[[November]] Ball o' Bun

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Tiffie snuggled into the pink blanket, her shield against the world right now. The roar of the nearby fire drowned out all other sounds; it was peaceful, really. Just her and the warmth wrapped all around her. One could almost forget that it was disgustingly cold outside.

Ugh. If only she could forget. Her nose was still being nipped by the chill. A little voice in her head told her that it was just her imagination and that she was being a baby about this, but she disagreed heartily. If it were any colder it might just snow, and then she would simply cease to exist entirely. She'd be snuffed out of existence like the flame of a candle – poof, no more Tiffie.

She had to admit that it was nice being snuggled up though. Something soothing about the warmth around her. If she imagined hard enough, she could almost pretend that she was with someone else. Maybe she could have gone to invade Shibani's space in his pillow pile? That would have been warm and peaceful, too. Surely he wouldn't mind, so long as she didn't disturb him. But to do so would mean going out into that awful chill -

No, no, no, absolutely not. She pulled the blanket closer, hiding her face entirely. Her breath puffed back into her face, warming up her nose. Better that she remain here by the fire until the weather shifts back to normal. It can't remain that long. This close to Hell? It would soon be cozy again, she was sure.

...though right now she was perhaps a little too cozy. The recirculated air inside her blanket, while nice and warm, was quickly growing stale after she pulled it closed. She shifted, shoving her nose out of the tiniest hole that she could manage in search of fresh air, and breathed a sigh of contentment when she found it.

Fresh air, the fire at her side, all nice and cozied up in her little ball of blankets...Tiffie was finally so warm that she managed to drift into pleasant slumber.

[[November]] Ball o' Bun
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In Prompts ・ By SneaselSupremacy

She's really, really not one for the cold. If she as a snowflake she might just scream.

Now if only she had someone to warm up with...

Submitted By SneaselSupremacy for Bun-dle UpView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 10 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 10 months ago

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