The first night

In Explicit ・ By Kamo
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Leith and Atma were cuddling on the lounge's big couch, now in their doll forms after their blind date, and Leith cuddling on top of Atma's bulky body. He had a box of chocolates in one hand and was lovingly feeding his new lover one bon bon at a time while they talked…

"Here, Atma~"

Atma was glad to be with him on this night, eating such delicious food! He took a piece of bonbon himself and put it into Leith's mouth, so he could enjoy it, too.

"You have some, too~! I like eating WITH you, not just at your side!", he said with a smile while his boney tail began to waggle.

When Leith got fed a bonbon he just let out a small "Mhp!--" and munched quickly.

"I'm really happy to be here with you, Leith, and I wouldn't trade it for anything else!” Atma smiled and, getting closer to the other bun, suddenly kissed him on the cheek.

"O-oh, I'm sorry, I got carried away, hehe", said with an apologetic smile, taking another bonbon and giving it to Leith, but... Leith hesitated a bit before eating it. He had to do something so Atma didn't think he didn't like to be kissed or had to limit his way of being affectionate...

Leith then had an idea. He closed his eyes softly and opened his mouth gently. When Atma put the chocolate in his mouth, Leith was sure to cover both the chocolate and Atma's thumb.

A flustered Leith opened his eyes, looking lovingly at Atma, while sucking his thumb a bit and licking his finger. Suddenly he pulled his head back, releasing it. He wasn't even sure what he just did but tried hard to hide his awkwardness.

"N-No need to apologize for the kiss..."

Atma laughed at Leith's awkwardness but recognized that the bun wasn't mad about the kiss, and even seemed almost... eager for more kisses.

He took another bonbon to give Leith, but this time put it in his own mouth instead, getting closer to the other bun.

"Wan' som’ choco'at’~?", asked Atma with a playful face. "I won' bi’e 'ou!"

He was hugging Leith with one arm now and felt the other’s body against his. He felt happy and glad to be experiencing this, and it was reflected in his happy and playful demeanor.

Leith giggles and, with a warmth on his own cheeks, softly planted his lips on Atma's, kissing him quickly to grab a bit of chocolate and shyly hid his face as soon as he pulled back.

"Hehe, y'know, I love your shy face~ You try to hide it sometimes, but I still see it, it's so adorable!", said Atma while taking Leith's face by the chin and raising it to meet his own. "See how cute is this face~?"

Atma touched Leith's nose with his and smiled softly.

"It's not the season or the food. I really love you~"

Atma got closer to Leith and kissed him on the lips, this time without using any chocolate.

"Hehe, I hope I don't look too goofy now instead of cool...!", said Atma with an embarrassed smile and a little red in the face, hugging Leith closer.

Leith's face was bright red from the whole thing. Atma was quite tall and bigger than him, and of course that means that he IS stronger too.

"...Ah... Ahah...~ O-Of course you're always cool...”, Leith said with a sheepish and trembling tone. He didn't know how to process everything, but he felt so warm inside, and began to move slowly towards the other one's lap. Cautiously and trying to not make it too obvious.

"So, uhmm... A-Am I that cute?" Leith spurted whatever was on his mind, without looking at the other, he was focused on try and move his hips towards Atma's knees, so he could maybe try in a sec to climb to his legs.

"Yes, you are. Really, really cute...~", said Atma with a smile, and, getting closer again, this time kissed him softly on the lips.

At first, he intended it to be a short and sweet kiss, but soon couldn't contain himself, and began to kiss him earnestly. He began softly, and slowly got more intense. After about a minute he finally let go and realized what he had done.

"Oops, I think I got carried away...!", said the bun with a smile and, looking at the other bun's astonished expression... "Maybe... I'll let myself get carried away a little more...~", began kissing him again.

He kissed Leith deeply this time, grabbing his head softly while getting the other bun close to him with his arms, hugging him strongly this time.

"Mmph…! A-A'ma... Nhh... Muhst...uh...!" the candled bun was nervously receiving the kiss, gasping for air when he could. He couldn't get quite away from the tight embrace, not that he tried.

"Hahh...! Mmmhhh..." Leith closed his eyes softly when he was finally released.

The pink-haired bun grunted, he was extremely flustered... and... didn't quite like to admit how endearing Atma's body and playful attitude was.

"...P-Press me harder"

Leith said without moving or taking his eyes apart. He... was flustered but could kind of feel how Atma enjoyed his reaction.

And being a Pride bun, that's not how this should be.

"... M-Master...." Leith for a second tried to make Atma understand his whole butler persona again: he liked playing it like in his novels, but...

Maybe the slightly pronounced bulge in Leith's pants, or the slightly noticeable way of the bun of sticking out his quite squishy plump-looking chest may help get an idea.

"C-Come on, please don't make me... beg..." The bun was trembling, not of fear, but of eagerness.

Atma did as Leith wanted and pressed him harder against his chest, covering the other bun with his arms.

"What do you like more, Leith, my hugs... or my kisses~?", asks Atma in a playful tone, kissing Leith again while hugging him tightly.

He thought about why the other bun had called him "Master" again while he kissed him. Why would he want…?


Atma realized that maybe, yes, that was what Leith wanted right now, to keep the roleplay now. So, stopping his kiss, he grabbed him by the face and caressed his cheek softly.

"So...? What do you like most… And what do you think your dear master likes more, mh~?", asked Atma with a teasing smile, holding Leith in his arms.

"...I... I don't know..." Leith said, hiding his face in Atma's chest. Since he was smaller than the other one's strong body and arms, he disappeared almost entirely for a second. But then surfaced again after taking a big sniff out of the other one's scent.

"HUAHHH...!! Hahh...~ I don't knowwww...~" The pink haired boy's face was almost drunken looking, lost in something in the other bun.

"...Mmmhhh, hey... why don't you lean back so we can rest a bit..." Leith softly pushed Atma's chest with his fingertips, guiding him to put his upper back leaning into the couch.

Leith then got up to his knees, trying to keep at same face level to Atma in the couch, teasingly putting his thigh close to the other one's crotch, without touching.

Leith then let himself rest unto Atma's chest and suddenly kissed his lips. This time he used his tongue and was gladly answered with the same tongue intensity from Atma. Slight moans and soft sighs were released by Leith, even more now that his thighs could feel something hard and warm getting more obvious by the second.

Atma could feel Leith's eagerness and answered in kind. He kissed him deeply, using his tongue as much as Leith used his. Atma was holding one of Leith's hands and used his free one to grab the other bun's ass with some force.

"Mhhaa... Sorry, I just couldn't resist... You have a soft and pretty butt, he...~", said Atma, releasing the kiss for a moment before continuing doing so.

It was at this moment that he, too, noticed something happening inside both bun’s pants, something hard. Leith was over Atma, almost touching crotches.

"Mhh... What is this...? It seems both of us can't resist the other, because... This is clearly an erect penis… haha...~", said Atma while grabbing Leith firmly and slightly rubbing him against his crotch with the movement.

"I think it feels nice... don't you...~?", teased Atma before continuing his kisses, this time including Leith's neck and chest as well as the mouth, all of it while hugging and grabbing him with force, putting special emphasis on his butt and lower back.

"MnNnhh!! H-Hahh... Guhh…" Leith couldn't help but press his lips in embarrassment from Atma’s movements.

"I- I don't mind... you... moving me like a t…toy..." Leith muttered, while his face expressed overwhelming feelings taking all over him. "Mmhh... Ghhhkk..." Leith resisted for a bit longer, feeling his body being filled with lovingly smooches by his lover and teased by his lust.

After a few more rubs and feeling the other bun’s presence, he just let out a tremble and a big and loud moan.

"MmmnnnHhAaaaa!!" Leith's body contracted and trembled for a second, and messily tried to get a bit of both parties’ pants down, just enough to let their bare dicks touch each other, and he began thrusting again, letting his face up to the nose rest in Atma’s abs, looking completely lost in the sensation.

"Ahnn... Haahhh... I-I'm sorry...It just... feels... so good!!!" Leith moaned with his tongue out, moving desperately. "Fuck... This thing is so big... Ahhh... I'm sorry... HaAaahh... Y-Your... COCK...!!" Leith surely was enjoying the moment... he even said some ‘foul' words.

Leith was smaller in size than Atma. Both in height, body muscle, and of course, genital thickness and length. He loved being treated roughly, and he was seriously enjoying it...

Atma was enjoying the movement and sensation of Leith over him, and when their penises touched, he got even more excited about it.

"Mhaa... Y'know, these clothes are getting in the way, don't you think...?"

Atma took the smaller bun in his big arms and, lifting it up towards his chest, took off his own undergarment, as well as Leith's. Now their dicks could touch directly in full, and the sensation felt too good for Atma and Leith, who both let out a moan.

"Ahhh...! This feels sooo goood... Your dick is... so soft...~"

Atma took Leith's head with his hand and pressed it hard against his lips, kissing him profoundly. He also bit his lips softly while kissing him and began to rub both of their dicks together in a soft motion.

"Ahh... you're as hard as I am right now, you were waiting for this, mh~?", whispered Atma in the other bun's ear, and suddenly an idea popped in his mind. With a smile, he took Leith's dick in his hand and began stroking it softly. "Tell me... how much do you like this...~?"

Atma began to stroke Leith's dick faster and faster with one hand, while holding him from his back with his other arm, kissing him all the while.

"...!!!! Hhh--- A-Ahh... Fhhhaaa...."

Leith's hands were desperately grasping Atma's body while moaning, mainly his arms and chest. He played quite a bit with his pecs, since they were so big and sort of squishy, but firm.

Leith loved the sensation, and if his face expression wasn't enough, some other place was REALLY getting more tender and... wet.

"...AAHHhh... M-Mas--ter... I--- I lov...e... Mhhaha... You...!!!!" He messily moaned before putting Atmas thick cock on his pretty much desperately stimulated butthole. It took him quite a bit to fully sit on it, since it was pretty much thicker and larger than him, amid loud gasps and a lot of trembles from his own body.

Atma was grabbing Leith as strong as he could, as the sensation was so good that he couldn't stop the moans. He lifted the other bun up a couple centimeters and thrusted his dick as far as it could over and over again.

"I... Huff... I love you too, Leith... so... so much...!!", said Atma in a deep voice, close to Leith's ear. "I wanna make you... feel all... this... huff... love... My... passion, he...~"

Atma said the last words in an almost embarrassed tone, before kissing Leith softly by the neck, and then with more passion, thrusting like there was no tomorrow.

"MMhhaaahh--- You--- Grabbing---- Me---- Ahh... Like I’m… all yours--- HAHHH!!!!"

Leith tried speaking when the thrusting was harder and heavier. He was literally just handled by Atma, and he loved the roughness. He grunted when he noticed how much he liked being "downgraded" to a toy, but his pride was less than his love for Atma.

"Fahhh.... Atma--- Mas-ter, I'm... I'm cumming---"

Leith's face and shifty eyes expressed he was at the limit. It was his first time doing this after all, and he let his pouty expression do the talking for him: "You better finish inside!"

Leith's blush was surprisingly adorable. The bun who acted elegant and proudly behaved as a graceful poet was too self-conscious of his own lust… cute…

The passion and strength that Atma used to move Leith felt great to him, and loved being able to move the other bun's body while thrusting his penis inside with a lot of force.

"Haaahh... I... I wish this wouldn't end, but... aaahhh... I’m about to cum, too...!!"

It was Atma's first time*, too, and hearing Leith's moans and whispers, his labored breath, feeling the way the other bun's body involuntarily moved along with his penis... Everything was turning out to be a lot, and he couldn't hold it any longer.

Feeling how strongly Leith's hold on his body was and seeing his pleading face told him clearly what the other wanted, too.

"I... I'm gonna cum inside you, mh~? Mhhff... I… I hope you like... Mhhaaaa...! How it feels...!!"

Atma rushed the last words and, with a last series of desperate and strong thrusts of his penis, he let go of everything he had inside Leith, grabbing him as strong as he could. Leith let go of his own load, both of their bodies moving on their own. The feeling of Atma letting his warm load out inside Leith was a feeling they wouldn’t soon forget.

Both buns, panting and tired, felt backwards, with Leith laying on top of Atma's chest. Atma caressed him on the head and hugged him softly while breathing soundly.

"I love you, Leith...~", said Atma with a sleepy voice, and his answer was a soft hug from Leith along a loving whisper, "I love you too, Atma...~"

Both buns slept soundly in each other's arms, and didn't change from their doll forms all night, comfortable as they were with one another...

The first night
0 ・ 0
In Explicit ・ By Kamo

Atma and Leith share a personal moment in their home. Kind of a 2nd part from the blind date series!

Submitted By Kamo for Lust in the Air
Submitted: 7 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 7 months and 1 week ago

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[The first night by Kamo (Literature)](
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