No pain, No Gain

In Explicit ・ By mothman
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Silas would be lying to say that he isn’t nervous.

It’s becoming increasingly obvious just how out of place he feels, squirming slightly from where he is knelt upon the fuzzy pink carpet, wincing slightly at the feeling of it against his bare flesh. His usual darkened attire has already been carefully set aside, each piece meticulously folded by slightly shaky hands, neatly tucked away as per his instructions. 

While this technically wouldn’t be his first time meeting the illustrious Harley of Harlequin Romance, this *would* be his first official session with her. The mere thought alone sends a shiver cascading down the back of his spine. Whether it is from nerves or excitement, he can’t quite tell - he supposes the answer is probably both.

After all, this is something that he had sought out for himself. It’s only natural to be a little bit excited, right?


“So, you’re wanting the pricing for one of my sessions, hm?”

From where he sits, legs crossed with hands folded neatly in his lap and a slightly stiffened back in the back corner of the café that the two of them were meant to meet in, Silas can feel his face heat up considerably. He swears that he practically feel the other bun’s gaze raking across his skin and through his clothes, taking in every little aspect of his awkward appearance, his nervous disposition. Her expression appears almost unreadable to him even as he gives a jerky little nod in response to her question.

It’s only when the silence lapses for a few seconds that Silas realizes that she’s expecting a verbal response, stumbling slightly over his own words in his haste to make up for his mishap, “I, uh - yes, yes I was. If that is something you’re still offering, that is? Of course, it’s totally fine if not, I can just be on my way if that’s the case, I just wasn’t sure if -“

“Woah, now,” the amused little laugh that Harley gives is enough to draw Silas out of the anxious spiral he had begun to ramble his way down, and he pauses in his tracks. A bright smile has found its way onto the pro domme’s face, warm and reassuring. Silas can feel a part of himself settle slightly at the sight. “Calm down there, sugar. I’d just been asking to make sure that I’d heard right, that’s all. Of course I can give you those.” 

Another nod from Silas, a bit more relaxed this time, yet equally as bashful. Harley chuckles again at the sight, her head tilting slightly as she considers the bun before her once more.

“Holland really wasn’t kidding when he’d told me you were a shy one, hm?” She muses, much to Silas’s surprise, though he supposes he really should have expected this. After all, it was only natural for her to have had some sort of briefing from Holland before all of this -it had been his suggestion for him to come to her. 

(“You’re too stressed,” he’d said one day, meek but observant as he’d watched Silas all but face-plant onto his couch. “You really should learn how to take more breaks. Relax a little. Not be so harsh on yourself. I think I know the perfect thing.”

Said perfect thing had happened to be a new dildo and the suggestion of reaching out to Harley and seeing if her services may help. It’d taken a few days of mustering up courage and quite a few sleepless nights for Silas to give in to the idea, but well . . . here he is now. He just hoped all the embarrassment would turn out to be worth it.)

“No need to worry, I can help you out!” Harley says then, all too bright and nonchalant considering the subject, Silas feels. “First session is on the house. If you like it, then we can figure out a plan from there - if not, no biggie! You never know unless you try, after all.”

“Are you sure?” Silas starts before he can really help it, another anxious bubble rising up in his chest. “I really don’t mind paying, and if you don’t think it’s a good idea -“

“Ah, ah, ah,” Harley chides then, suddenly, and Silas quiets with a blink of surprise as she wags her finger at him. “Enough with that! The real question here is if you’re sure. That’s the kicker.”

When Silas merely stares at her, Harley sighs, leaning forward against the table to be able to prop her chin up on her hand. “Look, one of the biggest parts of BDSM is making sure that everyone is comfortable with what it is that they’re doing. Sure, it’s one thing to be a little nervous when you’re first starting out. Natural, even! That’s different from genuinely being actually uncomfortable with the idea, though.”

“I know that Holland suggested that you come to me for some help relaxing, and I do think that I would be able to help you out with that.” There’s a glint in those dark pink eyes of hers despite her relaxed stance that betrays just how passionately she feels, and how serious she is taking this all. Something about it brings a warmth to Silas’s chest, curling up comfortably there. “But what me and Holland may or may not think doesn’t matter in this situation. What matters is what you think, and what you want. Does that make sense?”

“I think so,” Silas says after a couple of seconds of letting her words sink into him, settling in with that same warmth. 

“You don’t have to make a decision now,” Harley offers, leaning back now that she seems content that her point is made. She turns to rummage through her bag, digging around for something, “You can always just let me know later. I think I’ve got a business card lying around here somewhere, let me just -“


The exclamation catches them both off guard, the already quite quiet café seeming to still for a moment before beginning the soft bustle of chatter once more. With a quickly reddening face, Silas hurries to clarify with, “I mean - there’s no need for that. I do want to try this. I know I do. I just … am new to it, that’s all. I don’t do this kind of thing very often.”

Harley gives another little laugh, the corners of her eyes crinkling with a genuine smile. It makes that warmth in Silas’s chest swell with something akin to pride nestling in next to it, and he finds himself smiling too.

 “That settles it, then!” She says, stretching as she suddenly stands up, sending a wink his way. “Let’s meet for coffee again sometime next week, yeah? We can go over the contracts and details then - boundaries, safewords. . . y’know, the basics. We can go from there then.”

“That sounds like a good plan,” Silas affirms with another nod, more determined this time. That doesn't sound too bad - he can do that, most definitely.

“I’ll reach out to figure out a good time for us both soon, but until then, you know where to find me!” Harley says with a click of her tongue and playful point of her finger, before turning to make her exit. 

“I look forward to working with you!” She says over her shoulder before disappearing out of the doorway, with nothing but the jingling of the café bells in her wake.

Silas watches her go with a wave and a soft, contemplative smile on his face. Something tells him that he will enjoy working with her too. 


The door to the back room opens with a soft creak, drawing Silas out from his thoughts. He’s not sure how long he has been kneeling for, but he finds his back straightening a little at the mere sight of the domme, thighs shifting and squeezing slightly at the slight twitch of anticipation he feels. 

“Sorry I’m a bit late,” Harley says as she enters, her voice light and casual as she finishes locking the door behind her. “I got a bit caught up helping a customer and the time just sorta slipped away from me! How are you doing? Do you need anything before we get into everything for today?”

Silas can feel the way his body instantly heats under her gaze as she finally turns to look at him, that same warm and welcoming smile lightening up her face. In contrast to him, she is still fully clothed - or, more accurately, she still is wearing her usual kind of attire - and the contrast leaves his eyes briefly skimming over the exposed skin before averting.

His cheeks are tinged with color as he stumbles through his response of, “Oh, uh - it’s…fine. I’m fine. I’ve just been waiting. Like you asked.”

At his words, Harley can’t seem to help but give another little laugh. The way she strides around the room holds an air or confidence that Silas can’t help but feel just a little bit envious of, sneaking in glances of her and her tousled dual-tone hair in every now and then before immediately letting his gaze fall back down to where his hands have settled against the meat his thighs. His fingertips twitch slightly, drumming against the skin - a nervous habit he’s picked up. Nevertheless, he stays exactly as he’d been instructed. 

“I can see that,” Harley hums as Silas continues to not-so-discreetly watch her dig through a dresser out of the corner of his eye, his curiosity getting the best of him despite his apparent bashful nature. “I know that was a bit of a big first step for you, but you did very well, following the instructions that I gave you. You should be very proud.”

Something about how genuinely the words are said leaves Silas preening slightly at the praise, and even as he lets his gaze drop again, he finds it a bit easier to look up through his lashes when Harley finally does approach him. In her hands lies a pair of leather gloves, and while Silas eyes them a bit nervously at first, he’s immediately reassured by the smile that she gives.

“I know that I already explained all of this during our last meeting, but I’m going to go over everything one more time for you, just to refresh your memory, okay?” She starts, and when Silas nods his affirmation, she continues, “These gloves are what we are going to use to signify both the start and the end of our sessions. Once I put them on, we officially have entered our scene for the day - likewise, once they come off, that indicates that the scene is over.  At any time, you are both free to and encouraged to let me know if you need to stop, slow down, or take a break. Understood?”

“Understood,” Silas repeats, swallowing slightly when Harley smiles that same dazzling smile.

“Perfect,” she all but purr as she slowly begins to slip her hands into the perfect fit of the gloves.  “We’re going to start small today, but I promise to make it worth the wait still.”

There’s a moment of silence that passes as Harley adjusts the leather. Then, she leans forward, winking. 

“Now, do you remember your rules?” She asks, gently brushing the bottom of his chin with that same gloved hand. Silas nods, automatic, and it only takes a couple of seconds and Harley’s slightly amused smile for his brain to kick in.

“Yes, mistress,” he corrects, just as they’d talked, soft and out-of-breath despite having yet to even be properly touched. His whole body feels like that a life wire, frayed and sparking in anticipation of something yet to come,  and yet -

Yet as Harley cups the side of his face and leans in for a feather-light press of lips to his forehead, it’s as if all that tension simply … disappears. His body practically sags in relief, blinking slowly up at her in an almost awe as she straightens.

“Good boy,” she murmurs against his skin, and oh, Hell, Holland had been right - this is what Silas had needed. He has no more doubts about that now. 

When she straightens, he finds himself trying to follow her touch. Whether Harley notices his neediness or not, Silas isn’t sure, but she smiles when she says, “You can stand now, darling - I want you on the bed, legs spread for me.”

“Yes Mistress,” Silas repeats again, and it’s a bit more natural this time. He stumbles a bit, unsteady as his hooves try to find their footing against the carpet, or maybe it’s the anticipation that makes his legs shake in the way they do. It’s a bit clumsy, but he manages to get to the bed just fine, settling against the silken sheets with his back against the board. Despite his instinct being to attempt to shield himself from view, he lets his legs fall open, the blushing warmth starting from the base of neck skittering down the back of his spine. 

Harley watches him the whole way, eyes half-lidded, and as she crawls up next to him it’s with a flick of her tail in clear concentrated interest.

“Color?” She asks, hand hovering just above the bare skin of his thigh, and Silas can feel his pulse jump a bit. His body feels alive with the electricity  that lingers in the air, like he’s going to burst if he isn’t touched this very second.

“Green,” he says, and he finds that he means it - he wants this.

Harley smiles, obviously pleased at how quickly he seems to be settling in, and finally - finally - allows her fingers to touch his skin.  They ghost up his thighs, run gently up and down his sides, as though merely familiarizing him with the feeling of leather against his skin. Silas can’t help but shake a little under the concentrated attention, pent up and slightly overwhelmed by his own excitement. 

Harley continues the soft, repetitive motions, until he calms once more. The trembles stop, replaced by the relaxing of muscle, the release of a tension that Silas hadn’t even realized he’d still been holding. 

“Does that feel good?” Harley asks once she seems content with Silas’s own comfort, continuing to massage at his thighs as she does.

Silas gives a fluttering, breathy sigh, “Yes, Mistress.”

Almost as though she were praising him for his response, Harley’s hand brushes ever-so-slightly against Silas’s already hard and leaking cock. Under normal circumstances, Silas would have been embarrassed at just how worked up over a few little touches he had become.

Now, he simply revels in the feeling, hips stuttering forth a bit as he gasps out a little, “Oh.”

“Good boy,” Harley murmurs, followed by a soft chuckle before she pulls away. Instantly, Silas is tensing  - did he do something wrong? Had he upset her in some way?

His discomfort doesn’t last for long, as Harley notices it immediately. She soothes him with another gentle caress to his hip, bandaids it with a reassuring smile. “I was just reaching for some lube, doll - you’re alright, I’ve got you. Still green?”

Tentatively letting himself calm against the gentle circles she rubs into his skin, Silas gives a small nod. This time, Harley doesn’t comment on his lack of verbal response - instead, she focuses on helping to keep him relaxed as she pops off the cap of a tube. A pleasant, aromatic and yet not overwhelming scent of strawberries fills the air, and Silas can feel his tail twitch a bit in interest.

Harley hums softly, waiting for a moment. As though she could hear the un-asked question in Silas’s head, she says, “Just warming it up for you now, don’t want it too cold - you’re doing such a good job, being so patient.”

Silas can’t help the slight whine that leaves him at the praise, turning his face a little to hide how clearly flushed he is against the fluff of his ears. When he peeks out again, it’s to find that Harley’s moved back over to his side, a certain sort of fond amusement to her gaze.

“You know, I can see why Holland thought this would be good for you,” she murmurs, almost to herself, reaching up with her non-slick hand to gently brush some of the stray strands of hair that had fallen into Silas’s face. He aches to lean into the touch, yet also feels the need to recoil - so instead, he simply stills, blinking up at her. “You’re so tense, dear - relax for me? I promise, I’ll make it worth your while.”

Silas finds himself nodding before he even has the chance to fully realize that he’s made up his mind. He’s shaking again - yet another discovery - and he attempts to remedy it with a deep breath, exhaling it slowly, “Yes, mistress. I’ll try.”

For what it’s worth, the shaking does subside. Pleased, Harley allows another gentle touch to stray down his body again - and this time, Silas allows himself to melt against it.

This continues for quite some time. Gentle touches, reassuring words. To be entirely honest, Silas isn’t even exactly sure when the touches turned into actual strokes - he just knows that eventually he finds his hips bucking up openly into the lax pace that Harley has set, the noises he makes no longer muffled or restrained.

Harley does exactly as she promised, expertly bringing him right up to that ledge, only to lead him back before he can tumble directly off the cliff. It’s enough to drive even the most practiced of buns wild, and Silas finds himself no different. His mind feels so pleasantly fuzzy, his quiet pants and pleas met with further praise.

When he finally does cum, it’s only after Harley has given him permission to do so ( though Silas has a feeling she likely could tell he couldn’t last much longer regardless). It’s with a soft hum that she tells him, “Go ahead, doll,” and he does so with a sob, all over those same leather gloves, the ones that come off just as soon as they are finished guiding him through the aftershocks of what had to be the most intense orgasm of Silas’s life thus far.

He can’t help but begin to whine as the warmth of Harley’s body leaves him momentarily, though he calms immediately against the other bun’s soft hush, relaxing back into the plush mattress at her soft, familiar laugh. 

“Hold on, hun, we need to clean you up a bit - then you can sleep.” She says, though honestly, Silas might already be dozing anyway. He finds it hard to recall a time where his body had felt so pleasantly tired, that sort of lazy, content relaxation that had so often eluded him.

“Holland was right,” he murmurs, though with his face turned against one of the pillows, it must be hard to hear.

“What was that?” Harley asks as she returns with her cloth.

“Holland was right,” he repeats, shifting a little to be able to give a sleepy little smile Harley’s way. “You are good at this.”

The laugh Harley gives is probably louder than she had intended for it to be, but Silas finds that that’s more than alright. 

“You know what they say,” she chuckles a bit more quietly as she begins to clean him off, though she can already hear the soft snores she gets in response. “No pain, no gain.” 

No pain, No Gain
2 ・ 0
In Explicit ・ By mothman

Wanted to show off the softer side of what a pro domme can offer... so enjoy my sweet lil bun getting some sweet, gentler lovin'


hopefully Harley isn't too out of character !!! We don't have too much canon dialogue written of her yet so I just sorta ran with it... either way, I hope whoever does take the time to read this enjoys (even if it is 90% build-up and foreplay oopsies)

Submitted By mothman for Clips and WhipsView Favorites
Submitted: 7 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 7 months and 2 weeks ago

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[No pain, No Gain by mothman (Literature)](
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