Shibari and Ione? It's a thing?
Somehow it was not Limon that Ione had heard about Shibari ropes from but another customer who had been chatting with their companion that Ione just so happen to overhear. Their curiosity somehow peaked at that and Ione had gone over to ask questions. They had ended up joining the pair in discussing the topic and Ione had been enlightened in how it was not just sexual but also artistic and nudity was not an requirement much to their relief. The pair had been kind to jolt down information on some notepad that one of them had on their being and hand it over to Ione who thanked them.
It would be several days before Ione had their day off and was able to go shopping at some secluded shop for some shibari ropes and some books so they could read up some more on the topic. The shopkeeper was kind and did not make the glutton rather uncomfortable which was highly appreciated as they did not often venture into more intimate topics due to their personal discomfort but they were rather curious. Ione had refused to tell anyone especially Limon as she would tease them and they were not feeling up for it.
Things that put them at vulnerability of any kind made them rather uncomfortable and they far favored to explore it at their own pace as well as to do their own research. That way Ione could make a more informed decision on their own and branch out. This was exactly the reason why Limon had stopped pestering Ione long time ago regarding intimacy, relationships and sexuality. IF the citrus bun pestered Ione then it was something serious.
Such as the topic of their partner with whom Limon was on bit of friends with benefits terms with. She had branched the topic to ensure that the glutton knew what they were getting into without going in to too much detail and Ione had appreciated it even if they were rather resistant at first.
After Ione had gotten the books and ropes; they immediately went home to read up on it, thankful that their partner would be occupied for next few days as they had absolutely no idea how they'd explain the new purchases. The thought had their cheeks pinkening slightly as Ione shook themselves out of it.
Ione had prearranged with Dan so they'd have afterhours time with Shibani without any unexpected guests to try out some shibani ropes as they had feared getting seen by other buns that they knew and Dan had understood the concern.
On the evening of agreed day, Ione showed up to Dan's Dango with a small bag and Dan gave a small nod as they slipped past into the back where Shibani was waiting with a small smile.
"Hello. Deep breaths, Ione. It will be okay. Dan will be nearby and I know how to use those ropes." His soft voice did reassure Ione and they took a deep breath as they put down the bag.
"Do I need to undress?" Ione frowned as they glanced down at their jeans and sweater.
"Not necessarily but it does work best on flesh...." Dan pointed out and Ione nodded as they stripped down to their t-shirt and boxers.
"This is as far as I will go." Ione set the sweater and jeans aside as Dan nodded while approaching the nearby kitchen to be nearby but not obviously present which settled the anxious gluttony a bit. They startled and their tail thrashed about when Shibani touched their arm, and he frowned at how tense Ione felt under his touch.
"Sit down please. You're too tense...." He coaxed Ione to settle down on the pillow pile and reached for their hands to hold
"Breathe with me. It is okay to back out" Shibani soothed with their hands rubbing Ione's as they relaxed their shoulders and breathed deeply.
"I would still like to try it at least. It is just...."
"The vulnerability?" Dan injected and Ione nodded.
"You're among trusted buns here. I will get some meals and drinks made for afterwards?" Dan suggested and Ione nodded as Shibani pulled away so he could reach for the ropes that Ione had brought along.
They were lovely coffee brown and Shibani began by tying knots at Ione's collarbones and wrapping around their chest. As he explained his each step and how he was tying them while he kept on typing the knots down their back and wrapping ropes around the front into beautiful criss-cross appearance then slowly coaxed Ione's arms behind them as Shibani noted the slowly relaxing of their body while he worked ropes up the arms and tying them together. He made the decision to leave the legs and pelvis area for next time if Ione was ready to be fully restrained. The sloth took great care to push the braids over the glutton's shoulders so they would not get trapped along the ties. From experience, hair getting trapped in ropes could be painful. When he stood up to stretch his back, Ione's breaths had gone soft and even but he could tell that they were still somewhat present however lot more relaxed.
"Good?" Shibani touched their shoulders gently and Ione hummed softly. "I'm going to check on Dan for a bit and check on the food. Let me know when you want out?" Ione only nodded and Shibani hopped away to check on the prideful doll.
The ropes felt good. Snug around their body. Restraining but not too restrictive. Ione could enjoy being tied up like this more often. They were not sure about nude just yet but they would not mind it over their t-shirt and boxers like this.
When Dan poked his head out of the kitchen to inform them that dinner was ready, Ione requested to be freed. Together, the prideful and sloth dolls worked on getting the gluttony free and Ione was immediately massaging their arms as well as shoulders that had gone stiff.
"Thank you for this." Ione spoke softly as they pulled on their jeans before joining the pair for dinner with more things on their mind regarding ropes.
Who knew that Ione would have some interest? X3
Submitted By Limi
for Rest and Restraints
Submitted: 10 months and 3 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 10 months and 3 weeks ago