[Gift] An everglowing flame and an unchippable block of ice walk into a bar

In Prompts ・ By satyrn
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Damon had returned to Divine'n'Demonic to pick up some little things, once again running into Momo instead of her daughter. Not that he minded, though he would never admit so out loud for a multitude of reasons.

"I thought i recognised you from somewhere." She hummed softly and Damon raises an eyebrow with a light snort.

"And where would that be, outside of your dreams, of course?" He asked, gaining him the rare Momo eye roll [tm]

"The Crooked Bullet. 'bout, 20 years ago, maybe less? Middle of March. Friday evening." She states the details casually and Damon takes moments to process this information before his eyes widen and he is thrown joltingly back into his own memory.


It had been loud and irritating. Is the first thing he remembers.

The level of stress he had been under all month was immense. It was his own choice to be extremely careful in March, but even so it was a lot of pressure and a lot of restraint. Two weeks into the breeding season and he was already growing more irritable than usual. He had never found issue with one night stands or hookups, but during March he would never risk such a thing. Hell, He shouldn't even be here. Unfortunately if he hadn't showed up to the annoying 'work party' then his co-workers would've nagged him for being an antisocialite. The ones who had the balls to, anyway. So here he was in this horridly noisy club with these , definitely annoying , people.

He had picked the quietest corner possible, maybe the most dimly lit one as well. Thankfully the aura he was putting off was chill enough to keep people the hell away from him. At least, almost everyone.

"There a reason you're sittin in the dark hon?"

He glances towards the voice to find a smaller woman standing very close to him. She snuck up on him somehow. Thank the demons she wasn't MUCH smaller than him, he barely had to tilt his head to meet her eyes. In contrast to her very warm ones, his were quite chill. He doesn't allow himself to look for too long, unfortunately he doesn't trust his self discipline as much as he did on day one. He considers not answering her, but he is too old to play the ignoring people game at this point.

"Perhaps i just like it here." He replied dryly. It seems his winter chill has no effect on Momo in the slightest. There's some sort of poetic metaphor about fire meeting ice somewhere in here.

"Not a party go-er then?" The woman asks even though she already knows the answer

"Sorry, Do i know you, from somewhere?" Damon replies in a more curt matter and with a rhetorical question.

"Answering a question with a question, Pretty avoidant of you. The names Momo, Your turn." She beams in a manner that some may take as annoying, others may find it endearing. Damon isn't sure yet.

Does he have a reason to answer her?. He doesn't. However, She smells very good and is very polite, So he would feel like a bigger dick than usual skirting her question. "Damon."

"So, Damon. What are you doing here if you hate parties?" For a moment he thinks its a mocking question, but looking back...he can't detect any malicious intent. Or even any spite. Just...a level of genuineness that frightened him slightly.

"Work obligations." He replied, stopping himself from grimacing afterwards. Momos expression lights up just a little.

"Okay, Good. You're like me!"

"Elaborate" Damon frowns a little at the response.

"Sex workers recognise sex workers....sometimes. Didn't want to just assume you were a Dom because of your horribly bad social skills and your massive avoidance of everyone else here, Guess i was right on the mark anyway" Momo smiles and Damon takes a moment to have an eye twitch of shock. Did. Did she just read him like a book? Like not even those hard password notebooks girls keep? Like just fuckin open the page and read it aloud kind of read him?

"I'd say we recognise our own too, But i certainly didn't peg you for the dominatrix type"

"I'm a lot of things, Its good to be a mixed bag"

Damon tilts his head back to the wall, feeling the small knock of hitting it finally. "Are you really trying to tell me there is no one else in here, In our line of work, That you could be pestering right now?"

"Of course there is, but... It really aint my fault that you're the hottest in the room, Even if you're moreso...in the corner." The tone Momo uses is certainly...weaponised something.

His ear fur prickles a little at that, A compliment is not something Damon gets often and because of that, He is very very bad at taking them. It clearly delights Momo that she's managed to get him to blush even slightly. Its hard to see in the lack of lighting, but against his skin it is EASY to distinguish a difference. His spirit motes dance around him, and honestly it feels like they are mocking him somehow. The pressure he is feeling is immense. A hot woman is accosting him in the corner of the club and it is taking every ounce of his self control not to cave under the advances.

Damon is not against children, he barely thinks about them considering there is only one month its even possible to concieve. That month of course being the current one. The only reason its on his mind now is because his hormones are out of control due to the current mating season. Even then, he has never had the urge to help or mentor the new buns that murmur sets back free down here. Theres no real concept of taking someone under his wing, since hes more of a cold block of ice with an unwelcoming smile kind of guy. He's cold, blunt and pushes people away once they get too close. He can't even keep friends much less anyone who would look up to him. Young or old, He is very much a closed book to everyone new, No matter their age. Thinking about kids only reminds him of his time with Murmur...and that the other littermates he had were little shits when they had been raised alongside eachother and then spread apart once released.

His mind has other thoughts though, as during his brain fog his eyes had indeed wandered to Momo.

She wouldn't be like you though, would she?

A fair counter argument. She seemed like the type to happily mentor others and pick them up when they were down. Lend a hand, Comfort someone. Perhaps they were stark contrast opposites. Fire, Ice. Warm, Cold. Friendly, Antisocial. You name the pairing, they would probably fit, and he doesn't even know the girl that well.

"Heloooo. Damoonnn. Didn't break you yet, Did i? I was hoping to do that later!" Momo is waving a hand slowly in front of his eyes, and thus he snaps out of his daze.

"Apologies. I'm not used to...that." Damon doesn't make his point clear, he gets the feeling Momo will catch on. "You're wrong, by the way."

Momo frowns a little, a small pout beginning to form "About what?"

"The 'Hottest in the room'" He snorted and Momo tilts her head, confused. "I'd say if you found a mirror, Then you'd be on the right track."

If she wanted to play ball then he would play ball. Of all things to light up like a flame, Momos eyes certainly did at this comment. She looks him up and down a few times, Surveying.

"Damon. Are you flirting with me?"

"Am i?" He asks, head tilting and smirking a little.

"I dont know~" Momo states, finally turning around and walking away slowly. "But if you were. I am going to go up to my room. Number 24. And think about what level you were flirting on."

He rolls his eyes, ruffling her tidy hair a little "Yeah yeah, We can go together. Unless..." He pauses to give a fake shock gasp expression "..unless you have a REPUTATION to uphold, my lady."

"You're the one whos gotta worry about ruined rep here, I think i'm scoring pretty well right now. Everyones gunna think you're a softie, howeeverrr~" Momo hums, clicking along towards the back stairs with a big grin spread on her face and her cheeks dusted a soft pink.

"Yes, Well. I'm sure that anyone would melt over you, Under any given circumstance." Damon delivers the sentence in a dry and humourless way but it doesn't phase Momo in the slightest.

"That wasn't meant as a compliment but i'm taking it as one because what i'm hearing is that i'm the shit and everyone should be clamouring to fuck me."

"I'm not saying that i'm SURPRISED there isn't a line of people waiting to fight me for it, but..." Damon trails the sentence to imply that, yes, this is exactly what he was saying.

"Yeah, But with your cold and edgy aura i dont think anyone WANTS to pick a fight anyway, Lucky you~"

This had very obviously ended with sex. A lot of it actually. Damon was gone by the morning of course, However he left a small note with chocolates on top that just said "Thank You". It seems like whatever happened after they had STOPPED fucking and just lay there for a while helped him tremendously. The stress levels were completely gone by the time Damon had got back to his own home and he actually felt...relieved? Whether what happened would result in a baby bun or not he would never know, and it would be Momos choice and not his own.


By the time Damon had recalled said memory he was scarlet in the face and frozen within his own surprise. Momo giggled softly to herself.

"You've changed a lot" She comments softly and Damon snaps out of his state and rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I have.  Far cry from that guy, Anyway" He clears his throat a little, Slightly a nervous gesture.

"Not completely, though. I'm sure theres lots thats still the same under your surface. Even so, I did say you'd go soft" She eyes him up and down pointedly AND slowly, and Damon feels like shes burning him with her gaze.

"HAAH. HAH. OK. I AM LATE. I WILL GO. GOODBYE MOMO. HAVE A GOOD DAY MOMO." He says quickly, turning tail and fleeing...without the stuff the bought.

"Its like he's dying for me to visit him" Momo laughs softly as she picks the small bag of Damons things up and puts it behind the counter.

Its clear they would have more to speak about than either of them realised, at another point. Though, If Damon DID look closely, he could swear that 'little blue' looked kind of similar.

[Gift] An everglowing flame and an unchippable block of ice walk into a bar
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In Prompts ・ By satyrn
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Submitted By satyrn for Bunny Love
Submitted: 8 months and 4 weeks agoLast Updated: 8 months and 4 weeks ago

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[[Gift] An everglowing flame and an unchippable block of ice walk into a bar by satyrn (Literature)](https://succubuns.com/gallery/view/22216)


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