Blind Date Collab - Splash Room

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Alexander was quick to get set up on another blind date and wasn’t disappointed by the location for tonight’s date. He was beyond stoked for the blind date tonight because it was arranged at a nearby rage room that he heard a lot of raving reviews about! This place also had something called a splash room, which is what they would be partaking in together. They’ll get to aggressively paint some canvases…and maybe even each other. Alex had chosen to dress in all white to maximize tonight’s colorful fun, and as a means to make memories of what he anticipated to be a spectacular date! What could be more fun than letting off some more steam in a creative way?

Fionna really really wanted to go somewhere creative for a blind date! Fancy events are fine and all, but they tend to kinda be stuffy. Getting to be creative is super important to her so anyplace that will allow that is a win in her books! In this case, it’s a splash room!

Even though she loves to wear her usual overalls, she changes out her clothes to some of her messy paint clothes. It is indeed a date, she’d rather the bun she see’s know what she’s really like; messy, creative, and cute! Putting on her paint-stained light pink pants (with ruffles at the side), an oversized white sweatshirt that she customized awhile back (it has a cute smiling sun and some happy clouds on it), and some tattered sneakers, she’s ready to live it up and cover everything in paint!

Alexander was quick to arrive at the splash room for the date, looking around for anyone who seemed they could also be waiting for someone. There weren’t a lot of other buns around, so it was pretty easy to spot a short doll all by herself off to the side. He approached the mystery girl and leaned against the wall with his arm as support. “You wouldn’t happen to be here for a date would you, cutie?” He was rather flirty tonight. Glancing down to meet her gaze.

When she arrives at the splash room, one of the staff buns there meant for the Blind Date events shows her to a waiting spot to meet up with her date. Standing off at the side, Fionna didn’t expect to meet her date so soon. “OH MY GOSH!!! HIIII!” Fionna exclaims! She stims a little in sheer joy. “Yes I’m here for the date! Nice to meet ya!”

“I’m Fionna! And I’m so excited for tonight! I love painting things!” She continues, holding a hand out for a potential hearty handshake.

He smiled and laughed at her excited demeanor. He loved that she’s so upbeat, this would mean she’d be a great date to talk to. “I’m Alexander, but you can call me Alex.” He stood back up and did a once over on Fionna, learning what she looked like and she looked like a lot of fun was going to be had just by her being dressed so perfectly for the occasion. “What do you say we go grab a room and get to painting?”

“Yeah!!! Let’s go Alex!” She eventually grabs his hand playfully and shakes it. Turning to one of the staff members again, they pick out a room that just got prepped (“Super duper lucky! Fresh room!” She thought), and she leads the way speed-walking into said room. Inside the room, there’s some safety equipment set for them; some goggles and hairnets in case a bun doesn’t wish to have their hair (or coat) smeared in paint. Additionally there’s buckets of paint (themed in Matentines colours, plus options to get more in regular hues if so desired), brushes, and all sorts of random tools to splatter everything with! Fionna walks on over to put on the goggles, and nothing more; she doesn’t care if some paint gets on her! It happens more often than not anyways!

Alexander joined Fionna in putting on some safety goggles, but nothing more as he anticipated he’d be a mess after tonight. He was quick to request some neon colors as their current Matentines selection lacked his favorites. Some neon purples would make things pop under black light, just his style he thought.

He picked up a rather large paintbrush and looked over their current selection of colors while he waited for the neons to arrive. It wouldn’t hurt to do a collaborative piece in lieu of Matentines to start. “What do you say to painting this first one together?” He met Fionna with a wide, excited smile. He’d never in his life painted before today, but her excitement for the date made him all that more excited as well.

Fionna grins as she watches Alex put on the safety goggles, then quickly rushes to pick up a whole canister of pink paint. Not even bothering to start with a smaller tool.

“I’m so down for that! Mind if I start us off with a big splash???” She asks with genuine enthusiasm. She then gets a slight running start, and uses her momentum to absolutely drown the wall (and anything close to it) in paint! She giggles a little at the massive glob of pink, before running and grabbing a paint balloon filled with red.

“That was fun! I’m already having a great time Alex!” She exclaims.

Alexander laughed at her enthusiasm and dipped his paintbrush in a burgundy colored paint, then, from a distance, he swung the paint brush, causing a streak to hit the ceiling and stripe down the canvas on the wall. He did it a couple of times until the paintbrush was no longer able to sling paint, leaving several diagonal, vertical, and horizontal lines of burgundy across the pink blob Fionna had initially splattered.

”This is more fun than I anticipated.” He let out a sigh of relief before picking his next color and splattering more paint on the canvas, this time in a messy heart shape.

Fionna grins seeing Alex let loose with the paintbrush! She throws a couple red paint balloons in between the splashed lines, the dripping paint almost merging the two reddish tones.

After Alex has started working on splattering a heart, his neon paints arrive, in shades of cyan, magenta, violet, and more! There’s even some tones that glow under blacklight, for that glow-in-the-dark feel! Fionna picks up a paintbrush as well, and dunks it into the violet. She starts a new wall where some of the pink got onto it. Running her fingers through the brush, she creates a splatter effect on the wall, though the initial globs of paint leave some spots looking bigger than others. They almost resemble an inverse night sky to her!

She goes for another dip into the violet, and paints a little moon as high as she can reach, topping it off with a little smiley face! She then turns to see what Alex has done on his end.

Alexander stepped back to look over his addition to the shared canvas, he was pretty content with how it came out. His excitement went into overdrive as the neons arrived, several purples making their appearance just in time. He watched as Fionna excitedly tackled the violet paint right away, one of his absolute favorites, and smiled as she splattered little speckles all over a new canvas and the wall.

After mulling over the various neon colors, he settled on a bright pink and deep purple with two brushes and slung them in a cross-like pattern at a new canvas opposite the wall Fionna is working on. Thick streaks of paint crossed over the center of the canvas, dripping down the canvas as gravity took effect. 

Then he got a cheeky idea in his head and turned to Fionna, grabbing a fresh paint brush, dipping it in a pink, and slung it at her from across the room. He laughed at the new streak of pink now covering her back. “Now THIS is a work of art~”

She audibly gasps in shock as the cold feeling of paint hits her back. As she turns around to face Alex, a cheeky grin grows over her face. “Ohhhh, so we’re gonna be part of the canvas now??? I like it!” and she immediately flings large globs of paint, hitting Alex’s shirt, face and hair (“Whoops! Good thing he has his goggles on, hope this paint is edible…” she thinks to herself, caught between laughing and slight concern).

Of course, she’s used to the taste of paint. Hopefully Alex is too!!!

After some time, the two are covered head to toe in various colours of paint, both laughing and enjoying themselves in all the mayhem! Once Fionna gets all the laughter out of her system, she turns to face Alex, and asks “So! I had SOO much fun doing this with you! I know this was part of Matentines, and all-'' Her eyes darted to face the wall. “-B-but umm, would you want to go on another date with me? I would like to get to know you better!” She asks, genuine in her affection, yet shy in her delivery (A first for her).

Alex wiped some paint off Fionna’s cheek and met her with a smile. “I’d love to go on another date with you. This has been a hell of a lot of fun, you’re a lot of fun, so definitely yes.” He pulled her into a quick hug, meshing the paint that colored them both that much more. “Let’s do something again soon, really soon if possible.”

With the two now covered in paint, they gathered their canvases and headed for the door, saying their goodbyes and parting ways for the first time. Their lives together were only just getting started.

Blind Date Collab - Splash Room
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In Prompts ・ By Dustbunnie, RinDinDesignz
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Submitted By Dustbunnie for Blind Date
Submitted: 7 months and 6 days agoLast Updated: 7 months and 5 days ago

Dustbunnie: Co-writer
RinDinDesignz: Co-writer
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[Blind Date Collab - Splash Room by Dustbunnie, RinDinDesignz (Literature)](
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