[PROMPT] Freign Dear

In Prompts ・ By satyrn
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Winter is creeping along the edges of burrowgatory. Soft white dusted particles, cold in nature, settling around surfaces. The first and early signs of winter had finally settled, and the cold of autumn became the dull freeze of the new season. Gwen...well, this would be her first time experiencing snow or anything adjacent to it properly. Her usual cute gothic attire didn't seem to match the new temperature drop so well, so she wraps up with multiple things instead of the bare minimums. She has a scarf that Gamma gave her. She'd never tell him she wore it but she seemed to have it attached to her very skin ever since recieving it.

It may seem stupid to some, but she's wandering over to the edges of burrowgatory. She wants to explore, even if her sense of direction doesn't seem to be so good. Little does she realise that under a thin veil of snow, it is so very easy to become turned around. She had her imp, Wednesday, with her. She's nestled comfortably in her scarf, right up against Gwens neck. It seems the imp took the phrase 'huddle for warmth' a little too hard from her owner. She mostly stays in the main busy city areas, going to local parks and gardens and such, So going further out into more natural burrowgatory nature would be an adventure.

Its moments like this where she kind of wished she had angora fur like Ignition, or maybe even his hellfire too. Her hooves were wrapped in fuzzy leg warmers large in size to compromise for her lack of actual fur. She also had a massive coat on, So she probably looked a sight, Not that she minded. Fashion can always be sacrificed within moments if it means she's comfortable. Her star motes occasionally spin and flicker the further out she gets. She has a mild comfort in knowing that should it get dark faster, They give off the most gentle of lights. Being in the pitch black alone in this kind of area seemed horrifying.

She comes across many things. Different trees, who seem to be surviving the soft white powder constantly settling over their branches like a sheen. Odd plants, She knows somewhere in the city there likely IS someone with these plants held at the correct temperature...she just never found them. Strange imps, She hadn't checked Dans mochi earlier but she noticed an imp eating something that looked strikingly similar to a white mochi and ever since seeing it again, It gained a somewhat icy appearance. Its no matter, she could check back at the cart later on to see if her suspicions and theories were correct. Since she'd arrived she had heard stories of Freign. Hutch could go on about it forever, which she didn't really mind considering their expertise. She would desperately have to remember some of their words in case she ran into one.

Everybun always said that they're extremely hard to have as pets. Not due to manner or anything, they just happen to be hard to find and even harder to train and tame. Glancing around, Gwen can't seem to find signs of any. A part of her is a little dejected as she wanders further out, but honestly she should just be happy to have seen everything in this new changed state she hadn't experienced before.

Unfortunately it seems she set out a little late. Far too late. The dark creeps in earlier now, and before long she realises the lights are dimming overhead and she has absolutely no idea where she is. Instead of panicking, Gwen decides her best course of action would be to retrace her steps. This becomes harder and harder the more she realises how everything looks the same no matter which way she turns. Gwen gives it a solid half an hour of walking and path-tracing before she falls back against a surprisingly cold tree and shrinks to her bun form, sniffling softly with distress. She holds Wednesday in her paws, close to her chest and looks around with wet eyes.

"I'm sorry Wednesday...I should've gone with someone....Anyone who has a better resolve than me"

The tears on her cheeks roll and chill, making her face feel very odd indeed. She sinks into the now oversized scarf and tries to bury her worry in the fabric. She only seems to stop trembling with scared tears when something small begins to poke and sniff at the pile of fabric she was under. She peeks out of one of the gaps and her eyes widen, she freezes in place. Its a Freign. Somehow in all the darkening 'sky' and blanketed snow, It still knew its way around. She pokes her head out very, very slowly and just kind of...stares at it. They stare at eachother for a while. She reaches out a paw very slowly and it stamps its front legs in response, so her paw flinches back towards her. She tries again but is once more met with stoic stamping.

Gwen closes her eyes and for a third time, puts her paw out towards the imp. Her ear tips twitch as she listens for any kind of notion that it will stamp her back. Nothing so far. Its not until her paw lands on the small deer-like creatures head, between its antlers, that she realises it isn't warding her off. Gently, she opens one eye to look at the Freign who seems to have settled to an awkward sitting position underneath her paw. She sniffles.

"E-excuse me...We're...Very lost and need to get back home to the city..." Gwen murmurs, her tone as gentle as its always been. Soft as fuzzy blankets for winter. Weak as withering snowflakes. She points with her free paw back in the direction she came from. The Freign looks towards her and Wednesday, Who is now sharply watching it to see if it would dare to harm her owner. It then looks back in the direction pointed. Slowly, It pieces together what Gwen is trying to say and stands, shaking itself off, and Gwens paw along with it.

It tucks its antlers underneath the big scarf but in a way so that it can still see. Then, It begins to march in a direction, dragging Gwen and her pet along with it. Despite this being something seemingly out of nowhere, Gwen goes along with it. With no trouble at all, The Freign gets them back to where they had entered the outskirts. As if it had somehow seen their exact path even with the lack of light. It shakes the scarf off its antlers and trots backwards so its standing on its own again. Gwen shuffles from the outskirts into the edge of the city more.

"Thank you...I hope i'll see you again someday..." Gwen watches the Freign with soft eyes and even gentler speaking tones.

The Freign curiously steps after her, very slowly.

"Its okay...You don't have to come if you don't want to! Its my fault for getting lost and making you come all this way..."

The imp trots up to her slowly, sniffing a little again before nudging her hand softly. It seems her vulnerable nature and gentle approach has won the imp over somehow.

She smiles, the cooled tears on her face all but washed away. "Okay then, Lets go home."

[PROMPT] Freign Dear
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In Prompts ・ By satyrn
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Submitted By satyrn for Freign Dear
Submitted: 10 months and 4 days agoLast Updated: 10 months and 4 days ago

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