How Does One Make Dango?

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Rosamel had heard about Dan offering lessons on making dango, which piqued her curiosity. She made her way to his shop. She had tried to learn how to make Mochi the first time she met him. She usually made regular visits to the shop now, mostly to help her build muscle to handle the mallet. She could still remember the burn in her shoulders when she had first started to learn.

She had learned simpler, rice flour treats from Dan since then, mostly rice cake, which he did not seem to be the biggest fan of. She carried a basket of tea leaves with her, an offering for trade. She knew Dan did not have the time to grow his own leaves currently, so he often traded with her.

Rosamel had to admit, she enjoyed the barter and trade relationship she had with the confectioner. It was beneficial to them both, but it also proved they were not enemies. They may not be friends, but they did not give each other reason to fight.

Dan almost smiled when he saw the tea maker at his door. A short conversation later, he almost laughed at her for the trade. He accepted it, as it was a good trade. There was the bonus that he knew she was determined.

After he put the tea leaves in the hanging dry racks she had given him months ago, they stood in his workshop. He carefully instructed her on mixing the dry ingredients. As she mixed, he carefully added hot water. He watched as her topaz eyes stayed on the mixture.

He found her diligence admirable. She followed instructions, which he knew she would do. When it came time to knead the dough, she easily found a rhythm. She was more than used to kneading dough from having made bread. She would have to make more bread, probably later this week so she did not wear her arms out.

After a few more steps, which Dan instructed her through, Rosamel was rolling and swearing dango balls. The balls were even in shape and size, showing the tea maker’s attention to detail. If Dan did not know better, he would mistake the dango for ones that he himself made. Even as they both ate some, he found nothing to complain about, which was a good thing. Rosamel enjoyed the treat and made a note to try to make some plain for her imps.

How Does One Make Dango?
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In Prompts ・ By Cryptid-Quinne

Rosamel is determined to know how to make rice based sweets.

Submitted By Cryptid-Quinne for Dango 101
Submitted: 5 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 5 months and 3 weeks ago

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