To the Moon

In Prompts ・ By beelzebug
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"That's enough, Magnus, all your flapping will ruin the preparations." Sinclair scolded, shooing the stone-like owl off his shoulder, a considerable weight being lifted immediately from his body. That wretched creature was heavy.  “I don’t want to clean your damn feathers off the floor again. This night is supposed to be perfect!”

For an astrologer, every single night is a special occasion, for it’s the only time one could really admire the beauty and grandeur of the stars. It’s what he did, his job, his entire purpose. However, this particular night, the stars and the moon had such a different meaning. He could feel it deep inside his heart, a night of nights.

This year, Sinclair had gone all out. He had set the decorations with meticulous care, bought the best quality alcohol he could find in the entire town, he had even made the damn mochi. Hideous dessert it was, the only thing worse than making them was actually having to eat them. Way too sticky and sweet for his too refined tastes. Fortunately, this batch wasn’t for him. If Magnus could keep it’s filthy claws away from the delicate box he had spent all evening doing, perhaps this offering would be the one that would please his master for once.


They had never met in person. Actually, Sinclair had never had the chance to even catch a glimpse of the elusive demon. If he wasn’t so sure, one could even question whether they ever existed in the first place.

But Sinclair had studied for decades.  It had been years and years of research on astrology that had made him wiser. That so, that he could find pride in the belief of knowing Allocer better than anyone else. Maybe even themself, at this point.

They were such a creature, anyways. A being so mysterious as they were unique, a legendary demon that had once gazed upon the land of the succubuns and simply decided to change them forever within the blink of an eye.

Allocer could wield the stars. And with that, they gifted his species with a fraction of their power, the knowledge of the universe. Buns had learned to master the sands of time, to count it, record it. Birthing that way the days, the months and the years. They had blessed them with images of a bright moon, an incandescent sun, and an endless sea of stars, just but simple promise of the wonders that lie just above the confines of Burrowgatory. It was magical.
It fascinated Sinclair, obsessed him in a way nothing else in the entire land could. He wanted to witness that wonderful magic with his own eyes, to be a part of it, to posses it at the tip of his fingers. Just like Allocer could. And so, he had dedicated his life to them, endlessly researching for any record that even alluded to their presence, every word and every saying, in hopes to find the key to their powers. Completely unknowingly to them, Sinclair had slowly became the demon's sole apprentice and most devout follower.  

At some point, he had begun to have dreams about it too (prophetic visions, as he'd like to call them). In those scenarios, Allocer descended in all their splendor,  looking different each time, but always majestic nonetheless. They creep up a smile through long, pale hair, and they thank him for his wonderful efforts and undying loyalty. They hold his hands on theirs as they grant him their ultimate blessing. Magic. Real, actual, true universal magic. And it is everything he could have ever asked for. Everything he had always deserved. He would never have to be a puny ordinary bun again, never one that others would point and laugh at. No, he would be powerful, so above than the rest, he could finally take revenge on those pathetic bastards that never believed in him. The look on their faces would be so priceless, he’d even have to take a picture.

But these prophecies and visions and dreams all share the same thing,  that they are not real. At least not yet.

So when Sinclair finally finishes setting up the dainty box of glittery mochi by his tower window, he can only hope that tonight will be the one where his most profound wishes come true.

To the Moon
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In Prompts ・ By beelzebug

my guy with his completely altered perception of reality 

Submitted By beelzebug for Mochi Munching
Submitted: 8 months and 5 days agoLast Updated: 8 months and 5 days ago

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