My First Imp - You Got This Sive!

In Prompts ・ By Dustbunnie
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My First Imp

Imporium / Late Morning

It’s taken Sive a while to muster up her courage to enter the Imporium. Thankfully a few other buns, especially her fellow envy buns, have been hyping her up to go! She did get to meet a special friend in the pumpkin patch before snow settled in, and she even got gifted a special pedigree imp as her gift for finding her own home! She’s always had a gentle hand and a love for creatures big and small. But talking to others is always scary to her. Hutch was described as incredibly friendly and eager to meet fellow imp-lovers, that much is true according to those she spoke with. Still, she was really nervous.

With a deep breath, Sive opens the door to the shop. Seems like Hutch must be in the back or somewhere else, so she looks around a little.

A small Chirop flies over, curious about the bun in the store. It flies around cheerfully, especially taking a shine to Sive’s flower pin. Sive lets out a small giggle, this little guy is so cute! A few other imps come barreling out from the back a moment later. Sive is immediately swarmed by two more Chirops, some Phloofs, and even an Impup who immediately jumps up for attention. Sive is almost swept off her feet with all the excitement! (“What a lively bunch!” Sive thinks to herself, a small smile on her face). She can’t help but start to pet them all, but eventually a set of frantic footsteps is heard.

An exasperated Hutch bursts out, quickly rounding them all up. 

“Ah so sorry! These new imps are quite the handful! Hope they didn’t bother you too much!” The bun nervously cries out. He then quickly looks over Sive to make sure she’s not hurt or anything. “Phew, looks like they were just curious about you! I’m Hutch! And uhh, welcome to the Imporium” He sort of awkwardly continues. 

Sive quietly mumbles back “... my apologies, I know I’ve been around Burrowgatory for a while already, but I umm-” Sive nervously looks downwards, hands struggling not to fidget. She knows that she doesn’t count technically as she already has an imp or two helping her out, but even still… Oh bother, she’s not ready to be told off!

“Ummm, could you repeat what you said? I didn’t quite hear you-” Hutch replies, now feeling a tad concerned and confused.

“I, umm… is it still possible… that I could get my first imp from you? E-even though I’ve gotten imps elsewhere before?” Sive asks, speaking a little louder this time. She then immediately hides her face within her ears.

Hutch finally understands! “Ohhhhhh! Uhhh, well normally that’s for first-ever imp owners, but you said you already got imps?” He then asks, tilting his head.

Sive doesn’t reply with her words, just nods vigorously.

“Hmmm… well the imps here seem to like you, and you’re a first time customer… hmmm…” Hutch thinks for a moment, walking around a little. Sive grows increasingly worried that she’s about to be kicked out or something. She huddles even more within her ears out of fear.

Hutch then turns to face the scared bun. “Umm hey- how about this? If you can help me clean up a little around here, I’ll let you pick one of the starter-friendly imps to keep, ok? I’ll even bring one or two out for you to learn about!”

Sive pauses for a moment, then peaks out from behind her ears. “Really??? Oh thank you! I was so scared that you’d hate me for asking, I-”

Hutch panics a little “No no! Why would I hate you???? You care for imps and wish to adopt one from me! Why would I ever be upset?” He holds his hands up, panicking a little over Sive’s concerns.

Some time later…

“Alright! Looks like the imps are back in their little homes! And this place is looking spotless- Thank you uhh-” Hutch pauses, he didn’t even catch this bun’s name! Whoops!

“I-I’m Sive.And I’m glad I could help.” She sheepishly responds. To her, a clean space is important when working with food.The imps also probably appreciate a tidy space too!

“Now!” Hutch claps his hands together. “Let's calmly bring out the starter imps, so I can tell you all about them!” And with that, he walks into the back area, bringing out a Chirop, a Phloof, and an Impup one by one. Unfortunately they don’t sit still, but they each are curious in their own way about Sive. The Chirop who admired Sive’s flower flies back up to her in greeting!

“Ah, they’re such a delightful bunch~! That one there’s a Chirop! Common critters around Burrowgatory, they can be quite mischievous if you’re not careful.” He begins to explain as the Chirop continues to fly around Sive. “-However, they’re easy to train and if you’re lucky, I’ve seen Chirop’s be handy companions for delivering messages and such to others!”

Hutch then gestures to the Phloof, who’s just tilting their head at Sive, and moving slowly around. “Next up we have a Phloof! Super soft and cuddly, just take it from me!” He laughs a little as he pets his own Phloof, Sesame. “They are notorious shedders though, but oh~! So nice and gentle!” Giving Sesame a small squeeze. Sesame cuddles up closer in response.

Finally, the Impup, who’s been eager to be pet, finishes running around Sive and sits down. Hutch hands them a toy to chew on. “Last, but most certainly not least, is one of our newer companions, an Impup!” Hutch announces. “They get along swimmingly with any imp, and are masters at learning tricks! Some folks actually train these loyal critters for services like emotional support, and helping with medication! Though with enough patience and training, many imps can fulfill that role.”

Sive’s expression over time lightens up hearing about each imp. All of them would make amazing companions honestly! It’s almost impossible to just pick one! As she begins to mull over her choices, Hutch heads over to the front desk where he picks up some papers, notably ones for the… First-Time Imp Owner? Sive’s confused, she thought she didn’t count!

Hutch notices that Sive saw the type of forms he took out, he smiles. “It’s all good Sive! You helped me out big time, and I figured ‘hey it’s my program, I think I can turn a blind eye if a first-time customer has an imp or two at home’. This way you’ll have an official Imporium certified imp and we don’t have to worry about going over payment!” He beams, since Sive deserves to enjoy an imp that Hutch personally raised.

“While you fill out the paperwork with your information and such, think about which imp you’d like to bring with you.” Hutch continues. “Keep in mind, you can always come back to adopt more!”

Sive thinks about it for a while… They’re all so cute and could each be beneficial to have at home…

Hutch then jumps up a little! “OH! I totally forgot! I need to give you their care guides! Super important!” He then runs into the back. Noises can be heard as he seems to be searching around for these guides. Eventually an “Aha!” can be heard before he rushes back out, again.

“These go over the imps' care routines, things like what foods they can and cannot eat, things to watch out for at home, and uhhh! Beginner tricks for them to learn!” He quickly says as he flips through the guide. “I collaborated with a few fellow imp experts to compile this information together in a way that any new imp owner can easily understand!” He then places the guide next to Sive on the counter where she’s nearly finished with her paperwork. Only section missing is which imp (and their new name).

“Of course, if you need some additional help caring for them! My doors are open and I’m always happy to lend a hand!” Hutch eagerly adds. 

“... Well, I’m not sure who to pick, they’re all so lovely.” Sive responds, a little torn.

“Well… like I said earlier, you can always come back to adopt more imps! You’re not locked out from choosing to adopt the others. It’s just one of the three this time.” He calmly explains. He then pulls out the full imp catalogue. “There’s more choices than just them too! Next time you wish to adopt an imp, you’ll get to meet the full selection of amazing imps I have in store!”

Sive lightens up a little, reassured by Hutch’s support. She then thinks back to the Chirop that liked her flower… Yeah, that might be the one for her this time. A smile grows on her face as she colours in the option for ‘Chirop’, and writes down the name ‘Daisy’. She can’t help but smile more, she actually got a new imp coming home with her!

Handing the form to Hutch, he smiles and takes the form to the back to file away. When he comes back, he has a Pet Carrier with him, along with some treats to coax the newly named Daisy into said carrier. He gently gets Daisy's attention with some treats, and it’s a simple enough feat to get her into the carrier. Daisy happily munches away at her treats.

“Aaaaand here you go! Look at you! Ohhh I just know you and Daisy will be amazing friends!” He gushes, always happy to see more buns adopt imps. “Thanks for stopping by Sive, and for helping me out! You have a lovely rest of your day, ok?” He hands the carrier to Sive, who gently accepts.

Sive waves back at Hutch as she exits the store. She did it… she has a new imp friend, and perhaps a fellow imp-loving acquaintance in Hutch. She almost tears up with joy, before sniffling back her tears, and calmly walking home with her new friend.

My First Imp - You Got This Sive!
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In Prompts ・ By Dustbunnie
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Submitted By Dustbunnie for My First Imp
Submitted: 4 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 4 months and 3 weeks ago

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