[Gift] Bunny love but make it timed

In Prompts ・ By satyrn
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One thing Ignition has always struggled with is breeding season.

When he had first arrived he mostly had the breeding season depression hit him like a wall of poorly cobbled together bricks. He never had a partner, certainly not one he would consider 'knocking up' anyway. He would find it much easier to lock himself away in his home and try and wait it out, going out on good days and pretending he didn't exist on bad ones. It is very easy to get bored of your own hand and toys after a whole month of relying on them, its likely why he doesn't even bother with them anymore at the moment.

This time its different, Its BEEN different. He has a partner. Partner...s? Its...difficult right now. However he is also being a massive dick during a sensitive time of the year. Aria has sincerely tried to reach out to him for almost a week now. Even within the groupchat, solo chat and at his goddamn door he gives no response. Its...super dickish and he knows it, and usually he wouldn't act like this but he has found it increasingly hard to rely on anyone else. More than that, He doesn't want to feel like he's using Aria to help him survive breeding season. Though how them mutually helping eachother is 'using' he has no logical comeback for.

Aria had obviously been spending the first week with Rowan, basically attached at the hip. Rowan, despite his own views about indulging, realises that there are certain points where maybe his views and morals matter a lot less. He recognises that Aria needs him, and honestly shes one of the only people to put up with him and stay persistant but respectful, so it would seem wrong to ignore her. Plus, Not that he would acknowledge it, He may need her a little bit too. Not that breeding season is getting to him, It isn't. On the other hand, he also notices that the lack of short annoying firecracker is severely getting to Aria.

She sits with her knees tucked under her chin, staring at the far wall with a frown on her face.

"What's wrong?"

She glances over at Rowan, and honestly she looks as if she could burst into tears at the question alone. "I'm worried about Ignition. He hasn't replied to any messages, or his door, Its like he's fallen off the face of burrowgatory."

While Rowan is still...working on him and Ignition not being a dumpster fire [he is beginning to realise he may be getting in his own way a little thanks to a certain spiritually haunted bar bun], It doesn't mean he would rather ignore him for the month. Especially if ignoring him means Aria is going to be torn up for a few more weeks. He refuses to show it in any capacity, but he does in fact give a shit. With a sigh he stands up and begins re-dressing himself.

"W-where are you going-" He notices the panic rising in her voice and he chuckles briefly, running a hand through her hair

"I'm going to check on Ignition."

She shakes her head "If he wouldn't open the door for me what makes you think he'll open it for you?"

"I have my ways." Rowan, In his most ominous of tones, smiles along with it which should make anyone nervous.

"Come back soon please" She murmured, the smallest of hopes in her voice that he would be coming back with Ignition and not alone.

By the time he gets over there its gone dark again. Another day, Another lack of response. He checks over the chats to scour for things but some of them Ignition hasn't even opened to read yet. Rowan is a businessman, and a conman to some, but you can't say he isn't good at what he does. He figures if he's going to force Ignitions hand he may as well give him a taste of his own medicine and be the most annoying thing he can think of.

So, When he gets to the door, He wastes no time in rapidly and continously knocking with no pause. He had no plans to stop knocking until the door was open. Rowan had his doubts to be honest, If Ignitions annoying personality wasn't an act...this may not work, he could just brush it off. He also listens carefully past the knocking to try and notice any shifting from inside. He is surprised to find his hand knocking air when the door swings open with an almost violent rage.

"What. Do. You Want." Ignition growls in the doorway, teeth clenched with frustration.

Rowan squints, he's observing instead of replying. Ignition takes a few moments of clarity to notice who it is at the door and immediately slams it closed in Rowans face in a panic.

"You CANT be here, Go away." Is mumbled through the door.

"Ignition i can go right back to the knocking if you'd like."

Theres a pained groan of frustration from the other side of the door and he opens it again, albeit a smaller amount this time. Giving Rowan the 'what????!!?!?!' look with his eyes.

Ignition does not seem to be in good shape. He looks very tired and very irritable. Also, super wary, maybe his senses have gone into overdrive while he's been holed up here alone.

"Are we going to chat in the hall or are you going to stop acting childish?" Rowan asks, in a frighteningly calm manner compared to the waves of heated anger rolling off Ignition.

"You know what Rowan? Do whatever you want, i dont fucking care." Ignition leaves the door open and goes back to his couch. Rowan shuffles in and closes the door, Ignition is throwing a ball in the air with one hand and catching it in the same hand repeatedly, as if to ground himself.

"So, Do we get an explanation for you going radio silent or are we supposed to guess? I'm not too fond of guessing games, I'll have you know." Rowan asks in a firm tone.

Ignitions tail lashes against the cushions with irritation "No, You don't. I just decided to hole up by myself. Theres your answer, Now fuck off."

"I'm not going anywhere. I hope you realise how difficult you're making this for no reason." Irritation slips into Rowans tone without him meaning it to.

"Not really. I would rather be here, chained up to my couch than be there and feel like i'm using Aria like shes not her own doll." Ignition had been so used to using toys during breeding season he was well over paranoid that he would think of spending it with a partner as using them too. Since he's never had assistance before. Rowan being in the room was making things both increasingly harder but also slightly more tolerable, Its hard to describe.

Rowan narrows his eyes at this "Ignition did you ever look past yourself and consider the fact that she may need you?"

Ignition catches the ball again but doesn't throw it, head twitching to look at Rowan slightly with uncertainty

"You know me. You know i dont do all this idiotic sin business. But, Because Aria needs me, and its becoming evident you fucking might as well, I'm doing it anyway. To help."

Ignition falters, and Rowan thinks he may have finally cracked some of his logic.

"If she has you i'm pretty sure she'll survive without me."

"Ignition. Shes a lust bun. Are you out of your mind?" Rowan snorted, the amusement in his tone zapping at Ignitions mind a little.

"Oh my murmur you're not going to go away until i agree, are you?" Ignition sighs and tiredly rubs his eyes.

"No. I'm not. So i suggest you start packing essentials, Or we can do this aaaallll fucking night." Ignition believes him, He would absolutely trust Rowan to spend the entire night chastising him.

With a long tired sigh, He gets up and plods to his room to pack some shit. Rowan feels some smug satisfaction in how he's convinced Ignition to finally do as he's told. Before they leave, Ignition grabs some shit from the fridge and tosses one of the smaller boxes to Rowan. Rowan raises an eyebrow.

"Whats this?"

Ignition shrugs "Had to distract myself somehow"

He pops open the box a crack and sees multiple different mochi inside it, theres a crudely written 'R' on the side of the box. As much as Ignition would pretend to be ignoring them, it seems he was thinking of them all along. Rowan can only imagine whats in the bigger box in Ignitions arms. They make the journey back to Arias in comfortable silence. Rowan has already won this battle, Ignition has no energy to try and rile him up or annoy him. In fact he seems mostly tired and mellowed out entirely, Rowan is seeing this side to him more and more. Little by little. He's starting to have his own theories.

Upon entering the appartment, Ignition shoves the boxes in her fridge and tries to center himself before he goes anywhere else in this place.

Aria comes scurrying out "You're back-"

She pauses as she notices Rowan is, in fact, not alone. The first thing she does is kiss him "Have i ever told you you're like a magic man? You're like a magic man!!!" Rowans cheeks flush and he coughs a little.

"No. You haven't mentioned."

It takes a lot of strength for Ignition to run over there, but he manages. Arias hair is down and she seems to have only put on some comfy big shorts, nothing up top though. She has some bite marks here and there and looks very flushed. Its killing him, actually, she looks very fucking good. In spite of his self control, Aria sprints over and kisses him, for a very extended period.

"You have a lot of fucking making up to do" She murmurs, maybe even sounding a little annoyed for a change.

"I know i know-"

She grabs his hand and yanks Rowan by his tie back towards the bedroom "LETS GO!!!"

[Gift] Bunny love but make it timed
0 ・ 2
In Prompts ・ By satyrn

i was told this was allowed since its just written for general char interaction :salute:

Submitted By satyrn for Bunny Love
Submitted: 10 months and 4 weeks agoLast Updated: 10 months and 4 weeks ago

RealKutiepup: Gift For
KittyKnight: Gift For
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[[Gift] Bunny love but make it timed by satyrn (Literature)](https://succubuns.com/gallery/view/17880)


KittyKnight Avatar

"You have a lot of fucking making up to do" don'T YA MEAN A LOT OF FUCKING-

2023-11-06 07:43:45

satyrn Avatar


2023-11-06 07:45:34

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