[Gift] Flash

In Explicit ・ By WhiteManju
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"This is so embarrassing..." Rococo's heart pounded like a drum, reverberating through her entire body, her cheeks flush bashfully while a warmth started to rise within her belly. The soft plush carpet she was lying on felt like clouds beneath her as she tried to keep  the pose Sakura instructed her to hold. 

The greed bun only gave her a mischievous grin, revealing sharp fangs

"Aren't you enjoying this?" Sakura coyly grinned pointing her camera at Rococo, then pressed the shutter button. The flash illuminated the dimly lit room, casting an ethereal glow around Rococo's delicate features. "You look ravishing like this..." Sakura chimed, adjusting the soft focus on her camera. 

Rococo blushed harder, she could feel the heat rising within her, a fluttering sensation blooming in her chest. 

"I've never done something like this before," Rococo admitted softly, her voice barely reaching Sakura's ears. Sakura chuckled, cocking her head slightly.

"You're a natural, you know?" She snapped another photo, the flash painting Rococo's face in stark contrast. "But I guess you're still shy, if you are feeling awkward, we can always do something else. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to."

Rococo swallowed hard, her throat dry. She knew she wanted to give this a shot, to push past her boundaries and experience something new with Sakura.

"No, no, I think we should continue," Rococo replied softly, taking a deep breath. " And besides...I'm feeling sexy wearing this lingerie." She confessed, running her fingers over the sheer lace fabric.

The lingerie was nothing short of exquisite - it hugged her curves perfectly, accentuating her figure and leaving little to the imagination. The lingerie was nothing short of exquisite - it hugged her curves perfectly, accentuating her figure and leaving little to the imagination. The color was a rich, sultry red, reminiscent of late autumn leaves, and it shimmered enticingly under the soft lighting in the studio.

" Oh, believe me, you look absolutely stunning in that," Sakura said, snapping another photo with her camera.

Her voice held a hint of a sultry purr that sent shivers down Rococo's spine. The envy but couldn't help but swallow hard, a knot forming in her stomach.

Sakura gazed at the curvaceous silhouette of the woman  before her lenses, admiration swirling in her eyes. She adjusted the lens again, zooming in closer. The camera's eye seemed to appreciate the beauty of Rococo's form just as much as she did. 

"I hope you're ready to show off that body of yours," Sakura teased, her eyes twinkling mischievously. Rococo blushed, her gaze darting around the room nervously.

The air between them crackled with an unspoken tension, thick enough to slice with a knife.

"In fact, I bet you've had quite the naughty fantasies about me as well. Haven't you?"

Sakura asked, her tone laced with playful challenge. The camera clicked loudly, capturing the intimate exchange between them and Rococo felt her pulse quicken. Her face reddened even more, but she hesitated only briefly before answering.

"Well, I mean…you're really attractive and all…"

Before she could finish, Sakura burst out laughing, clapping her hands together in delight.

"Oh my, you're such a cutie!"

Feeling encouraged by Sakura's playful laughter, Rococo decided to ease this tense situation by lighting it up.

"And you're not so bad yourself, Miss Photographer."

"Well, aren't you a clever one?" Sakura winked playfully, clicking away with her camera.

The flashes danced across the walls, illuminating the intimate space like a soft strobe light.  She glanced at Sakura, whose smoldering gaze seemed to burn right through her. Feeling suddenly bold, Rococo stepped closer, her heart pounding wildly against her ribcage.

"Actually," she murmured in a husky whisper, "Can I ask you something?" Rococo asked hesitantly.

"Anything," Sakura replied confidently.

" Can I see you undress?" Rococo asked quietly, her voice barely audible.

Sakura paused, the camera hanging limply by her side, and turned to face Rococo.

"Sure thing, sweetheart," Sakura responded, a devilish sparkle in her eyes. She paused for a moment, giving Rococo a chance to absorb the gravity of her request.

With a mischievous gleam in her eyes, Sakura began to remove her clothes.

She undid the lace of her shirt, revealing a lacy bra underneath. Her skin was smooth and lightly tanned, with a dusting of soft freckles dotting her shoulders. Then, she slid her skirt down her legs, revealing a pair of black lace panties that matched her bra.

Sakura moved gracefully, her movements fluid and mesmerizing—each step further teasing Rococo with a tantalizing striptease.

Rococo's heart raced, her eyes widening as she watched Sakura slowly undress. The room was hot, almost suffocating, but Rococo didn't dare break the spell.

"So, do you like what you see?" Sakura teased, strutting closer to Rococo.

Rococo stammered, trying to find the words to respond. But all she could muster was a low, drawn-out moan. She had never seen anything as alluring as Sakura in her life.

With each passing second, Rococo found herself unable to tear her gaze away from the enchanting bun who stood before her.

 "That looks incredible on you!"

Sakura smiled slyly

"Why thank you, darling," Sakura smirked seductively, slipping her arms behind her back to unhook her bra. She carefully removed it, revealing full, perky breasts, adorned with dark red erect nipples begging for attention. 

Rococo couldn't help but gasp, her eyes locked on Sakura's heaving tits. More precisely the shiny and alluring nipple piercings she found herself fixated upon.

They were breathtakingly beautiful, and she felt an overwhelming compulsion to touch them. To feel the cold metal against her fingertips, to pitch them, to suckle them.

"What do you think about these?" Sakura asked with a smirk on her lips.

"I-I think I need water," she muttered, her throat suddenly parched.

"Of course, darling," Sakura purred, stepping aside to reveal a mini fridge tucked into a corner of the studio. Rococo stumbled to it, grabbed a bottle, and guzzled it down greedily.

As she drank, she allowed her gaze to wander back to Sakura, who stood there, waiting patiently, her eyes filled with amusement. When Rococo finally set the empty bottle down, she looked up to meet Sakura's gaze.

"You know, " Sakura began, her voice dripping with honeyed sweetness, "there's something incredibly enticing about watching you struggle to hold your composure." With a tilt of her head, she added, "I'd say it's a bit adorable, wouldn't you agree?"

Rococo blushed, swallowing hard as she met Sakura's intense gaze. "I'm trying my best," she whispered weakly, hoping her words would convince Sakura of her earnest intentions.

"Oh, I know darling," 


"Are you sure I..." Rococo trailed off, feeling a tinge of embarrassment wash over her. Sakura tilted her head slightly from under the envy bun, giving her a mischievous sideways glance.

"You're doing just fine there, sugar," she murmured huskily, her voice holding a playful edge that sent chills down Rococo's spine. "Feel free to explore me to your heart's content. I promise not to bite."

Sakura's voice held a trace of wicked humor, and Rococo couldn't help but giggle nervously. 

Rococo leaned in, her heart pounding in her chest, her fingers trembling slightly. She reached out, tracing the edge of Sakura's panties with her index fingers, and started to pull them downwards.

She noticed Sakura's body shiver ever so slightly as the fabric inched lower,  eventually exposing her glistening pussy covered in neatly trimmed pink bush. The moisture left a shimmer against Sakura's pubic hair, and Rococo's breathing became ragged, her lungs craving oxygen as she stared at Sakura's naked body.

Sakura giggled softly, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"You're so gorgeous" murmured Rococo, her voice shaking. 

She extended her hand, hesitating before lightly touching Sakura's hip. The smooth skin beneath her fingertips sparked with electricity, sending jolts straight to her core. She ran her fingertips along Sakura's thigh, admiring the way her hand followed the gentle curve of her leg.

"And you're making me feel things I've never felt before," 

"Good," Sakura smiled, looking directly into Rococo's eyes. "Because that means I'm doing something right."

Sakura hummed approvingly, leaning against the soft carpet and stretching her arms above her head. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, reveling in the tender touches.

Rococo's heart raced, her hands quivering slightly as she traced the curves of Sakura's hips.

"Mmm, that feels amazing," Sakura moaned softly, opening her eyes back up to lock eyes with Rococo. "You're such a talented girl."

Flattered, Rococo blushed and pressed upwards, her fingers brushing against the top of Sakura's wet slit. Sakura groaned softly, arching her back and parting her legs wider.

Rococo inhaled sharply, the scent of arousal filling her nostrils. She moved closer, pressing her lips against Sakura's moist flesh. Her hands trembled slightly as she pushed her mouth further, savoring the musky taste that made her tongue tingle.

Sakura moaned softly, her hips bucking involuntarily, urging Rococo to go deeper.

"You're so hot," Rococo whispered, trailing kisses up Sakura's inner thigh. With each touch, the pressure built, the desire swelling inside them both.

"Don't stop," Sakura whimpered, her voice barely audible. "Keep going, baby."

Shaken by the intensity of her response, Rococo continued to kiss and lick the insides of Sakura's thighs, inching closer to her pulsating center. She gently pushed two fingers inside Sakura's entrance, stretching her walls. 

Sakura gasped, grabbing Rococo's wrists and pulling her closer.

"Harder," she hissed, her eyes burning with lust. Rococo obliged, thrusting her fingers faster and harder. Sakura screamed, her body arching as spasms ripped through her. "Oh fuck!" she cried, her voice echoing through the room. 

Rococo's heart pounded in her chest, her grip tightening around Sakura's hips. She pulled out just long enough to slam back in, hitting the elusive spot that made Sakura scream louder than ever.

Rococo couldn't believe that this was happening, but it felt too good to question it. She wanted this, needed this—to be close to Sakura, to make her cum, to be desired just like the hundreds of times she had fantasized about it.

So, she dug her fingers into Sakura's pussy, plunging deeper, feeling the warm, wet walls clamping around her digits. 

"Oh!" Sakura cried, her voice raw and strained. Her body convulsed in ecstasy.

Rococo felt a wave of satisfaction sweep over her, to think she would be able to bring the confident bun to such heights of pleasure. A strange feeling bubbled within her chest, a sensation of accomplishment and pride. 

She felt the tension release from her body, her muscles relaxing as she basked in the aftermath of the explosive orgasm. 

Sakura lay panting heavily, her chest heaving, and her pussy throbbing pleasantly. She turned her head to meet Rococo's gaze, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"Now that was something" Sakura chuckled softly, her eyes gleaming with mischief. 

Only the fact of observing Sakura's blissful expression as she lay, still reeling from waves of lingering pleasure, caused Rococo's core to tighten into a hot, throbbing mass. She leaned in, her heartbeat racing as she started kissing Sakura hungrily.

Their tongues dueled wildly, their lips meeting in heated passion. Rococo slid her hands down Sakura's body, cupping her breasts, and squeezing them gently, causing Sakura to emit a low, guttural moan.

"Eager, are we?" Sakura chuckles, her voice husky with lust.  

Rococo blushed, the heat rising within her belly. 

"I...I really liked that," Rococo managed to croak out, her voice rough and hoarse. "I want to do it again."

Sakura laughed huskily,  her voice thick with lust.

"Oh my, and do you really think I would be over with you already?" she teased, running her hands up Rococo's sides to reach the clasps at the front of her bra.

With a swift motion, she released Rococo's soft mounds, letting the bra fall onto the floor. Rococo let out a small cry as the cold air hit her bare breasts, goosebumps rising on her skin.

"I'm just getting started, my dear," Sakura growled, pressing her body against Rococo's once more. "There's plenty more to come."

Rococo's breath caught in her throat as Sakura squeezed her ass, grinding against her.

Oh boy, this was going to be wild.

[Gift] Flash
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In Explicit ・ By WhiteManju
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Submitted By WhiteManju for Lust in the AirView Favorites
Submitted: 4 months and 5 days agoLast Updated: 4 months and 5 days ago

Dustbunnie: Gift For
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[[Gift] Flash by WhiteManju (Literature)](https://succubuns.com/gallery/view/27182)
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