A New Friend

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Cailean loved the cold weather. It was brisk against faer skin, a feeling fae loved intensely. The kilted being carried faes bagpipes to a small clearing on a hill. Fae learned early in season that others left this hill alone during cold weather because of how the wind assaulted them.

Standing on the hill, the strong wind blew faes braids around fae wildly. After spending a moment enjoying the cold weather on faer face, fae set up faes pipes. Fae closed faer stormy blue-grey eyes and began to play.

The sound of the bagpipes volleyed over the hill and trees, reaching the few buildings nearby. Buns that were rushing around had to stop for a brief moment to listen to the lovely music that echoed through the air. The song fae played seemed to capture the stark beauty of the cold season. It was chilling and alluring, as if a type of danger that would leave one shivering but unharmed otherwise.

In the clearing, wild imps came to investigate the strange sound. The seapolite eyes opened, a smile crossing faes face. Fae continues to play, watching as the imps slowly draw near. Fae loved imps, and fae noticed how it seemed the imps loved the melody fae played.

The many imps cautiously approached the bun. They wanted to investigate, but the much bigger creature scared them. As the notice that Cailean’s boot covered feet didn’t move, the imps’ apprehension was eased away. They soon sat all around the pride bun, watching fae stand stoically, playing the bagpipes.

The noise of the pipes rose and fell, the song forming a wordless story for all in earshot to hear. The occasional wind carried the music just a bit further. Deep sapphire eyes closed again, focused on faes finger movements, not wanting to miss a note. As fae continued the song, fae looked peaceful.

Fae did not notice more imps coming from the trees to see what was making all the sound. These imps had blue fading into the normal dark of an imp and antlers. These imps marched closer, their heads held down in trepidation. One saw how relaxed the bun was and lifted its head, tilting it to the side.

Cailean was surprised when she felt the slightest weight on top of faer boot. Fae opened faer eyes, looking down. Fae slowly brought the song to an end as fae stared into the eyes of an antlered imp.

The imp stepped back, watching the bun with chary wonder. The bagpiper slowly crouched down then sat. Fae put the bagpipes in faer lap. The imp nervously leaned in to sniff the instrument, not paying attention to the pan flute that the bun pulled from faer cape.

The imp jumped slightly as Cailean began to play a gentle, wintry lullaby. The imp was soon calm again. It tilted its head as fae played. As time wove with the melody, the imp got closer. It eventually rested its head on faer knee. The bun struggled not to smile or hum at this, simply playing the music.

Cailean was one of those of the belief that music can tame anything and made for proper bonding with any creature, be it another bun or an imp. This scene basically proved that belief as many wild imps laid in the clearing on the hill around fae, watching and listening.

Their eyes slowly closed, the tiny imps falling asleep as the tune washed over them. Fae thought this was adorable. Especially cute when the one climbed carefully in faer lap and under the bagpipes. Fae switched to a more generalized lullaby tune.

This song was easy to loop, making it continuous. This created a peaceful atmosphere on the hill. A few more curious imps stopped to see what was happening, and some of them even stayed to sleep as well. The music seemed pleasant to every imp that passed by.

The imp in faer lap seemed to wake and watch other imps that approached, as if wanting to claim the bun for themself. Fae kept playing the melody, happily surrounded by all the imps. The latecomer imps began to lay down as well, deciding it was safe to nap near the musical bun.

As the light in the sky began to dim, the weather started to get colder. The imps began to leave, off to find their dens. When Cailean saw this, fae stopped playing. This woke the imp in faer lap. It slowly left fae, stretching as it did.

Fae carefully stood up, holding faer instruments. The antlered imp watched fae. After a brief moment, it nudged faer leg, as if to demand fae also picked them up. Fae carefully moved faer instruments over to one arm and crouched, offering faer free hand to the imp. The imp climbed up faer arm and nestled on faer shoulder.

Cailean was extremely careful as fae stood back up, covering the imp with faer free hand so it wouldn’t fall. The bagpiper was surprised that the imp had taken such a liking to fae. Fae decided to start walking down the hill and back to civilization. The imp made no attempt to jump down, only seeming to snuggle further into faer neck.

The pride bun felt warm as fae realized the imp trusted fae a lot. The imp had picked fae and fae was proud to be chosen. Fae was careful as fae walked home, hoping her imps at home wouldn’t mind having another friend.

A New Friend
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In Prompts ・ By Cryptid-Quinne

Does music really tame any creature? That's what Cailean believes, but never did fae expect to make a new friend with a musical escapade in the cold.

Submitted By Cryptid-Quinne for Freign Dear
Submitted: 6 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 6 months and 1 week ago

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