[Gift] Sick of being Sick

In Prompts ・ By HadesMind
3 Favorites ・ 4 Comments
[Gift] Sick of being Sick
3 ・ 4
In Prompts ・ By HadesMind

Have you ever had one illness stack on top of you just as you were recovering from an entirely different one? It can take a long recovery time, to a point where you're just sick of being sick.

Borrowing a friend's bun for this after drawing up an idea well before I have my own bun, I figured I'd stretch my wrist out on it~ Thank you Lucifer for letting me yoink Precious :3c


Side note, I drew those PJs and now I want them xD

Submitted By HadesMind for Sick DayView Favorites
Submitted: 4 months and 3 days agoLast Updated: 4 months and 3 days ago

Lucifer: Gift For
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Lucifer Avatar

Ahhh it turned out so amazing x ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for drawing Precious xxx

2024-02-27 04:34:50

HadesMind Avatar

A 100% mood still as well xD I’m glad you like it! I may steal Precious in the future for more prompts 👀

2024-02-27 10:18:31

Lucifer Avatar

be my guest xD he is always open for bun napping <3

2024-02-27 10:19:28

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