Chance Encounter

In Prompts ・ By tiramistorm
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Noe is shaken awake from their nap by a rather annoyed looking Hutch. They’d been cuddled up with a few impups and were having such a nice dream about munching on some sweet dango that it takes them a minute to realize that they’re even awake again. Hutch says something to them, and they blink up blearily at them without really making out what was said.

“Hmm..?” He brings a hand up to rub the sleep out of his eye. “What was that?” Hutch huffs again. Noe thinks they look cute with their cheeks puffed out.

“I said you can’t sleep here, Noe.” Hutch starts picking up the impups that were cuddling with Noe one by one, putting them back in their designated beds. “I need to close up shop, and you need to go sleep in your own house.”

Noe pouts up at them but gets up. As much as they would love to spend the night in the Imporium, they do get it. Hutch can’t leave the shop open all night just because Noe wants to have a sleepover. They stretch and yawn a bit, reaching down to pick up the last impup that was napping with them. They snuggle their face into it before passing it over to Hutch, who puts it in its designated bed. Hutch gives them a contemplative look, like they’re trying to decide whether or not to say something.

“You know,” they start, speaking slowly like they’re not sure what to say, “you could always take one home with you. Since you like imps so much.”

Noe smiles, but shakes their head. “I dunno if I’d be any good at taking care of them. I’d rather just come here so I don’t have to worry about it!”

Hutch looks like they want to say something else, but they just heave a sigh instead. “If you say so.” And then they’re shooing Noe out of the building. “Now go home!”

Noe laughs but listens, finally leaving the Imporium to go back home. He’s lucky his little apartment is so close by. It makes it easy for him to visit his favorite little creatures in the Burrowgatory. When he does finally make it back to his home, Noe makes something easy to eat and snuggles up on his couch with his favorite blanket. He’s almost content enough to fall back asleep until he feels something tugging on his hair a bit. He makes a small, confused noise, shaking his head to try to dislodge whatever’s in there. It’s happened before, where random things get stuck in there without him realizing. Now that he’s all by himself, he doesn’t have anyone to notice for him, so sometimes he’ll go all day without knowing there’s a stick lodged in there.

Except the thing that comes tumbling out of his mane isn’t a stick.

A little phloof lands in Noe’s lap. They blink at it, and it shakes itself off before looking up and blinking right back at them. They’re so confused, looking at the little imp. They were pretty sure they only napped with impups today, but clearly another little friend snuck into the cuddle pile. The phloof bounces in their lap a little bit, seemingly trying to snuggle closer. Noe wonders if it got a little cold after just being dislodged from their hair. They cup the imp in their hands and bring it up to rub their cheek against it. Somehow, phloofs are always so soft despite not actually having fur. Hutch tried to explain it once, but Noe doesn’t really remember much from the lesson.

Noe freezes. “Oh shit…”

Thinking about Hutch makes them remember that they did not, in fact, bring this imp home on purpose. They shift the black ball of fluff to one hand, frantically searching their blankets for their phone. If they know Hutch, and they do, then they’re almost positive that they’re freaking out right now about the missing imp. The phloof in question doesn’t seem to care much, getting comfortable in Noe’s hand as they scramble around. It would be cute, if they weren’t freaking out a little bit.

After what feels like forever of desperately searching for their phone, Noe manages to find it. In their panic, they completely forgo sending a text like they normally would, instead opting to call Hutch directly. They try to prepare themself for the worst, for Hutch to tell them they can’t ever come back to the Imporium. Honestly, Hutch picks up way too quickly. They aren’t ready for it.

“Noe? Wh–”

“I’m so sorry Hutch, I took a phloof home on accident and I really don’t want you to kick me out of the Imporium for forever I didn’t mean to but it was hiding in my hair and–”

“Hey, woah, slow down.” Hutch doesn’t even sound like they were freaking out. Noe feels like he’s freaking out more than they are, which definitely isn’t right. Weren’t they worried about their imp? “Start from the beginning.”

Noe takes a deep breath. “A phloof made a nest in my hair and came home with me.” They brace for Hutch to start yelling at them. They’ve heard it all before, how they need to be more aware of their surroundings. They can only imagine how upset Hutch is going to be with them.

“I know,” Hutch says.

“I’m so sor–huh?” Noe blinks, almost biting their tongue in their haste to shut up. They look at the phloof getting comfortable in their hand, pulling it against their chest.

“I know the phloof went home with you. I saw it in your hair.” Hutch sounds way too calm about this. Noe’s brain is trying desperately to catch up with the situation, but he still feels lost. He tilts his head as if they can see his confusion through the phone.

“Why didn’t you say anything…?” he asks hesitantly. The phloof gets comfortable against his chest.

“Because I told you to take one home,” Hutch huffs, and Noe can almost see them crossing their arms in his head. “I don’t know why you’re so nervous about actually keeping an imp for yourself, but phloofs are relatively easy to care for. Even someone who’s asleep all day can do it.” Noe fidgets nervously.


“Listen,” Hutch says. Their voice sounds a bit more gentle. “Try keeping it for the night. If you really think you can’t take care of it after spending the night with it, then you can bring it back in the morning.”

Noe looks down at the imp in his hand, tucked so happily against him, and hesitates. “...I don’t know how to take care of it, though.”

“Phloofs are easy.” Hutch sounds like they’re walking. Maybe Noe called them at a bad time. “A little bit of water, a little bit of love, and it should be fine. Imps don’t need to eat, they just like to. If you wanna, you can give it some sesame dango.”

Noe nods, and then remembers that they’re on the phone. “Okay. If you think it’s okay.”

“Mhm, I’m the one who knows the most about imps so I know that little phloof will be fine with you.” Noe can hear the smugness in their voice and it makes them laugh a little.

“Okay, okay…” They yawn, suddenly exhausted after the panic of accidentally taking home an imp. “Good night, Hutch. Thanks…”

“G’night. You’ll be fine.” They hang up, and Noe is left in silence with their new phloof.

They look at it, not really sure what to do now. It must’ve snuck into the nap pile while they were at the Imporium, but Noe doesn’t know how they didn’t notice it on their walk back. Maybe they really do need to work on being more aware of their surroundings. The phloof blinks up at them before bouncing up to nestle into their shoulder. It’s a little ticklish, feeling the soft imp brush against their neck, but they can endure it. It’s so cute, how could they not let it cuddle up? Noe reaches up to rub their fingers against the soft pet.

“Do you want some water?” Noe’s not really sure how he expects the imp to respond to his questions, but he asks them anyway. “Hutch says you don’t need to eat, and I don’t really have any sesame dango anyway…” He doesn’t like it much, preferring something sweeter. And since he’s never had an imp before this, there was never any need to keep it around. He may have to go to Dan’s Dango in the morning.

The phloof doesn’t seem interested in water anyway, opting to continue pressing into Noe’s neck. It makes him giggle. He reaches up to tug it away a bit to stop from tickling him. And then he yawns again. Somehow, the phloof also looks tired, squinting its eyes as if it’s also yawning, just without a mouth. Noe cracks a sleepy smile.

“I think it’s bedtime..” They collect their blankets with one hand, holding the imp carefully in the other. “C’mon, little bean. You can sleep with me.”

They take their new imp to their bed, letting it tuck itself under their chin. It makes Noe feel settled, somehow, having the phloof cuddled with them. They let out a soft, sleepy hum. “Good night, little bean…”

Somehow, it’s the best sleep they’ve gotten in a while.

Chance Encounter
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In Prompts ・ By tiramistorm

How Noe met their very first imp.

Submitted By tiramistorm for My First Imp
Submitted: 8 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 8 months and 2 weeks ago

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