A Game of Furdin and Remil

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On the one hand, the mall was a pretty fucking brilliant spot to have a date at. There were various kinds of foods, drinks and entertainment all located under one, big ol’ roof. There were options abound and you weren’t forced to do any one thing for too long. It was kind of fucking perfect, honestly.

On the other hand, though… It was a bit of a hellish place to have a blind date at. Malls already tended to be kind of on the crowded side, making finding those you knew kind of tricky unless you made very specific plans. 

Now try finding someone you’ve never met before.

Yeah… Not an impossible task, but Damian was really hoping it wouldn’t be too hard, or take too long, for him to locate his date. He had gotten a description of what they looked like and a name. It was now just a matter of him spotting them, or them spotting him, and getting each others’ attention so they could start the date proper.

The meet-up spot was a water fountain that intersected the food court and general shopping area. Not a terrible spot by any means. Damian was already there and waiting. Now he just had to find that date of his.


Why don’t any of my friends like going out to clubs… I would look so damn cute in that… Ari sighed, turning away from the dusty pink skirt on the window display’s mannequin. He vowed to come back for it some day, even if he didn’t have an ‘excuse’ to buy it. 

Looking down at his phone, Ari pulled up the message from the impromptu dating service the Church of Sulfur had set up. He didn’t come to this mall often, so he was depending on his ears to lead him to the fountain he was supposed to be meeting his blind date at. Ari reread the description of his date’s doll form; long purple hair, tall, emanates Smoke

‘Tall.’ Hmm. Ari wondered how ‘tall’ this bun would actually be next to him, standing at 6’0” in the thigh-high heeled boots he’d worn today. 

Finally arriving at the fountain, Ari looked around, eyes glazing over several buns before spotting somebody with their back to him who seemed to fit the description. Shit, he is tall. Ari approached, calling out “Damian?” when he was a few feet away. 


Damian had taken to blowing funny shapes with his smoke when he heard someone suddenly call out to him. A quick turn around and once-over was all he needed to mostly confirm who the bun walking towards him was. Still… 

“That’d be me, yeah.” he replied as he casually moved to close whatever distance remained. “‘nd I take it you’re Reverie, yeah?” He questioned back; his usual smug grin starting to form on his lips.


Shit, he’s HOT

Ari smirked “The one and only ~ ” He gave Damian a quick once-over, eyes catching for a second on the long scars across his chest, but focusing more on the other bun’s obvious muscle definition. Ari sat on the edge of the fountain, flicking at the water with his tail. “I don’t come to this mall very often; do you have recommendations on what we should do first?” He looked up at Damian, giving him a charming smile. “Unless you’d like to just sit here and talk?” 


Yes yes, please look at and admire him some more, please. It fed his ego, and gave him a few extra moments to take his date in a little more properly, now that it was confirmed that that was who he’d be ogling and not just some random bun. Not that that’s ever stopped him before, but, y’know.

All of that pink, but what mostly seemed to catch Damian’s eye in this instance was their eyes. Not in a particularly romantic sense, just that they were…interesting. The way they contrasted against the rest of them. It made a bun wonder.

“Don’t see why we can’t walk and talk, yeah?” Damian shot back; grin never leaving his face. He put a hand on his hip as he took in his surroundings real quick. Thinking. “S’not really my usual hang out spot either, so I can’t say I got any recommendations. Buuuut…” He turned to look back at Reverie with a widened grin, “...whatever it is we decide to do, s’on me.”

“Now’re you hungry, or was there something that caught your attention on the way here, hmm?” Just a shot in the dark here.


Damian talked in a very rough, casual way that was quite different from who Ari usually held conversations with; it was surprisingly refreshing. He also noticed that ‘s’on me’ sounded a lot like ‘I’m paying’, or ‘Get whatever you want,” which had a message that Ari loved to hear no matter how exactly it was said. 

“Hmm… There was a shop that caught my eye earlier, but going in seems like it’d be more fun for me than it would be for you.” Ari got up off of the fountain, brushing any potential dirt off of his ass. “Unless you’d like the record for the shortest time between meeting me and getting me to take some clothes off?” Ari winked at Damian playfully. 


Take ‘er easy, Damian. Not everything that could be taken as a challenge in some way was a challenge. Still, ‘challenge’ or no, the purple pride bun was no less curious about whatever it was that could’ve caught Reverie’s attention on his way here. Y’know; the way he was currently dressed considered and all that. Still…

“nd what if I did want that record?” he replied bluntly, though still playfully, in response to the pink bun’s words. Arms crossed as he leaned towards him a little. His competitive side weirdly activated, though nothing he couldn’t keep in check.

“Anywho…” he continued; straightening himself up a little again as he did so, “Colour me curious either way. Go on; lead the way~” he insisted. He said he was going to buy Reverie whatever he wanted, and he meant that.  If he got a little extra out of it? Well…


Ari chuckled, tailing curling back and forth in amusement at Damian’s implied interest. “Well, there’s a public bathroom between here and there, so you decide on the way, yeah?” Ari playfully patted Damian’s arm as he passed, doing what the other bun had asked and leading the way to the clothing shop that had caught his eye shortly after he’d arrived at the mall. 

As they walked, Ari turned to look up at him. “What do you do for work, Damian?” He was curious what made the other bun so eager to spend his carats… And even more curious if his workplace had anything to do with those scars.


Though still crossed at the time, Damian’s fingers twitched in response to Reverie’s playfully teasing words. Matentines or no; he was a civilized bun. He could, at the very least, see and buy the pink bun whatever it was he wanted before giving in to his baser urges.

At the very least.

After exhaling some golden smoke he hadn’t entirely been aware he’d been holding in, he moved to follow the shorter bun.

Aha, there it was; what did Damian do for work? Not an unexpected question in the least, but still a little curious at its timing. “Oh, me…? Y’could say ‘m a brawler, of sorts.” He replied casually. ‘Of sorts’ indeed. “Dunno if it’s your kinda thing, but if yer ever interested… I could probably get y’a ticket to one of my matches.” Because why not try and reel more fans in, if it was their thing, yeah?

“What about you? What’s a tease like you do for a living, hm?” He asked back. Playful, but also genuinely curious.


“A brawler?” Ari hummed thoughtfully. “That’s not usually my thing, but maybe you give me your number and I let you know if that changes, hmm?” Ari grinned at him, hopefully portraying that he had no real emotional stake in whatever Damian’s answer to that would be, if he even bothered to. 

“A tease like me basically does exactly that. I work at a cafe where the waitstaff, like me, interact with our tables a lot more than just taking their order. We play games, chat, and everybody plays a character, to a certain extent. Butlers, princesses, things like that.” Ari prided himself on being able to read cues in the body language of other buns, and had easily picked up signs of potential from Damian that had nothing to do with anything he had said out loud. “Dunno if it’s your kinda thing,” Ari playfully copied Damian’s sentence structure, “but if yer ever interested, I’ll show you what it means to order a sweet ending ~”

Ari paused then, in front of the bathrooms. He cast Damian a sly look, waiting for the other bun’s decision about that record they’d discussed earlier. 


is that so

Damian would be lying if he said Reverie’s explanation of what he did for a living didn’t…intrigue him in some way. The pride bun couldn’t help but arch an amused eyebrow as he noticed the way Reverie suddenly started mimicking his way of speech, as well as some of the hints he was throwing his way. Oh, this cheeky little…

That’s not usually my thing, but…” he started, mimicking Reverie’s words and tone from earlier to the best of his abilities, “Colour me intrigued. Maybe a sample of this ‘sweet ending’ will help me make up my mind about whether or not I should pay this place a visit, hmm?” He hummed; more amused than anything.

Did Damian actually need any convincing? Nah, he was a pretty simple bun. Still… Whatever Reverie wanted him to buy wasn’t going anywhere, right? It probably wouldn’t mind a short detour.


Ari raised his eyebrows, a little bit surprised at how easily Damian had agreed. Most buns at least tried to save a little face; apparently Damian didn’t mind handing the control over to a pink twink a fraction of his size. 

“Hmmmm….” Ari hummed as he put on an exaggerated thoughtful expression, right down to his tail bending into a question mark. “Well, it’s not much of a sweet ending if you have it in the middle of the date, is it? And you did already say that you’d do some shopping with me… Unless you’re backing out?” Ari dropped the false innocence, an almost-challenge in his eyes as he met Damian’s.  


… Okay, that thing Reverie did with his tail was pretty fucking cute. Not to distract from anything else being said and done. Just a little thing Damian couldn’t help but notice as the pink lust bun thought oh so hard about how to answer him. Which, back to that… Heh.

So they were playing this game, huh?

Damian’s expression shifted slightly, but as soon as it was there it was gone. Back to the usual grin he carried. “‘When did I say that?” he questioned, before casually straightening himself up and shrugging. “But fine. Fair enough. ‘m a bun of my word, so… Lead the way~”


Ari thought he saw something flicker across Damian’s face, and filed it away for later. “Yessir,” Ari purred, grabbing Damian’s arm and walking close beside him as if they were a totally normal couple on a totally normal date and not two strangers locked in some sort of Furdin-and-Remil. 

Ari did as he was told - finally - and led Damian to the clothing store that he’d stopped in front of earlier. The mannequin, and the skirt, were still there. Ari pointed it out to Damian, figuring the other bun wouldn’t be surprised that it was a pink thing that had caught his eye. “I’d even wear it for the rest of our date, if you wanted me to~” It would go with the rest of what he was wearing; white lace top, black thigh high boots, and replace the hot pink skinny jeans for the dusty pink skirt… He could even go straight to the club he’d thought about earlier, really.  


Being a perfectly well behaved bun, Damian simply enjoyed the little bit of physical contact between the two of them as he followed the pink lust bun around. Once they’d arrived at their destination though, Damian eyed the item Reverie pointed at with mild inquisitiveness… Before looking over at the lust bun and trying to imagine what he’d look like wearing it. Hmmm

“Iunno. I’ll buy it, but why don’t you try it on and see how it looks first, yeah?” He grinned. A playful kind of thoughtful. After all, it wasn’t like he’d stop the bun from wearing the skirt either which way. “Y’sure that’s all y’want though?” He asked. A genuine question, because, well… They were here, weren’t they? Permission to go all out was given, though it was ultimately up to Reverie if he’d take him up on that offer.


At Damian’s suggestion, Ari entered the shop, quickly finding the rack with copies of the featured skirt and grabbing the one that he thought would be his size, as well as a slightly larger one just in case. He turned back to the other bun, holding up the clothes and nodding towards the back of the store, where the changing rooms were clearly marked. “You have to tell me the truth about how it looks, okay? No empty flattery allowed; I’ll be able to tell if you’re lying.” 

In response to his second question: “I want whatever you’ll give me, Damian~” He pointedly looked Damian up and down, slowly, before turning and heading towards the change rooms, using his tail to gesture at the Pride bun to follow him. 


Empty flattery? Him? “I would never.” Damian replied with a little more amusement in his voice than was probably necessary. 

While Damian couldn’t deny enjoying the attention given to him, he still found himself pausing for a second. A small pause, followed by a deep breath, exhalation of golden smoke, and a small grin before following after the pink lust bun. One part curious; one part eager.


Ari ducked into the change room and closed the door behind him. He quickly changed into the skirt - sending a thank you to past-Ari for wearing cute underwear as he did so - and put the boots back on. He took a look at himself in the mirror and, after pulling the skirt up to make it a bit shorter, nodded to himself. 

Exiting the change room, he met Damian’s gaze and did a playful little half-spin. “So?” 


Damian had taken to making funny shapes with his smoke while he waited for Reverie to get changed, though it wasn’t like it took all that long for that to happen. The moment the pink lust bun came back out again, all attention was back on him and… Hmmm

He took a thoughtful stance as he took the shorter bun in; eyes lingering on very specific spots as he pretended to think real hard about his answer “S’pretty nice. It accentuates your…assets quite nicely.” A short pause, followed by a casual, playful shrug, “Probably would look even better on the floor, but this works, too.”


“Now now, there’s plenty of time for that later ~” Ari looked in the mirror again, particularly liking the stretch of thigh visible between the hem of the skirt and the top of his boots. “When I saw it earlier, I was thinking this outfit would be nice to wear to a club.” He turned back to Damian, tipping his head slightly. “Is that something you’d be into, or…?” 


There was that glint again, coupled with a soft, smoky chuckle. “A club, huh?” He repeated in mock thought. Honestly? Hadn’t considered it, but if the option was on the table… “I’m down. So why don’t you mosey on over to the front so I can pay ‘nd we can get on with it, yeah?” He grinned.


Ari grinned back at Damian in response. He stepped back into the changeroom to grab his pants - bending over, instead of crouching down like a more decent bun would have - and jam them into his bag. Ari tugged the price tag off of the skirt and held it out to Damian, winking as his tail swayed back and forth happily. “Let’s get on with it then ~”

A Game of Furdin and Remil
1 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By FlytexofxFancy, ChibiCrashey

In which Ari is a complete menace but Damian seems to be into it ~ 

Submitted By FlytexofxFancy for Blind DateView Favorites
Submitted: 4 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 4 months and 1 week ago

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