Bon Appetit

In Prompts ・ By oldmanbecca
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With one last sprinkle of cinnamon sugar and the lights set to the perfect ambience for pictures, Sugar was ready to entertain his guests. Usually, he wasn’t the type to invite anyone but his closet friends into his home, but tonight was a special night and he was able to convince a few of the buns he admired into his kitchen. Although make no mistake, Sugar may be sweet, but he wasn’t without his own desires for what he wanted. His guests were here to try his food, but they were also here to entertain his own selfishness and to amuse him. It helped that they were all some of the most attractive buns he’d ever seen, he did like to surround himself with those what were almost perfect like his desserts.  

Casca, with her beautifully curled ears, was a bun whose recipe blog he had followed years ago and whose cookbook he was sure to have hidden somewhere. She inspired a few of Sugar’s more experimental dishes, although he did happen to notice she seemed to be falling off of the cooking scene. Of course, that couldn’t be helped when social media was always shifting and while he pitied her, he wouldn’t lie and say having less competition for popularity was the worst thing in the world. He could just make sure she had fun tonight without any of those worries and convince himself he wasn’t being rude to have those thoughts. After all, he was still pleased to have her here to try his cooking and that she accepted his invitation in the first place.

Then there was Ganache, a truly gorgeous bun that he followed on Bunstagram and whose photos were always at the height of the latest trends. It was because of her that Sugar was able to keep up and he appreciated anyone that was able to look as good as she did while also cooking all day for her account. He wondered if she would share some of her recipes if he asked, not to mention if she took a picture of what he made and posted it on her account, that would be exposure for his own Bunstagram. He did invite her to enjoy his food, but he would be a fool to pretend like she didn’t have a use beyond her pretty smile.

His last guest was a charming and stunning bun that he met at her tea house, Rose& Honey Tea House. From the moment he saw Rosamel, he was enchanted, a feeling that only got stronger when he realized she was the main baker at her tea house, and he truly just wanted her to try his desserts without any ulterior motives. She was just a bun he wanted to show off to and he hoped she would find him just as special. His vice may be lust, but he was perhaps the most prideful lust bun that ever walked these burrows. He wanted to be praised and admired, especially for something that he knew he was good at such as his baking.

He looked at his fellow buns and in a show of what he liked to call the art of surprise, he quickly pulled off a dish towel that was hidden his favorite dish. A sugar cream pie, the very dessert he shared a name with and the same recipe he had perfected years ago.

He grinned from his guests’ pleased gasps and did a little bow. “Please my dears, this is such a simple recipe. I was a bit worried you would be disappointed.”

“Disappointed?” Rosamel’s gentle voice questioned as she took a step closer. “I can’t imagine any of us would be. Even the simplest of recipes can be the most exciting., it has to be with how much you’re smiling.”

Ganache was quick to agree as she started to take a few glamour shots of the pie for her Bunstagram, “Yeah! My followers will love this, not too many buns actually know about this recipe. They’re too busy with the other classics.” And if there was something absolutely perfect for social media, it was to show the audience something they were not expecting to see.

Casca also managed to speak her mind as the other buns crowded the pie. “I think it looks delicious, Sugar, I wasn’t expecting to eat your name’s sake.” She laughed, her ears bouncing as she did. Sugar did have half a mind to worry about how much sugar she would be eating tonight. Energy meeting more energy might spell a recipe for disaster. But that did sound a little fun.

Sugar laughed, reaching up to rub the back of his neck, “You think so? I even made the crust by hand and the cinnamon was grinded by me.”

Casca brightened, smiling as she did, “Amazing, you grind your own cinnamon?”

“But of course, I’m all about having the freshest of ingredients.” Sugar leaned closer to her, “And between you and me, I think it tastes better.”

Ganache looked back at them, slipping her phone back into her dress, “Is this just for your own personal baking or for your café?”

Sugar nodded, “For both darling, I want to give my customers the best experience I can. They might come for my imps, but my café is more than playing with the cuties. I make some of the best cakes in my line of work.”

There was a soft laugh as Rosamel cut in to speak, “Careful Sugar, I think we all like to believe we make the best desserts.”

Sugar snickered, “I have no doubts that you have much better tea than I can brew. I am proud of my coffee; it took me months to find the right blends.”

Rosamel nodded, “I was the same way with deciding on the teas for my tea house.”

“I would imagine that’s very important for a tea house.” Sugar smiled, “I can never get tea right, I always add too much sugar.”

Casca snorted softly, “You really live up to your name, Sugar, I shouldn’t be surprised.”

Ganache snickered, “I live up to my name too, some of my favorite recipes use ganache.”

“Well, all of you are right,” Sugar teased, “I am the definition of a sugar addiction. I don’t think I could live a single day without eating something sweet.”

Rosamel laughed behind her hand, “I’m worried about all of the sugar highs you must have?”

Sugar did a quick pose, his hands on each hip, “Nonsense, you can’t have any lows if you’re always eating a little bit of sugar.”

Casca shook her head, “Oh Sugar, that might be too sweet even for you.”

“Again, I call it nonsense, I’m a big bun,” He grinned, “I’m sure I can handle as many sweets as I want. I mean who will eat all of my experimental baking if not me? I’d hate for it to go to waste, and I wouldn’t dare to feed it to my imps.”

Ganache scoffed playfully, “Oh definitely not, I can just imagine how crazy your café would get if all of your imps were on a sugar high.”

All of the buns laughed together, before Sugar pulled out some plates from his cabinet and a few forks from another. From there, it was a quick shuffle of each bun getting a piece of sugar cream pie. “Let’s not worry about my wild imps, I say we relax with our own sweetness for now.”

The other buns cheered as they quickly dived in, with an eagerness that was almost enough to make Sugar bashfully blush from pride.

Sugar did intend this night to gain from his guests, but he realized something that he didn’t think would feel this important. It was just nice to spend time around buns that shared the same interest as he did and who did not need to ask questions about anything cooking related, they just understood him. It was an incredible feeling, something that he had never expected to feel or that it would make him feel all warm inside.

Here he could sit as his guests raved about his pie and he could smile as he revealed his techniques to them. If he was going to use them, then he wanted to give them something back. Sugar wanted them to think of him when they baked, it felt like he wanted his friends to take his advice and these buns actually listened to him. They didn’t brush off his baking knowledge and they so quickly shared their own. Maybe, just maybe, he wanted to do this again without hoping for something to gain. He wanted friends who understood him like this, it made him feel like all his training and accomplishments really did matter.

Maybe spending time with friends was better than anything he could do to improve his cooking… well maybe. He was undecided, but he still was having fun. He was still the bun as sweet as sugar.  

Bon Appetit
2 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By oldmanbecca

Words: 1501

Submitted By oldmanbecca for Bon AppetitView Favorites
Submitted: 7 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 7 months and 1 week ago

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