Space Dreams

In Prompts ・ By AcedKuma
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Softly played ambient music set the tone of the apartment complex. Mochi Moon was coming to an end, and the party had died down. Most of the buns littering the floors and furniture of the building were fast asleep. Drinking, smoking, enjoying the start of the new year with delicious seasonal treats. Jousah began to lower the energy of the music over the last few hours, finding something peaceful to lull the inebriated guests to sleep. The cosmic colours and starry lights shading the still lying figures made for a surreal sight. 


Jousah sat in meditation at the center of the room. Taking in the sounds of gentle breathing all around him, matching their patterns to lower his heart rate. Reaching inner zen was a journey that took unwavering focus and calm. Fueled by the drugs he had taken throughout the night, feelings of spiritual radiance seemed to blossom in this incredible atmosphere. Sleep and peaceful rest were tradition on the Mochi Moon, and Jousah sought to give all who joined him on this night to the best possible experience.


Now with his consciousness waning, Jousah too felt the need to sleep. He let his mind wander, wondering just where he'd end up. Blues, purples, greens, silvery shades of white light. Dancing across his eyelids like waves of aurora. He focused in on a point. Drifting through the cosmic empty with no real goal. But trying to pinpoint a place to respite. He found footing on a soft strip of land akin to felt, the ground seemingly melting in the colours of the space around him. He walked, gliding and uninhibited as the lands deformed into a forest of crystalline shimmer. Lining the path beside him were faintly liquid trees that seemed to fall mid air like water through a clear vessel. 


As he watched these scenes float past him, a new sound seemed to pick up in the empty cosmos. A low rumble, like the sound of a draining pool being clogged. It only lasted a moment, but it's looming presence was somewhat disturbing. Even in this peaceful landscape, something deep in the void called out unseen. The sights around the crystal forest seemed to darken, and the lights that swirled and oozed now seemed to separate and stretch. Their slow aimless meandering now directed in haste. Deeper down the path, the colours were drawn forward. Like they were rushing towards the edge of a waterfall. Jousah had tried to turn back, but found himself unable to redirect his path. 


In real time, he watched as he was led further and further towards some unseen fate. Slowly ripping the once beautiful colours of the land into a rapidly draining inky black that caused his heart to beat faster and faster. Again, he heard that low guttural rumble. This time, like a chainsaw revving in his ears. His eyes adjusted to the slowly forming scene. Although he felt like he was being pulled in like a whirlpool, the exact sight didn't reveal itself all at once. But there in the center of his vision was unmistakable. A twisting and endless black hole sat both an infinity away, but also right there. It was like a rollercoaster ride, sitting at the top of the hill and being left to watch as you inch towards your downfall. 


Once more, the deafening rumble grinded in Jousah's mind. A growl of a monster, the hunger of the infinite pit. That he was soon to become another once beautiful colour, ripped from the cosmos. It made his heart beat more and more, the feeling of terror for the unknown fate he was watching himself meet was enough to pull him up. His eyes shot open wide, and the rumble in his ear was met with a sputtering cough. Jousah whipped his head to the side to see another bun laying on their back. As they laid there in their drunken induced nap, a nasally rattling snore escaped the back of their throat. The sound that scared Jousah awake, now had him worried that the bun would have a sore throat in the morning. 


Getting carefully to his feet, Jousah tip hooved through the apartment to the kitchen to find a bottle of water. At the fridge, he found a bun covered in snow huddled inside one of the shelves. Careful not to wake them, he snagged his drink, making sure to take two for the bun that was snoring earlier before closing the door. Now that he could finally relax and clear his mind, he recalled the vivid dream he had just experienced. His mind remembering the intensity of the black hole that almost consumed him. Although now that he knew he was safe, a new idea popped into his head. A black hole themed rave would make for a really good party.

Space Dreams
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In Prompts ・ By AcedKuma

The starry theme of Jousah's Mochi Moon party influenced his dreams in the direction of a cosmic space walk. Hopefully nothing bad happens in the vast expanses of space. 

Submitted By AcedKuma for Sweet Dreams 2024
Submitted: 1 year and 2 days agoLast Updated: 1 year and 2 days ago

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