[Gift] To a Sweeter New Year [Mochi Munching]

In Prompts ・ By LuridGhost
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[Gift] To a Sweeter New Year [Mochi Munching]
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In Prompts ・ By LuridGhost

'Before you, I had never held anyone in my arms so tenderly. There were times when I would idly trace a bed-mate's curves and bones while they used me as a pillow, but there was never anything behind the gesture. Nothing of substance. Everything I used to do lacked meaning. Now, my arms wrap around you and protect you like castle walls, and no task has ever been as important as keeping you close to me. 

Before you, I had never felt the overwhelming desire to watch someone sleep, listening to their gentle breathing as if the gods themselves were whispering to me. I'd never noticed the way anyone's lashes fluttered in their sleep, as I do yours. I'd never been so lost in wondering just what someone was dreaming about as their fingers twitched-- Your nose scrunches up and your brows lightly furrow every so often when you rest. It's all I can do to stifle the giddy noise that swells in my throat, clenching my teeth and grinning like the mad man I am. 

Before you, I had never known what it was like to look forward to the next day. Time was endless as it stretched out before me and blended hours and days together, forming segments of time that I never knew the exact length of. Weeks, months spent in a haze of people and places, and none of it ever mattered to me. Tonight, I cannot wait for the moment you wake and greet me in the morning of the new year. I cannot wait to feel your eyes on me again. I cannot wait for you to chastise me for letting you fall asleep with a half-eaten mochi in your grip. Cannot wait to kiss you silent. Now, I cannot wait to meet the light of every day with you by my side.

Before you, I had never once celebrated the new year. They had all tasted more and more bitter as they passed. But now... Now that I am yours, my future has never seemed so sweet.'

Submitted By LuridGhost for Mochi MunchingView Favorites
Submitted: 5 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 5 months and 2 weeks ago

Hopeless: Gift For
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