Baking Disaster
Things were going about as well as she anticipated. That is to say, it was going terribly. The bun pulled her little cape around her further than it already was, as if it would offer some amount of help in doing so. Glassy green eyes simply watched as the dessert in front of her caught fire. It was already lost, so what point was there in doing anything? She didn't want to get burned trying to put it out. At that moment, her friend walked into the kitchen with perfect, almost comedic timing.
"Hey Milk, how's it- why are you just standing there?! Its on fire!!"
In a hurry, Marianna pushed Milky Way aside in her run to the sink, grabbing the biggest pot in sight and filling it with water. "What did you do?! I told you to wait!" This wasn't a lie, she had instructed the other to wait until she got back to try burning the caramel atop the creme brulee. But the younger had seen a video on it and the process didn't seem terribly difficult. Surely it would've been fine to do it on her own and maybe even impress her friend in the process. Alas, things didn't really pan out that way in the end. "I saw a video. It didn't look that hard."
The sound that escaped her friend could be called something like an offended gasp. She looked at the other, eyes wide in shock and disbelief. Her mouth opened to respond before the fire gave a sudden spurt and seized her attention once more. Placing her comment on hold, Marianna rushed over and dumped the pot of water on the ruined dessert. The flames subsided and crisis was averted. The adrenaline had her poor little heart racing and was she sweating? All the while, her younger friend stood practically emotionless to the side, not having moved an inch since she'd been shoved out of the way. Oh to be so far removed from nearly everything all the time. Had she not walked in when she did, Milky Way might have let the whole kitchen catch fire.
"Milk... We've been over this. I handle the cooking and you just help when I say its okay."
"But we were baking."
"Same thing! You- ughh... Just let me take care of it, okay?"
She hesitated to say that everything Milky Way tried to do on her own usually didn't turn out well, especially if it was food related. Comparatively, the kitchen was one place Marianna help some expertise in. Because of this, the younger was always assigned the simpler of tasks whenever they tried to make something together. This didn't seem to bother Milk at all. As a matter of fact, she appeared rather oblivious to the notion that she probably should be offended. But as expected, Milk simply nodded her head and fidgeted with her cape. After a minute she finally said something.
"Do you want me to help again?"
She... thought they were going to remake it? After how long it already took? After she somehow set it on fire in the few minutes she left to take a call? The call wasn't even that long! Did she think they just had endless time and ingredients? She should have never taken that call. Then all the time and effort spent making the stupid creme brulee, all because Milk wanted to try it, wouldn't have gone to waste!
"Milk... Yeah, okay. Why not? Grab the eggs. I'll... get everything else."
Please someone send help. This was going to be a long, long evening.
Submitted By heartbang
for Baking Disaster
Submitted: 1 year and 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 1 month ago