Oh deer

In Prompts ・ By Fabl
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Arra both loved and loathed the chill of winter. 

It brought the cozyness of cuddling up by a fire with hot drinks and good company. Their home and place of work, starlight hall was always bustling with activity as the cold crept into burrowgatory. A constant stream of entertainment and refreshments made it an ideal place to step in from the cold.
With their establishment being on the edges of the city, where snow was in no short supply, Arra found many cold people while out walking their beloved impup. All were taken back and given a warm meal, drink, and kiss if they wished it.

Still the season was rough. It always seemed like the work never ended, and the maintenance bills shot through the roof. They would wake up in the mornings, only to be greeted by blinding light reflected off the snow right in their window. Their impup Cleo excitedly pulling the blankets off them to get the bun up for a walk. Thankyfully, the ground was bare, as the snow had only started to fall.
Arra would get up each morning, and bundle up. They loathed being so clothed, and wished for the warmer weather. Arra wanted to live in risque luxury clothes, and being stuffed in a coat wasnt their idea of fashion. No one would be able to see their curves and ass like this!

Accepting their fate, Arra buttoned on their faux fur lined jacket. Ears were tucked into the back of their hood to keep them from the cold. Cleo was given little imp booties, a coat, and a smooch to her little head for good measure.
The menagerie of imps were given a loving goodbye, despite Arra knowing they would only be gone for a little while. And that the hired maid would give them breakfast and love. They still hated being apart from their little imp zoo.

With Cleo’s leash in hand, and their feet in slightly impractical heeled boots, the pair set off. Cleo enjoyed the snow every year, and was more than happy to be given some slack to run through piles of it. Arra loved to watch her excitement, and how her ears flopped about as she ran. The thought of giving the pup Dans new dango had crossed Arra’s mind, and they would have, if they were able to get their hands on one. 

A bit into the walk, they came into the hedge maze of starlight hall. Rose bushes that stretched high above to conceal paterons who may wish for a private stroll, or they were in the summer. In the winter it became a bit of a death trap as the paving stones iced over and became slick. The salt that was regularly laid didn’t seem to melt enough ice to make it truely safe, so it was closed seasonally. 

That didn’t mean people read the signs. More than once Arrabella had found people lost in its twisting turns. The signs with maps and directions buried in snow and ice made finding ones way out much more difficult. Especially as the lamps were turned off most of the winter months.
Arra was here to check that no one was shivering in some corner of the shriveling bushes, waiting for death.

Cleo was the first to spot the little prints. Arra had seem them before, and instantly recognized them as the prints of a Freign. Their own Freign had an outdoor area to wander and greet curious folk. Arrabella instantly assumed it was the prints of their own little darling, and they had somehow managed to escape and were now lost in the mazes depths. 

For her part, Cleo seemed rather interested in the prints, sniffing furiously at the other imps tracks. Perhaps that was a good thing, maybe the impup could lead Arra to the lost Freign.

“Come on darling, let's find your brother.” Arra murmured, giving Cleo a small pat.
The pup just barked and wagged her tail in response.

Even though Arra had plotted out the maze, and had seen it installed, it was intimidating this early. The snow was making light fight its way through the haze of flakes. The high bushes were normally beautiful, but the cold had withered and blackened them. It seemed like a bad omen to be wandering in it. But Arra trusted their memory, and bravely set forth behind Cleo.

Each little print was hastily sniffed, Cleo puffing the fluffy snow up with each exhale. Then the next print was given the same treatment. Usually the pup wasn’t so interested in her freign brothers scent, though Arra assumed it was because of the new location. Cleo had never seen him outside of the little pen, so she must have been curious why another imp was here. 


Arra cursed their lack of gloves only minutes into the search, and opted to shove both hands under the opposite arm in their jacket. Their concern for Cleo rising. Was she cold too? What would they do if they couldn’t find Arra’s freign out here? Would anyone else know the maze well enough to really search it?
With panic rising Arra looked to their companion, and saw her fine and bounding through the snow piles built up on the edges of the path. But for how long would she be alright?

Thankfully, it didn't take much longer for the duo to find the freign. Turning a corner before her master, Cleo spotted something and stopped. She turned her head, and gave a bit of a whine at whatever she saw. Arra was quick to pop around the corner, hoping to scoop up their wayward pet and hurry home. Though, when they saw the Freign, they realized this was not theirs. The poor thing was frozen in fear, likely because of Cleo.

Arra was quick to tell the impup to stay, and drop the leash. Only then approaching the wild imp. They had tamed one before, but it had been more intentional than this.
Speaking in soft low tones they crept forward, their chilled hands visible at all times. It was probably searching for something to eat off the bushes and gotten lost in the maze. A fence would be needed, or other ways to stop imps from getting in, but for now, Arra was focused on the imp.

“Hello lovely. I didn’t mean to scare you, its okay.” Arra continued, creeping closer slowly. THe imp still frozen in fear.
As Arra crept close enough to touch it, they stopped, holding out their hand. It took a long moment, but finally, the freign moved. Just a bit of a sniff to the air.
The bun was still, but made soothing sounds and continued to softly talk to it. Hoping it would realize their intentions.
“I'm not going to hurt you love, I just want to help you out of here, Okay? You can trust me, I won't hurt you.”

After a painfully long time, the imp moved again, slowly lowering its head to sniff the buns hand. ANd longer still until Arrabella was able to touch it, though it did flinch at first. It had likely never seen a bun before, and didn’t know what to make of Cleo either.
Eventually, with plenty of coaxing, and a few of the wilted, semi green rose bush leaves, the freign accepted Arra picking it up. THe freign was quickly tucked into their jacket, and kept there as they grabbed Cleo’s leash, and hurried out of the hedge maze. The little imp was set down outside of the maze, and given the last leaf Arra had picked.

“Alright, no more wandering in there alone baby, you’ll get lost again.” Arra laughed, giving the imp another soft pat between the antlers. Standing, Arra tucked Cleo into their coat instead, giving the impup a much deserved break.

They had intended to let the wild creature stay that way. But when they glanced behind, expecting to no longer see the imp, or to see it walking in the other direction, they found a surprise. The imp had followed, and was looking up at them expectantly. And when Arra tried to shoo them, they refused, and continued to follow.

Sighing with defeat, the bun crouched down to scoop the freign back up and into their coat.
“Alright, you can come back with us then. I think you’ll enjoy some dango much more than dry leaves.”

Oh deer
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In Prompts ・ By Fabl
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Submitted By Fabl for Freign Dear
Submitted: 6 months and 4 weeks agoLast Updated: 6 months and 4 weeks ago

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