Teasing Blind Date

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Endri sipped his cup of coffee that he had gotten from Paradise Cafe earlier that morning during a short visit. He hoped that it would keep him awake during this date. He was in his doll form, trying to keep himself from falling asleep from being too warm from his fur. He rubbed his eyes and just prayed that whoever walked through the door would be someone he could tolerate. He was nervous if they talked too much he might just fall asleep regardless of the caffeine.

After what felt like forever but was probably no more than 5 minutes, a fancy bun walked into view, rearranging the intricate shawl laying on his upper arms, tail swishing elegantly as bright eyes scanned the place. Clem chuckled upon noticing the back of a rather familiar customer, sitting alone at a table, seconds away from dozing off right into his coffee cup. His signature smile made its way onto his face as he strolled gracefully behind the tired bun, the aromatic smell of the blue flowers adorning his body announcing his presence seconds before his voice did.

"Well well well, if it isn't my favorite play toy~" he purred, looming behind the sleepy succubun, like an evil shadow.

Endri froze up when he smelled the familiar scent and when he heard the voice of the one succubun he wanted to throttle most he groaned and put his head down into his arms, whining, “No please. Anyone but himmmm.” Then he looked up and over his shoulder to glare at the looming doll behind him. “Clem. Why the fuck are you on the blind date program? Surely you have plenty of buns lining up for your babies.” His face was unamused.

The flowery bun chuckled as he moved in front of the now disgruntled bun, taking the seat opposite to him.
"Oh it's a lot more fun when it's randomized like this." he chirped, making himself comfortable. "Just look who's my partner for today!" Clem gestured towards Enri, whose sleepiness was the only thing keeping the bun from tossing a chair at him.

Endri only flicked a coffee stir stick at the other, not having much energy for anything else. “You’re a bastard you know that? I’m shocked anyone else even lets you LOOK between their legs. You might be pretty but you’ve got an ugly personality you know that.” He sipped his coffee again with a sigh. “Of course I can’t just walk out of here though, they want us to ‘try getting along’. I genuinely wonder how many people actually get along with you and how many just tolerate you for your dick.”

"Why, that really hurt right in the meow meow~" Clem faked a whiny voice, looking offended and hurt. "You'll find that unlike you, there's plenty buns out there who think i'm rather fun to be around."

He placed both elbows on the table, resting his chin on his overlayed hands.

"I can assure you lots of buns like me for more than my looks, dick or flowers. Let's see if you can find something you like about me tonight. After all, you're stuck with me~" the bun teased, tail swishing.

Endri rolled his eyes and deadpanned, “Oh the horror.” He sighed and ran his fingers through his blue streaked hair, pulling it forward again. “Speaking of flowers, if you blow that stuff in my face again like you did the last time, I’m out. You know I hate the stuff.” He wrinkled his nose. “By the way, do you know if we’re supposed to stay here or if we can go as long as we’re together?”

The blue bun flashed his foxy smile.

"Oh i won't. Not for today at least~" he fluttered his eyelashes at his date. "im feeling rather generous tonight, so i'll let you off"

Clem took his eyes off of Enri for a bit, while ordering something to drink for himself, before resuming his smug position, this time sitting sideways with only one elbow on the table. 

"Not a clue, but i'm assuming we have to be here for at least a little bit, it's a 'date' after all."

Endri ordered himself a Sinnamon Bun before he finished off his coffee. “So what’s your goal for this Matentines?” He sat back in his chair, yawning, fangs flashing. “Looking for someone to make babies with or just some fun?” He blinked sleepily at the bun across from him, wondering what mischief Clem was getting up to this year.

"So far I was mostly hoping to make a new acquaintance, but since that is no longer the case, I suppose only having some fun remains." Clem replied, playing with the flower attached to his tail. "It's mostly the thrill of the unknown that I'm after."

The server arrived two minutes later, bringing their beverages.

"What about you? What brings you here?" He inquired, absent mindedly stirring his coffee.

Endri blushed at the question, bringing his ear in front of his face to rub his nose into. “I’m just…. Really horny, and it’s starting to actually interrupt my sleep…” The dark bags under his eyes were back, not something he’d had since last tax season when he’d been trying to do all of his business tax for the first time by himself. This year he had been smart enough to buy someone’s services… He scooped up his fresh coffee and after making sure he wouldn’t burn his tongue, chugged half of it down. After he set it down, he said softly, “I figured I’d try getting matched up and get a baby.”

Clem sipped his drink, before setting it down with an eyebrow raised.

"Well i never expected you to be that type" he chuckled softly, leaning on the back of the chair. "Are you a family type or do you just want to get knocked up for the feel of it?~"

The blue bun's tail continued swishing, being invested in their little discussion.

Endri rolled his eyes. “You know the family type doesn’t exist. We see our babies for what, one or two days before they get handed over to the church? I like volunteering to help out before they all get sent to Murmur but we don’t get them for that long. Most that’ll happen is I’ll see them around town next year.” He was very deliberately avoiding the second question of the topic as he took a bite of his sinnamon bun.

"Yeah yeah, i know, i'm just teasing" he waved a hand, smiling before grabbing his coffee and finishing it.

"Welp, since we're here, how about we have some fun and mess around a little bit?" Clem proposed. "You know, at least help you get your rocks off for tonight~"

Endri blushed pinker than before, embarrassed, and mumbled a deflection from behind his coffee cup, “Who said I wanted your dick?” He very determinedly did *not* think about all the times they had ended up in his bed anyways. A hazy memory of hands that had flipped the bird to each other in the streets but clung to each other in the sheets drifted through his mind and he shifted in his chair, trying to ignore the warm gnaw of want in his belly.

"It was just a suggestion" Clematis shrugged, looking suspiciously calm. "It's not like we haven't done it before, but you know. I figured since we're both here, why not help you out at least for today, seeing you're pretty desperate?"

He pushed the empty coffee cup aside and carefully arranged it on the little plate, placing the teaspoon next to it.

"But then again, i don't mind having to go through the entire blind date program all over again, i assume you don't either~ The wait is like, what? A day or two, maybe three if they lose your message in the absolute chaos that is Matentines fever. But again, you do you."

Endri gave the other bun a halfhearted glare as he rubbed his thighs together. “Why did you waste my time then? I could’ve been home sleeping….” ‘More like trying like a mad bun to get off enough to go to sleep and failing, but he doesn’t need to know that…’ He downed the last of his coffee, but his pastry say half uneaten, losing his appetite fast with another rise of lust. Why did stupid Clematis need to be so attractive..? Endri absolutely hated how down bad he was for the other.

"Ah, apologies then." the bun shrugged, getting up from his chair and rearranging his shawl around his arms. "I just gave you my two cents and an offer to help, buuuut if you are certain you can sleep soundly tonight with no problem at all, then be my guest. I can find my fun somewhere else, just like you said~"

Clem glanced sneakily at the other stirring bun, his tone laced with the same sweetness as his hallucinogenic flowers.

"Anyway, i wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. Hopefully you can find a bun who's willing to ram their dick into you until you mewl and begging to be filled. When you're awake to tell them, that is."

He waved with his fingers and turned on his heel, ready to head out.

"Toodaloo my dear boy toy~"

Endri’s heart dropped when Clematis stood and started walking away with a goodbye. Before he knew what he was doing he found himself standing with a hand around Clem’s wrist, a soft whine in his throat and he whimpered out, “W-wait-!” His head felt like it was spinning at Clem’s words, and especially now that he was so close to the other, the scent of the flowers making his head feel fuzzy. “I- p-please-“ He was stumbling over his words, trying to get out what he really wanted.

With his head turned away from Enri, Clematis' face was split in two by a smug grin, satisfied his bullshitting had worked on the poor desperate bun. It vanished once he turned around, his expression now one of innocent surprise.

"Why, could it be that our little Endri is desperate?" he cooed, swishing his tail around again like a satisfied cat. "Desperate enough to not mind who is it they hook up with? Pray tell."

Endri was scowling, but his face was pink. “Fuck you.” He was rubbing his thighs together, and was the picture of need. Honestly if Clem told him to drop to his knees and beg, he probably would. “… but… yeah… I’d like to do it with you.” He turned pinker as he ground out, “Doesn’t mean I like you any more, before you get any dumb ideas.” He turned his head away, looking firmly at the ground as he mumbled something.

"Wonderful then~" Clem chirped, his face illuminated by a bright smile. He approached his frenemy, grabbed him by the waist and weighed him a little, flexing his chest and arms.

"Obviously my dear, i wouldnt dare assume that~ You already like me enough to come crawling for a smash" he chuckled. "Now let's get you poor thing somewhere comfortable so i can devour you"

Endri was promptly thrown over Clem's shoulder like a sack of potatoes, as the flowery bun reached over and grabbed Endri's unfinished Sinnamon Bun.

"If it makes you feel better, I’ll use rubber so you don’t get mad at me later" he smiled, using his free hand to spank the skinnier bun's soft butt.

Endri let out a yelp as he felt himself get tossed around, wanting to get mad but unable to, considering he felt himself get wet at getting his ass swatted and moved around like a toy. He mumbled a soft, “You better, if I get saddled with your baby, I’m gonna be pissed.” He then offered in a shyer voice, “We can head to my place. Be gentle until we get there please…?”

Clem chuckled as he bit into the remaining Sinnamon bun, heading out the door with his new catch, tail swishing with satisfaction.

"Oh, no worries princess, i'll be careful~" he teased.

(continuation in the "Lust is in the air - Prompt" submission, titled
" A Hoppy Accident" - coming soon!!!)

Teasing Blind Date
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In Prompts ・ By Kinarymo, BunnyCaffeinated

This Matentines, one bun is particularly desperate to get laid, hoping his satisfied hormones will finally allow him to return to his lazy sleepy life style. Will his date be successfull?

Submitted By Kinarymo
Submitted: 5 months and 13 hours agoLast Updated: 4 months and 1 day ago

Kinarymo: Roleplayer
BunnyCaffeinated: Roleplayer
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