Potluck Night

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It was just like any other day for Margaret as she trudged along the cavernous halls of her spooky gothic sanctuary. Hopping on to and lounging on her couch with a bored expression, she says to herself, "What to do for today..."

Her burlesque club is undergoing some major renovations in this time period, as such it will be closed off for a longer duration than normal, leaving her with nothing much to do other than laze around most of the time. Already she’s starting to miss the club now even though it’s only been a day that has passed, but to her it felt like forever.

Then, a thought came to her mind, lighting up her face as she hopped to the small table next to her, where an exotic-looking phone stand holds her mobile device. Swiping through contacts with her hooved paws, she went on to make a few calls, starting with her Lovely.

Meanwhile at her own home, Moon is sleeping on her queen-sized bed while in their bun form, when her phone starts ringing. Hearing it, she started to groggily wake up, yawning softly before slowly reaching out for their phone. She answered Margaret’s call. "Mmm.. hello?" They spoke in a soft volume while rubbing their eyes a bit. 

"Hello there Lovely dear." Margaret's voice greets her with a sultry, teasing tone.

"Oh.. Marge.. Hello~" Moon yawns again. "How... are you darling?" She talks at such a slow pace, still tired.

"Feelin' a little bored today. Nothin' to do, the club is down at the moment." Margaret groaned slightly. "How ‘bout you?"

"Mmm.. I was sleeping." Moon said as she sits up now in bed, holding their phone.

Margaret chuckled hearing that. "Nappin' all the way. Well I have somethin' that'll wake you. Tonight, how about we have a little party, but not just any party. Let's do.... a potluck party~"

"Mmm.. potluck?" Moon tilted their head a bit hearing that. "Oh.. who.. are you gonna invite?"

"Let's invite some friends of ours, well. For my side I'm thinkin' of invitin' Vincent, that purple little thing." Margaret giggled.

"... Who?" They seem to have forgotten about who Vincent is.

"Y'know that fuzzy-lookin' purple-furred singer from a band that sings like a screamin’ faucet?" Margaret tried not to laugh at her description.

"Mmmm.. seems I forgot.. sorry" Moon said, she kinda felt bad about that.

"Aw it's alright, And hey, maybe in this gatherin' you'll get to know and remember him more." Margaret reassured her, indeed Vincent isn't always one to come around often due to his frequent tours that barely get any breaks. "He's nice to be around, I think you'll like him, maybeee not his music but still." She added.

"Mm... alright then." Moon just nodded.

"How 'bout your friends though? Wanna invite in the two? Candy and... what's hys name again..? Rosary..?" Margaret scratched her cheek pondering.

"Mmm.. hys name is Rosario- And well.. yes sure. I'll invite them." Moon said. So far she's been half asleep during this conversation.

"Very good then." Margaret smiled, excitement brewing through her for this event. "This gatherin' will be takin' place at my home. I'll welcome ya'll to a big table full of meals I have prepared myself. You and many others can add on the foods you made yourself to the table. Anything's fine, as long as it's somethin' you made." She further added.

"Mhm.. alright then.. I'll.. see you there." Moon said and just collapsed back to sleep.

Margaret heard that bed collapse once the call ended and she just paused for a bit on the couch she sat on. She chuckled to herself. "Oh dear Moon, I wish I could feel sleepy like you these days right now..."

Early night comes.

Margaret went on with her big preparations for the night with the vast array of delicacies she made, going all out with them thanks to having nothing much to do during the day, with foods ranging from casserole dishes to cheesy kimchi fried rice. Once having them set up on the table, she looks on at what she made, proud of it all since it's been a long while since she cooked this much.

"They're gonna love these. Well, at least a lot of them I know Moon would like..." She said to herself as she waited for the others to arrive.

After a little while, a knock is heard from the front door. The first guest is here.

"Oh, comin'." Margaret went to the door to answer it, opening the bun-only segment of the front door.

Upon opening, Margaret sees Moon and Candy, both of them holding something which is likely food that they are gonna give for the potluck table.

"Hiya~!!" Candy greeted in an energetic tone, a fanged smile on xer face.

Moon was next to her and greeted Margaret as well. "Hello..~" They spoke softly with less energy in comparison to Candy’s.

"Ah, Hi there ya'll. Ooo look at whatcha brought here." Margaret smiled, she then let them in now, holding the door open for them. "Come on in, the table is all set up."

"Thank you dear..~" Moon said with a small smile, entering with Candy.

"Woah woah! Big house~!" Candy said as xe hops around the place.

Margaret chuckled hearing that. "Indeed. I could have this big home of mine as a haunted attraction if I have the time to." She says, closing the door behind her now. "We're still waitin’ for a few more guests, well maybe even more if he could invite the others from his circle." She further adds.

Candy is just distracted by the decor in the mansion. "Oh? Who's comin'?"

Margaret looks at Candy. "Just some colleagues, and a certain someone. I feel like you've probably heard of him."

As soon as she said that, there's a knock on the door once again.

"Ooo this could be him." She went to answer it.

What greets her is a purple fluffy bun that is hidden by a stack of food boxes that he is carrying in his arms. This bun peeks from the side. It's Vincent.  "AYEEE Howz ya doin'?"

"Oh my, hi there Vincent dear." Margaret smiled at him. "You're right on time here. Come in."

Candy went to peek, xe did indeed recognize him. "Oh hiya Vince!" Xe waved at him with xir arm being hidden in her sleeve. 

Moon meanwhile can be seen passed out on the couch already.

"Yoo eya there Candy and uh..." Vincent notices Moon passed out. "Moon."

"Aww.” Margaret laughed a bit at this silly sight. “We should be startin’ once a few more others come now, well hope Lovely wakes up in time at that." She says, closing the door before taking her gaze at the table of potluck dishes. "We all got our food, mine's already there on the table. I'm curious to see whatcha'll got for today."

"Already expect Candy to hev sum sweetenin' there." Vincent laughed as he tried not to stumble and put his food boxes down on the table.

"Oh yeah!" Candy went to put xir food that xe made on the table too before opening  it up. The box reveals like some sort of cake that can be heard fizzing...

Moon slowly wakes up now. "Hmm..? Oh.. where am I?" They asked as they got up from the couch.

Margaret notices Moon has awakened, going next to her. "Darlin’, you passed out." She giggled. "You're in my home and we're doin' a potluck party, remember?"

Moon faces Margaret though her eyes remain closed. "Oh.. the potluck.. right~" They got up slowly, yawning a little before going to get their food that they made and went to put it on the table.

Meanwhile in the background Vincent is just checking out what Candy made. "Ohhhhhh those lookz delightzful! I made zum bakings too! Well I have pies." He says. "Look at dat fizzing!" He begins showing his food now, opening them. The food he made consists of raspberry pies as well as mung bean and ube mooncakes. "Ooof they're still fairly hot." He adds, mouth slightly watering at the sight.

Candy sees the baked goodness he made, eyes sparkling in delight seeing them. "Wowww~ Yours smell great!" Xe said.

Margaret looked quite amazed as well. "Ooo dear, didn't know you could bake this well." She smiled. She then went to check on what Moon made. “Oh Lovely, how about yours?”

Moon went to reveal hers and it’s just a simple arugula salad with green apples, shredded cheese and all. "It's nothing much… just wanted something… healthy." They said, describing their food choice.

"Ohhh, these are amazing looking, dear~. I love arugula, heh I love how you chose this” Margaret smiled. “Such variety for our dishes, would really love to get a try of this arugula salad of yours Lovely. You did quite nicely with it." She added, taking a slight sniff of the salad’s aroma. “Such a nice scent.”

"Me tooo~" Vincent says, raising his arm. "I'm bad at makin' saladz, could uze one rightz now hue."

"Thank you dear..~" Moon licks Margaret as a kiss on the cheek.

Margaret giggled at that in response.

"Are we gonna eat now or are there other buns to join??" Candy said, seemingly excited as xe bounced a bit.

"Nah I think we waitz for a little bit." Vincent says. "Thinkin's more will be comin', let's all startz together." He added.

"Yes, ya'll are the earliest to come." Margaret says, holding Moon's paw.

"Baaah.. man.. okay." Candy seems disappointed from that answer, pouting.

Moon faces Candy, noticing the cake she had made. "What… Did you make there, Candy?" She asked.

Candy looks at her. "Oh- This is my special fizzy sour cake~ It's all sour watermelon flavored! You guys should try!" Xe said.

A sweat dropped from Moon’s forehead, "Mmm.. very interesting but I'll pass dear" She said, though she already knew how that would taste.

"OhhhhH~" Vincent's eyes lit up, very curious about what the cake would taste like meanwhile.

"I can definitely see and smell the sour watermelon-ness of… that~" Margaret scratches her chin, chuckling nervously. She eyes Moon, aware how she'd definitely feel with this kind of concoction. "Candy sure is into these crazy creations." She whispered a bit next to her.

Meanwhile in the background, Vincent is more enthralled by the cake in comparison. "Looks so bloody fascinatin' eh? I imagine how it would tastes in me tastin' budz" He says, observing this watermelon cake creation of Candy. He is waiting, anticipating getting this cake in his mouth soon.

"Vincent there though, he isn't the type to create such stuff but... he is still the type to consume them too." Margaret added, still whispering while talking to Moon. "However he isn't sweet-exclusive." She chuckled.

"Ooo.. I see then." Moon faces her. "Guess Candy.. isn't the only one." They chuckled.

Soon, more guests came, a lot were vaguely familiar being Margaret's coworkers. Once the time is right, the potluck party commences.

Vincent is lowkey stuffing his mouth with the kimchi. "Nggyom thizsh ish good Mrgaret~" He says with his mouth full.

Margaret smiled. "Spice-fermented cabbages with cheese blend so well." She then takes a little bite of Moon's arugula salad. Her face lit up in delight "Oh, and this too~ Lovely dear this is great~!"

"Awww.. you're too sweet Marge..~" Moon said as she ate a piece of Margaret's kimchi. "Mm..~ Yours is.. delightful too~" they smiled at her.

Candy can be seen eating xir fizzy sour cake.

"Now I combine thish, with teh sour cakez." Vincent, after just swallowing kimchi, gets a slice of Candy's cake and takes a bite out of it. "................ ZBZBHR"

Candy laughs at Vincent’s reaction eating xir cake.

"... What was that noise?" Margaret laughed a bit too. She then pauses for a bit “Hmm…” Contemplating a bit during this party, she then spoke about what's been in her mind for a while now. "As the owner of a burlesque club for almost 10 years now, I'll admit, we never had any big renovations of the place before." Margaret says. "It was always just a small little theater we played in, buns passed by, entered, and watched. Now it seems like we're expandin', I’m wonderin’ how things will go about now."

“Ohh ye, heardz about the update in Bwitter. Seemz somez of teh layout will change a bit.” Vincent mentioned, stuffing himself with kimchi and watermelon cake in alternates. “I’m too uzed to teh old one but who knowz new one could be coolerz.”

“Indeed.” Margaret then took a bite on a mung bean mooncake. “Oh my, this is somethin’. It’s nice.” She smiled.

“Teh mung beanz are somethin’ I never triedz before but gladz it came out good.” Vincent giggled.

"Mmmm...." Moon is about to pass out again.

Margaret notices her. "Oh, Moon dear, you okay?" She held onto her so she wouldn't fall. "I know you're a sleepy bunch in one but, you've been passin' a lot much more lately."

Could have something to do with Moon's recent concerts and tours, and this week is just the start of her resting break.

"Huh..? Oh.. I'm sorry dear. I've been.. in so many places.. so..." Moon then fell asleep.

“Moon~!” Margaret called out and held on to her.

“Oh bloody hellz~” Vincent got startled by what happened there, having just swallowed his food.

Same for Candy though xer mouth is full xe could only let out a barely audible yelp.

“Hmm yeah I can see that. These tours can get tirin'." She says as she just gently laid the sleeping bun on the chair at the moment, putting her paw on her to keep her secure.

"Yap they arez, tho I didn't gettin' tiredz much myself." Vincent says as he continues eating, munching on a pie and a cake at once. "BRRBZRB" Making another weird sound before swallowing. "Yesterdayz was my recent concert. Dunno why but adrenaline still pumpinz in me. I could party all day right nowz~"

Vincent then turned to Candy. "How boutz you Candz?"

"Sugar always helps~" Candy said as xe continued gorging on food.

"Seems like you two have a way of keep goin' at full speed everyday." Margaret laughed, she then looked back at Moon.

Moon is still asleep and can be heard snoring.

"Good lord Murmur the party's not over yet aha." Margaret laughed a bit, feeling awkward seeing Moon slumped there on the dining table.

"Guesh someone should be takin’ her to teh bedroom." Vincent mentioned, pointing.

"I agree. I’ll do it." Margaret says.


Some time has passed...

Moon is taken to one of the bedrooms and has been sleeping there for an hour or so now.

The party is already over, Margaret is all tired from the event after having stuffed herself with all the potluck food. She headed to one of the bedrooms where Moon is.

Moon is still asleep there.

Margaret giggles seeing them “Oh my lovely Moon, such a sleepy-bun you are. But I’m also a sleepy-bun right now too.” She then joins them in bed, cuddling up next to her and kissing her forehead. “Goodnight Lovely.”

Meanwhile outside, everyone that is a guest at this potluck has fallen asleep too after having eaten a lot of foods, tummies being more or less full. Vincent lays on an ottoman chair snoring loudly, all the while mumbling nonsense in his sleep. Candy is in the most unusual position of falling asleep in the middle of the table surrounded by empty food plates. It seems like xe is the last to fall asleep as xe continued to eat by xirself bit by bit before passing out with the others.

This potluck party concludes in a gluttonous sleep.

Potluck Night
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In Prompts ・ By elsiikun, roromimii

NOTE: This is a quick reupload because I forgot to properly put the collaborators part woops

Probably the very first written prompt me and my bf roromimii has ever written lol. We RP'd it first as its foundation, before making various improvements, adjustments, and fixes so it fits more as a literature piece.

Submitted By elsiikun for Bon Appetit
Submitted: 10 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 10 months and 3 weeks ago

elsiikun: Collab writer
roromimii: Collab writer
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