. Sapphire sits and listens to him talk, and goodness gracious does Julius talk.  She props her chin up in her palm, letting all the wind leave his lungs. 

She sits up a little straighter, grinning at the luxurious presents as she looks through the items, “Making me blush, Julius, all of these are for me?” She says as she examines the coffee beans, she never really was interested in coffee before till cotton-tails trotted down from the Embassy. She supposes she should give making her own a try.

All of these items are fairly expensive, good. Sapphire considers herself thoroughly buttered up.  Though the wording is very odd, ‘just for you.’ This is a blind date, so; either Julius is lying and picked whatever for whoever he’d be paired with, or he somehow knew it was her he’d be paired with. Hmm.

She quirks her brow, deciding not to make a scene and let this play out itself, “Thank you for these gifts, Julius, I’m flattered ~ My last blind-date was a disaster,” Saph sets the presents down by the leg of her chair. 

He smiles a little, relieved that the gift was appreciated at least. “I’m glad you like it, and that I’m not the only one who’s been having some trouble with finding a blind date! You would not believe how many folks I met who were solely after my fortune moreso than romance this season. It’s been-'' his expression flattens as he recalls the week he’s had. “-frustrating.”

Before the feeling of annoyance and disappointment creeps further into his expression, he quickly changes topic to turn to something more… appealing.

“I saw that the new coffee shop was making headlines so I figured obtaining some would be worth the trek. It’s actually a nice treat, if I do say so myself!” Perking back up. By this time the wine arrives, so he finally takes a pause to sample the wine, swirl it around and enjoy it at his leisure.

Sapphire swirls the wine in her glass as well, swigging it back with a satisfied exhale. “I’ll need to purchase this brand for the breakroom." She says it mainly to herself, licking her bottom lip with a trill, leaning forward, and making eye contact. Her eyes are piercing, demanding ice blue.

"I've been to the Embassy before, explored around, and I appreciate their class. The shops aren’t the only nice thing  there."Maybe they can go together if this goes well. She’ll still have to ask him how he knew what to get her: “Do you visit the Heavenly Embassy often?"

“Ohhhhh, once or twice~ The Embassy has some unique architecture, and I loved getting to explore a new place. Kind of romantic honestly!” He recalls. “If this does go well, I’d be more than honoured to go to the Embassy with you.”

His eyes meet hers in nonchalance, and he gives a slightly sweet smile. A comforting smile. He then looks onto the menu, eyeing the specials they have for this evening. Without looking back up, he chirps. “So, is there anything on the menu that interests you? I’m personally thinking of going with some Mushroom Risotto with Truffle Oil.”

“Mushroom Risotto, most definitely,” Sapphire nods in agreement. “I’m partial to the pasta they have here... And it’s been awhile; I often have to cook meals at home to bring to work.” She likes Julius thus far, but what is his worth ethic like? What does he contribute to his wonderful brand? 

“Do you get busy enough that timing gets tight like that?” Saph tests, raising her brows with a patient hum, “It has honed my cooking skills, so I wouldn’t call it a negative.”  

“If you can believe it, yes things get busy for me.” Julius starts. “I double between brand meetings, and modelling every so often for my products and their ads.  Whenever I’m not on the clock, however, I’m trying to find a… connection.” He trails off, unsure how to explain he chases for true love off the clock, sometimes to a literal degree.

“Cooking tends to fall by the wayside for me unfortunately haha! It’s hard to keep up with my own tastes in cuisine sometimes when my schedule is packed. I’m kind of envious that you’re able to find time to hone your cooking skills. Good food is worth the time!” He continues, trying to salvage his lack of skill. A date who can cook is fantastic, he almost imagines himself being served a lovely meal- no no! He mustn’t get distracted, he’s on a date!

After a wait, and some ice breaking conversation topics, their ordered meals arrive, hot and ready for consumption! The head chef comes over to shave fresh truffles on top of Julius’ risotto. An extra luxury for this evening~

Admittedly, Sapphire is having fun. She is relaxed, she is charmed, and best of all she’s not covered in dipping sauce. Her previous suspicions she’ll write off as simply striking one. Plus, she’s eating yummy food; it's hard to be in a bad mood with that.

“You mentioned you modelled ~?” That had Sapphire really intrigued, recalling back to the previous conversation. She flutters her eyelashes at him before looking Julius up and down, pursing her lips slightly before smiling pleasantly and saying, “I can see it.” 

She twirls her fork into her pasta and takes a giddy bite, pulling the utensil from her mouth to waggle-point it at him. “Though, I think you’d look even better decorated in my inventory...” Under the table, Sapphire meaningfully drags the tip of her left hoof up one of Julius’ ankles to below his shin, all while making eye contact. Her tail sways in interest, curious about his reaction.

He almost chokes on his meal, and has to force the portion down before stammering “Y-You’d think so?” with a bewildered expression. Feeling her hoof on his ankle, he cannot help but blush at it all. It was quite forward of her to suggest that too! Is he- is he really doing it??? Is his scheme to purposefully meet her actually working???

For the rest of the meal he, for once, doesn’t keep droning on and on. However, to the rest of the folks present, his tail can be seen swishing rapidly from side to side in glee. Sapphire now has him smitten.

Blind Date Collab - A Purposeful Dinner
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In Prompts ・ By Dustbunnie, SlimeBoss
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Submitted By Dustbunnie for Blind Date
Submitted: 7 months and 5 days agoLast Updated: 7 months and 5 days ago

Dustbunnie: Co-writer
SlimeBoss: Co-writer
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