Nesting Together

In Prompts ・ By steviatea
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Lucille was really getting into the mood for breeding season. She could feel the call for breeding within her, an urge that was growing increasingly impossible to ignore. Her and Lydia had plenty of chances to be intimate with one another, but neither of them were having babies at the moment. After their first offspring, that seemed like enough.

Even so, it was difficult to ignore some of the urges, particularly the ones tied to nesting. She knew just the succubun to help her out with this intense need of hers.

“Oh, Lydia~” She called to her girlfriend in a sing-song tone of voice, approaching her girlfriend from behind. “Lydia, honey… I need you. Right now.”

Lydia was well at work on some boring business related matters on her laptop; she’d been working at home all day. It was great to have her home, of course—but god, it was so difficult to have her beloved around and not be able to be affectionate with her the whole time.

“Yes?” Lydia spun around in her chair to face Lucy. “Is everything okay, Lucy?”

Lucy nodded. “Everything is just fine… it’s just that… oh, you know.”

Lydia raised her eyebrows. “That’s not very specific, dear. You know I’m not the best at social cues. Care to elaborate?”

Cue a giggle from Lucy. “Sorry. I was just wondering if you’d like to help me build a nest?” She leaned against Lydia’s chair, her hands tapping on it eagerly. “I know we already had offspring and all, but I’ve got that breeding season fever!”

Lydia smiled slightly, laughing under her breath. “It’s difficult to turn you down when you’re being this cute. I only have about twenty minutes left of work to do. Do you mind waiting until I finish what I’m working on here?”

“I can wait,” Lucy told her with a smile and a wink. “I’ll find a good place to start the nest.”

“All right,” Lydia replied.

Not much long after, Lucy picked out what seemed to her like a great spot to nest—in the corner of Lydia’s office.

“I think this should do the trick. What do you say, sweetheart?” Lucy asked.

“The corner of my office?” Lydia asked. “I suppose there’s no reason not to nest there… and I’d have you closer to me whenever I work from home, which I might selfishly admit to loving.”

Lucy pumped her first in the ear. “Yes!! That’s the right idea!” Then, after a pause, “Are you done working yet?”

Lydia stood up from her desk, closing her laptop. “Yes. I am. Let’s do some vacuuming and dusting first, okay? I don’t want anything we put there to get all dusty and disgusting.”

Grinning, amused by Lydia’s exaggerated hatred of dust, Lucy replied, “Great! I’ll go get the vacuum.”

After some cleaning, the two succubuns gathered materials for their nest. Lucy picked out her favorite plushes and scented sachet bags. Lydia gathered some luxuriously soft pillows—admittedly a bit high-end for a nest on the floor, but Lydia was rich, so she must not have minded that much.

By the time the nest was finished, the two succubuns had created a lovely heap of pillow, blanket, plushies and scented herbs. Lucy was beyond ecstatic, and when she glanced at Lydia, she saw a smile on her girlfriend’s face.

“What do you think?” Lucille asked her. 

“Well, it looks perfectly warm and comfortable… perhaps it would be very practical to spend the rest of the cold season in this nest, as often as possible.” She looked back at Lucille, gesturing to the nest. “I mean, to me, it seems very economically reasonable.”

Lucille raised her eyebrows, making an amused face. “Uh, yeah! I think it’s groovy, too.”

“Groovy. Yeah.”

Lucy thought for a moment. “You know what would be even better than cuddling in there?”

“What?” Lydia looked at her with curiosity.

“Cuddling in that nest in full on bun mode.”

“You know… that’s not a bad idea,” Lydia told Lucy.

So, the two of them returned to their bun forms. Just as Lucy hoped for, the nest seemed way bigger when the two of them were smaller in stature, and the couple couldn’t be more comfortable snuggling up in there. 

"Oh, yeah. This is the good stuff," Lucy drawled, flopping onto a pillow.

Lydia joined her, greedily snuggling up to her girlfriend. "It is very nice. You're right about that."

Lucy leaned over to give her girlfriend a little bunny kiss. "Why, thank you. I'd say we did a very good job."


It wasn’t long before the two buns ended up napping together, drifting off into a peaceful little rest in each other’s warmth.

Nesting Together
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In Prompts ・ By steviatea
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Submitted By steviatea for Nesting Instincts 2023View Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 3 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 3 months ago

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