[Gift] Open up, Ozzy!

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[Gift] Open up, Ozzy!
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In Succubun Spotlight ・ By sugarpandasart

A parody of "Go for it, Nakamura!" after reading Oz's profile.

The idea of him being a punk that threatens buns if they point out his longing affections for a sweetheart baker/sweetmaker gives me the warm fuzzies.

Submitted By sugarpandasart for Succubun SpotlightView Favorites
Submitted: 4 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 4 months and 3 weeks ago

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ottieout Avatar

This picture gives me the warm fuzzies. Ahhhhh!! I'm planning on watching "Go For It, Nakamura" tonight now. Thank you so much. ;o; I absolutely adore this piece!

2024-02-04 18:49:00

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