Blind Date - Science & Sermon

In Prompts ・ By LankyLunatic
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Viktor had never really considered going on a blind date before. They seemed like a waste of time if he was honest, and he would have much preferred to stay in his lab and work on his projects. Besides, Matentines was a waste of time! He had far more important things to do than find a mate.

“Waste of my energy,” he complained as he pushed the door open to the quaint little coffee shop on the north side of town. 

“Hello, welcome to Brewstop; what can I get for you?” an extremely chipper little succubus called out, and Viktor stared at them for a moment before sighing. This was going to be the worst day of his life so far. 

“Can I get a caramel latte, please, with some cream on top and a slice of your carrot cake,” he finally said, and the happy little coffee bun went to prepare his order. After paying, Viktor looked around for a seat. 

Okay, everybody was in pairs, so maybe he was the first here. That made it easier. He could just sit down and pray to the demons that they wouldn’t show up. 

“Being stood up isn’t so bad, means I can leave early,” Viktor grumbled as he found a seat and sat down, shrugging off his lab coat and letting his tentacles stretch out before moving to grip and curl around whatever they could reach. 

It took no more than another minute for Viktor's blind date for the evening to arrive. 

“Oh, you've got to be kidding me.” came a very familiar voice to the science-loving bun. 

In front of him stood Caleb who was dressed in a sleek black dress for the evening, the sides of which were open to show off his deliciously thick, pale thighs and just a hint of hip. Its front had a collar similar to a very fitted turtleneck with a sort of ‘boob window’ cut to the front of it that showed part of the cross marking of the taller Succubun. 

His hair was down. Wavy, snow-white hair cascading over those slim shoulders and cushioning his ears. He was adorned with beautiful gold jewelry to match his horns. 

The Succubun had really tried to dress nicely for this event, it seemed. 

Caleb removed his red-tinted glasses as he looked down at the other man. Those bright yellow eyes narrowed as he looked from the table number then to Viktor again and sighed. It was the right one. 

“You are the last person I would have expected to be at an event like this,” he commented before elegantly taking the seat across from Viktor and crossing one leg over the other. His own black tentacles coiled and curled over the chair and his own form.

Viktor audibly groaned as he watched Caleb strut into the coffee shop, dolled up to the nines, and ready for his date. His voice was like nails on a chalkboard, visibly upsetting the scientist as he traced the other’s movements toward him. 

He had to admit, he was dressed beautifully. Viktor’s green eyes studied Caleb like a subject in his experiments. Trailing over those delicious pale thighs and up his hip toward his face. Though the smug look the other had on his face ruined it and Viktor quickly remembered that this was bad. 

Very bad. 

Unlike Caleb, Viktor was wearing a tight black turtle that covered every inch of his torso. He had black trousers on too, cuffed at the bottom where his ankles could be seen behind soft-looking purple and green striped socks. He wore black dress shoes, a gorgeous gunmetal grey watch on his right wrist, and a pair of round glasses pushed up onto his nose.

“Caleb, what a surprise,” Viktor said as the other joined him. “No, I hadn’t wanted to partake but my arm was twisted by a certain colleague, and I’m beginning to see why.”

Of course. 

Alabaster had a way of worming his way into everything. Such a sneaky little pest. Viktor’s tentacles coiled and twisted in annoyance before he returned his attention to the other. He sighed and stood.

“I’ll get you a drink, and a slice of that millionaires shortbread you seem to love.” Viktor said and went to walk over to the counter. He and Caleb had an odd relationship. They got on each other’s tits all the time, that was clear, but they’d worked together for so long now that Viktor knew almost everything about the other, well, almost everything.

Caleb's gaze was calculated behind those red-tinted lenses. They drank in Viktor's form and silently judged the choice in outfit. Well, it was certainly on brand. Completely covered with nothing to show. However, the silhouette created by that fitted turtleneck had some potential. Still, such a waste when there was so much he could be showing. 

“Hm, I see. And here I thought you were finally looking for somebunny to add some actual excitement to your drab little life.” Caleb cooed. It seemed that Alabaster had gotten a hold of both of them for this. That little brat. He'd be punished later for this. For now, Caleb would have his fun. 

Caleb gave a rather confused look when Viktor stood up as he sat down. They were about to make a comment about ditching so soon, only to be offered a drink and treat instead.

“Oh, aren't you quite the darling~ It seems you actually have some potential as a date.” the white-haired man purred.

They certainly did have quite an odd relationship. 

While Caleb and Viktor seemed to love to rule one another up and be at each other's throats there were little moments in there. It was a sort of dance the two played in between their bickering. Caleb would consider it a love language at this point. 

That smug grin that the taller Succubun wore persisted when Viktor returned with the order that his partner for the evening never asked for, but wouldn't turn down. 

“Ah, you spoil me, Viktor.” he hummed and picked up a fork to cut a delicate slice of the shortbread that was quick to disappear between rogue-coated lips. He gave a little hum in satisfaction. Delicious. 

Viktor rolled his eyes at the comment and smirked at the other half-heartedly before wandering over to make the order. His tail swished from side to side as he did and he sighed as he waited for the coffee and cake. 

This was ridiculous.

He hated this.

But at least he could semi-talk to Caleb without having to resort to…small talk. 

Viktor had a nice shape. He was tall and lean, and what muscle he had was well-sculpted thanks to the tight black turtleneck he was wearing. His ass was also well sculpted into his trousers, and as he stood there waiting for the order, he cocked his hip out to the side. It wasn’t inherently sexy or anything, but it did create quite an attractive shape. 

After presenting Caleb with the order and sitting back down, he took a sip of his coffee and glanced up at the other. 

“Well I can't have you sitting there awkwardly watching me eat my cake,” Viktor complained.

“Okay, so, what are we going to do to Alabaster when we get our hands on him?” Viktor asked as he crossed his legs and leaned back in the chair. 

Caleb enjoyed every second of watching Viktor collect the cake and coffee for him. From that exasperated expression to the slight cock of his hip. There was definitely potential in that body. If only the other bun would just let him dress him up. Just for one occasion. Yes, Caleb would certainly enjoy that. Maybe someday soon.

The smug little grin persisted when Viktor came back with the explanation that this was so he wasn’t awkwardly eating alone. “Performance anxiety, dear? Don’t like eyes on you?” Caleb asked in turn as he took another bite of the shortbread and washed it down with a sip of his deliciously sweet latte. It had caramel in it. Ah, Viktor remembered his favourite. How thoughtful.

Those gold eyes all but sparkled when Viktor brought up Alabaster and the punishment the cheeky little bun was going to receive for setting the pair of them up like this. This was the type of conversation that Caleb enjoyed. The type that he could spend hours talking with Viktor about. Plotting.

“Oh darling, I was hoping you’d bring that up.” they grinned sharp-toothed and full of a rather malicious mischief. “A good question, though? What is a fitting punishment for a little bunny who wants to play games?” he hummed in turn.

“We can’t just leave him off lightly can we?” Caleb asked as he leaned forward in his seat and crossed one slender leg over the other, mirroring the way Viktor sat. His tentacles curled and coiled around the chair in seeming delight. 

Viktor scowled at the comment but didn't say anything. He wasn’t about to play into Caleb’s hands, not again. So he simply took another sip of coffee and contemplated all the ways he could insult the other at a later stage in their conversation. 

Although, on the surface, Viktor and Caleb seemed to hate each other. The pair had a talent for coming up with the most dastardly and conniving plans that Burrowgatory had ever seen. It was, impressive to say the least and one of the only times the pair actually got on. 

“Of course, how could I not, I’ve already started counting the number of new tests I can perform,” Viktor chittered. That bastard, setting them up like this. He would make the white haired succubun pay dearly, with Caleb’s help of course. 

Viktor shook his head at the question. That was definitely not an option. 

“No, I don’t think leaving him off would be a viable option, he deserves to be punished in the most fiendish way possible,” Viktor said, finishing his coffee and placing the mug down. He thought for a moment and smiled. His tentacles curled around him happily as they caught up with the devilish notion he’d just conjured in his mind. 

“I know, exactly what to do,” he purred as he looked over to Caleb. There was a certain look Viktor had. One that contained every ounce of mania and divillment. 

“Remember those new…toys I just ordered in, well, their shipment should have arrived today, I think Alabaster would love to try them out,” Viktor said with that same sadistic and manic grin. Teeth lined like razor blades in his mouth as he imagined all the ways they could make that little bunny beg for forgiveness and forgiveness he would beg for. 

Viktor was not about to let that little shit get away with this and neither was Caleb by the sounds of it. 

It was going to be an entertaining afternoon. Maybe this little blind date had been worth it after all. 

Blind Date - Science & Sermon
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In Prompts ・ By LankyLunatic

This was such a fun collab! I always love rping with Lanky but this was so much fun ahhh I love our two maniacs :3 

Submitted By AbstractKryptid for Blind Date
Submitted: 7 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 7 months and 2 weeks ago

LankyLunatic: RP Partner
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