Familiar Stranger

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"Did you arrive already?"

Sakura scrolled her eyes over the short message that Nier had sent her a few minutes ago.

"Yes! But your date is late! They've already lost a few points with me."

Sakura typed her reply with a smile on her face.

When Nier had asked her for a favor the day before, begging her to replace him on a blind date she couldn't refuse.

He was a dear friend and he had been feeling ill lately. The least she could do was to help him out.

Also, there might be some fun in it for her too.

The place "her" blind date had picked for them to meet was actually quite beautiful and tasteful.

Sakura smiled to herself as she looked around.

She saw the way the room was lit up with the soft light of carefully arranged candles. The walls were lined with string lights which shimmered and gave off a cozy atmosphere. 

She was sure that the person waiting for her right now was just another boring individual, though. Some people just didn't know how to spice things up.

Just as Sakura was lost in her thoughts, a tall figure approached her table, "Sorry I'm late!" Cliff said apologetically as he pulled out a chair and sat down across from Sakura. "My train got delayed unfortunately-" It was Cliff, the man she was supposed to meet for this blind date. He already knew that the person who he had originally planned to meet was not coming, as he fell sick. But the guy was nice enough to find a replacement for their date so that the reservation wasn’t wasted. A shame really. But Cliff wasn’t about to say no to meeting the new company!


Though as he raised his eyes to see the woman in front of him, they widened in complete surprise, "Well! If it isn’t the fearsome lady I met at the hot springs!" Cliff chuckled, his figure completely perking up at the funny coincidence, "Seems like fate has brought us together again. I must say, you look even lovelier than I remembered." Cliff grinned, his eyes sparkling with amusement. He still hasn’t forgotten about the state in which she left him, but this was just the opportunity he needed to get to know her. And perhaps even get to know her body further after dinner~ 

Sakura couldn't help but look quizzically at him for a while. 

 Apparently, the man in front of her seemed to know her, however, she couldn't remember ever crossing his path at any point in her life.

She did remember visiting a hot spring once when she decided to take a break from her hectic schedule last month...and indeed, there was something familiar about his face.

And then it hit her...

He was the drunkard who crashed into the partition wall of her private bathing area during her visit to the hot springs.

The look on his face when she left him on the floor expecting something more from her, was nothing short of priceless.

Sakura couldn't hold back her laughter as she realized the situation. 

"Oh, my...if this wasn't some kind of cosmic joke I don't know what it is." Sakura chuckled  while placing her elbows on the table and leaning forward eagerly. 

She was getting the impression that this evening had turned out to be a lot more entertaining than she had initially anticipated.

Cliff's grin widened at Sakura's laughter, finding her reaction to be quite amusing. "Ah, so you do remember me! I gotta say, that hot spring encounter was quite memorable~ Though I do apologize again for my...uh...clumsiness" he chuckled, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. His eyes crinkled at the corners as he leaned back comfortably in his chair once again. 

After a few more minutes, the waiter approached their table, ready to take their order. Cliff glanced over the menu briefly before turning to Sakura with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know what? Let me order for us tonight. I promise it'll be a pleasant surprise" Cliff flashed her a confident smile before turning his attention back to the waiter. "We'll have the chef's special for two, please. And surprise us with a bottle of your finest wine" he ordered smoothly, closing the menu and handing it to the man. 

The waiter nodded, jotting down their request before disappearing into the kitchen. Cliff turned back to Sakura with a satisfied sigh "Trust me, you won't be disappointed. This restaurant is one of my favorites and the chef is a good friend of mine, so I know we’ll get something delicious" He grabbed his glass of water that the waiter left for the two and took a sip, “Well, now that I'm not drunk…Why don’t we get to know each other a little better hm? This is a date. So let's see…Tell me, my dear, what's your name?”

Sakura couldn't help but be charmed and impressed by Cliff's assertive manner. To be honest she wasn't expecting much from this date, but this encounter suddenly felt promising.

She does appreciate a bun who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to take charge.  Besides, the night had only begun, and she was curious to see where it would lead.

And if he want to spoil her, then who is she to say no?

"You can call me Sakura." she replied, smiling coyly. "I hope you're not going to disappoint me by asking me my favorite icecream flavor because that was too vanilla of a question for our second meeting." she joked while offering him her hand.

"I'm sure that what we did on that hotspring was already enough to break the ice."

Cliff couldn't help but chuckle at Sakura's playful banter, finding her wit to be refreshing. She was quite the charmer~ He took her hand gently and brought it to his lips to plant a soft kiss on it. "Sakura, huh? A lovely name for a lovely lady! It's very nice to meet you my dear. And I'm Cliff by the way" he said with a charming smile as he softly lowered it to the table "And don't worry, I promise that was the only boring question I had for you. I couldn't just NOT know your name-"


As they waited for their meal to arrive, Cliff leaned in slightly, his expression growing more serious yet still filled with curiosity. "So, Sakura darling~ I know we started on the wrong foot last time but would you want to go to the hotsprings with me next week?" Cliff asked, his tail swaying behind him. He found himself drawn to her confidence and his gaze almost seemed to undress her. A strong willed woman was so hard to resist for him! “My boss gave me some free tickets and I would love to treat you to…repay you for what happened last time” 

Sakura held onto his gaze.  A seductive smirk played on her lips as  she listened to his proposal. 

He was quite a bold fellow, she had to admit.

Not many buns would dare to ask such a thing out of her after their first awkward encounter.  And she wasn't the type to give second chances either.

But Cliff was different--he was persistent, determined, and, why not,  charming. Sakura appreciated these qualities and was willing to give him a chance. 

"Well, how can I say no after you've put it that way?" she replied with a smile. "You know Cliff, most people would call me a bitch because of the way I act...but I like to think of myself as a bun with high standards." Sakura winked, while running her foot along Cliff's leg under the table. " So consider my interest piqued. I'd love to see what you have in store for me next time, Cliff. "

"Well then, my dear, consider it another date! I promise to make it an unforgettable experience~" He said with a slight chuckle "And a bitch? Now that's a little harsh. I would say hmm…That you have character! But honestly, I deserved that for being careless so you weren’t in the wrong.'' The man shrugged, his eyes glinting with mischief. Cliff's heart skipped a beat when he felt Sakura's foot tracing along his leg under the table. His eyes widened slightly, a rush of heat spreading through him at her bold gesture. He unconsciously gulped, internally fighting his desires to keep his composure. 


"Well, well…" he murmured, his voice dropping a few degrees huskier "Someone's not afraid to play dirty." A playful smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he met her gaze, the air between them suddenly thick with tension. One of his hands moved down to softly caress her lower leg and ankle with the tip of his fingertips, showing her how much he wanted her. This woman was certainly full of surprises, and he was more than eager to see where this night would lead.


Their banter continued as they awaited their meal and eventually the waiter returned with their dishes, placing them before Cliff and Sakura with a polite smile before retreating once more “Oh how I missed this. It's been some time since i’ve eaten the chef’s special. I hope you enjoy it, darling” 


Sakura took a look at her plate and blinked in surprise. The dish was exquisite with aromas that promised a delightful culinary journey. The presentation was artful and sophisticated, each ingredient carefully selected and prepared to perfection. She took a moment to appreciate the craftsmanship before taking a bite. Her eyes widened in delight as the flavors danced on her tongue and mingled in her mouth. 

She took a few moments to savor the taste before looking up at Cliff with a satisfied smile.

"This is absolutely divine," she said, her voice laced with genuine appreciation. "Your friend truly has a gift."

The meal followed seamlessly, as both Sakura and Cliff savored every succulent bite, exchanging stories and laughs between courses. Their conversation flowed naturally, and they found that despite their differences, they had a few unexpected common interests. 

By the end of the meal,  after the dessert was served, tasted and the bill paid, Sakura and Cliff found themselves in front of the restaurant, sharing lingering looks while Cliff helped Sakura with her coat. 

The cold winter air chilled their faces, causing their faces to flush slightly. 

"Well, I guess this brings our date to an end, doesn't it?" Sakura said, pulling her coat closer as the cold breeze blew against her. "Unless, of course, you'd like to accompany me to a little cozy bar that I know around here. There's a fantastic pianist playing there every Friday evening." Sakura smiled sugesstively, her voice holding a hint of mischief. 

Cliff's eyes sparkled with interest. 

"That sounds like a perfect idea," he agreed, pulling her close to him and wrapping his arm around her waist. 

And like this, with their next destination already decided, they both stepped into the cool and crisp night.

Familiar Stranger
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In Prompts ・ By Mama-Choco, WhiteManju
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Submitted By WhiteManju for Blind Date
Submitted: 4 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 4 months and 2 weeks ago

Mama-Choco: Writer
WhiteManju: Writer
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