[Gift] [PROMPT] Bon Appetit

In Prompts ・ By satyrn
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It seems with the big bake-off going on this month that everyone is very much in the cooking spirit. Ignition is actually a decent cook and a good baker, If you can believe that. His paternal figure, who he likes to call his 'not-dad' in a joking manner, Is very much not into the baking scene. Whether it was from bugging Dan at his dango stand or peeking at what other buns had been doing, Over his time from the day he stepped hoof into Burrowgatory...he learned all the basics he would need to be able to cook meals AND treats. It also seems like his skills will come in handy for Fragarias party.

For most, The bake-off is a chance for them to showcase their skills. For a smaller but still decent majority, Its a way to hold gatherings and spend time with friends or family.

One of the people hosting a party would be Ignitions girlfriend, Fragaria. Her appartment isn't huge but with Ignitions help she manages to move things around and create MUCH space and very well placed sitting spots as well. She is very good at ambience, and very good at cooking and baking, Whereas Ignition has a clear bias for being better at one than the other. He's over to help her prepare solely because he IS good at both still, and he wouldn't dream of asking her to do it all by herself. She already managed to do all the decorating and ambience.

"Ignition, You better not be cooking shirtless to distract me." Aria says in a firm no-nonsense tone, and Ignition almost jumps at it. He scoffs a small laugh that melts into a larger one when he sees the look on her face.

"Babe i'm shirtless 'cause its hot as fuck in here, If i were doing it to distract you? I promise i would NOT be working."

Multiple buns were invited! It wasn't a massive group but it was certainly enough to be working their asses for. They woke up early and were absolutely going to be working down to the last ticking seconds. So, Work they did! As they ran around eachother putting things in warmers and taking things in and out of the oven they seemed to have found a perfectly calm rhythm for working together. He knows how excited she is for this and he would not dare to think about ruining that for her. He is working his ass off to make sure that this thing goes smooth as melting butter.

To no ones surprise [okay, maybe to Ignitions] Rowan arrives early. Its to be expected since instead of 'fun guest' his title was on the higher plaque of 'hostess' boyfriend'. While Ignition would LIKE to go out there  and already try to get on his nerves, he was genuinely busy in the kitchen. The kitchen that Aria warned Rowan he was not to step foot inside, by the way. His only response was "That's fine, I have no reason to want to go in there"

Once again acting as if the festival-like event all over town wasn't getting to him little by little, Which Ignition and Aria both knew was a lie. By the time Rowan had arrived everything was mostly done and just being left to either stay warm intentionally or to cool off in time for people to snatch it. Aria leans back against one of her counters and sighs softly. Tired as she may be, She will absolutely not regret it, Especially not when everyone shows up. Ignition is finishing up the final bits. Due to Arias insistance there are a few things only he knows how to make that are a part of the platter, He wont be telling anyone this though.

Finally the time Aria had appointed had arrived and she had gotten rush-changed about five minutes beforehand, ready to greet her guests at the door. The kitchen was blocked off so Aria tossed some proper clothes in for Ignition. He snickered to himself with amusement, But he did eventually change. After all, His normal clothes had remnants of cooking on them and he did not want to deal with any questions about that.

There seemed to be many buns here that he recognised, Two of which being Raine and Lady. Lady wasn't one for parties but...somehow it was the only way to also drag Electra from their hole. They are still fiddling with their phone regardless, Though Ignition is happy to notice that with their free hand they ARE in fact snagging little snacks from the nearby table. Raine just seems happy to be somewhere completely calm and unhaunted.

Ignition wriggles his way over through the other people and snorts a little as Raine jumps while one of her ghosts floats by her eyes with what she would call 'menacing intent'.

"Glad to see you here. Also glad to see you're not overwhelmed"

For a rarer sight, Raine smiles and clasps her hands together. She is still VERY fidgety but it seems a lot less intense than when she's out 'working'. Perhaps its Lady standing just beside her while trying to cling to Electra that makes her feel less shaky. "Its nice here. The food is really good too. I'm guessing thats your fault?"

He puts both his hands up in mock defence and surrender "Haha, No. That would be my girlfriend Arias fault". While there is credit to be taken, He will not do so. Aria did a lot of the main work and he won't let anyone else forget it.  Raine has probably assumed it was his fault because he always brings stuff to her house raids, Most of it made by himself. She is...very used to his cooking to put it lightly. She could probably tell exactly what he did have a hand in if she tried enough but...she is likely not that focused. That would definitely be a job for Momo but...she is busy bugging his dad tonight. He pats Raines head a little he was about to move back through some people but Lady stops him briefly.

"Do let Aria know how amazing this all is. I can tell she's worked rather hard on it and if i don't get the chance to speak with her tonight i want her to know"

He nods shortly and moves back to get a better look at the room. He can see that most of the chips are gone...likely Electras doing as they're closest to the bowl. He is suddenly very glad they didn't manage to burn those things while making them. He assumed that if most of the sweeter dishes and desserts are gone...its because of Rowan. While trying to ignore her ghosts, Raine also seems to be making a wild variety plate on her empty dish. Part of him wants to tell her that it may upset her stomach having that large ofa mix but...its not his funeral. He needs to make sure Aria eats before this night is up.

Speaking of Aria, He's just realised that with them working all day he hasn't had a chance to smoke yet and the itch is starting to make him irritable. He glances around to try and pinpoint her but he can't seem to see her anywhere. He would assume she would be with Safrole but, No dice.

Against his will, He goes to see Rowan because maybe by some miracle, He HAS seen her.

"When did you get here?" Rowan raises an eyebrow and almost looks dissappointed for a second. Ignition is about to snap at him but then it dawns on his thoughts that Rowan has no idea he's been here all morning helping. He puts his hands in his pockets and shrugged.

"After the others. Fashionably late" He smiles in the most annoying way he can muster and Rowan sighs, Irritated. "You seen Aria?"

Rowan waves a hand over to the left-most side of the room. "She was somewhere over that way speaking with a few buns."

"Thanks, Catch you on the flipside prickstripes!" Ignition immediately turns to go find her and Rowan makes sure to call out,

"Tell her the macaroons are great by the way!"

Ignition keeps walking but smirks softly to himself. She didn't make those fucking macaroons. Not that he'll be the one to tell Rowan that. He eventually spots her high ass white ponytail and makes his way behind her. Ah, She's speaking with Dollop and Abel. Ignition is on...odd...circumstances with Dollop for reasons he did not wish to explain. He comes up behind Fragaria and places his chin on her head. His arrival does of course catch everyones attention, thankfully it doesn't break up the conversation.

"I just wanted to thank you for the invite. You really have been wonderful as a host, and you going out of your way to make the dishes me and Dollop mentioned off the cuff was...very kind" For a change in his somewhat bratty demeanour, Abel seems sincere in the moment.

Aria clasps her hands together and beams, maybe even blushing a small bit. "If you do enjoy them and theres some left i would be happy to let you take it home!"

"We'd really like that, It seems you've made a very big swiss cake so...I'll be taking a slice or two home~" Dollop smiles and its warm. She hangs off Abels arm very comfortably and is leaning against him with her head tilted to his shoulder.

"Of course! Oh, I also found those ear-rings you were asking me about, The ruby-sapphire ones? I can go get them too before you go just remind me!"

Its nice for Ignition to see Aria almost bouncing off the walls verbally like this. She really does get a lot out of giving to others and making them feel welcome and its something Ignition would be happy to bear witness to over and over. Ignition murmurs in her ear

"I'll be right back, Just stepping out okay?" Before kissing her cheek and slipping back so she could finish her conversation. He worms his way back out to the balcony and sighs with relief as the door clicks shut behind him. Waking up early is definitely not his thing, He is SO going to conk out after this thing is finished. He stays out here for way longer than anticipated.

Ignition leans on the balcony top with both his elbows, right hand only bent up to hover by his mouth and remove his cigarette so he could puff out smoke briefly before the cycle continued. He DID feel better after having one. Must've been going so far on the 'full steam ahead' thing that he forgot he was a smoker all morning. The door opens, revealing the noise inside, before clicking shut behind him again. He expects it to be Aria asking him what he's been doing out here but he jumps a little at the voice that comes from behind him.

"You know. Aria doesn't know how to make macaroons."

Its Rowan. Rowan jumpscare! Holy shit he was not expecting that. He is too genuinely tired to keep up the act of bothering him right now.

"Really? Thats insane i wonder where she bought em from" Ignition will keep the lie going for as long as he sees fit. Or for as long as Rowan is going to be vague about it.

"Look. I know we don't get on most of the time but you don't have to pretend to have no involvement in everything" Rowan sounds...hm. Ignition can't place it yet. Not his normal self, Thats for sure.

He glances over his shoulder at Rowan and blows a puff of smoke out slowly. He's trying to get a read on him, Its a little hard since its no longer light outside. "Do i not? Feels like its easier for you that way." He didn't MEAN to sound bitchy, He's just running high at the moment.

Rowan sighs. "Ignition, For fuck sake i do not hate you. You piss me off, It gets on my nerves, Its like you're always one dimensional when i'm around. It doesn't mean i'm trying to get rid of you."

Something clicks in Ignitions brain. THAT sounded a little too vulnerable for Rowan. "You make it hard to be two dimensional, Or even three if we're really getting jiggy with it-"

"Yeah, Yeah, I know. Look. I'm attempting....to improve that. Will you come back inside? Moping out here is only going to make Aria get anxious."

Unfortunately, Rowan has also clocked that Aria is an easy way to slip Ignition into doing what you want. He puts the cigarette out and sighs, It was almost down to a crisp anyway. "Fine"

When they get back inside, It seems that the whole thing has gone off without a hitch. No bumps in the road, No unforseen disasters. There's certainly a glow around Aria when the night is over. She is ecstatic everything went so well but her partners can see she is...obviously very tired. She sits back on the couch when its all over and done while the other two clean stuff up. It seems that she is even happier to see her boys getting along, even if its only momentarily.

Rowan has evidently eaten a lot, As he usually does and then denies later, So he will not be going home today. Usually having them all sleep together is a tough task but everyone is so tired from the day that there are no fucks left to give about sharing.

Aria slides into the middle of the bed, Ignition to her right and Rowan to her left. She yawns softly

"Night everyone~"

[Gift] [PROMPT] Bon Appetit
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In Prompts ・ By satyrn

good god fellas he fucking did it

also im sorry if i forgot anyone in the participant section im so bad at keeping track of owners JHFDJKSDFHKJ

Submitted By satyrn for Bon Appetit
Submitted: 11 months and 3 days agoLast Updated: 11 months and 3 days ago

RealKutiepup: Gift For
KittyKnight: Gift For
TheLittlestLed: Gift For
Cloudfaun: Gift For
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[[Gift] [PROMPT] Bon Appetit by satyrn (Literature)](https://succubuns.com/gallery/view/17601)


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scringly :)

2023-11-01 22:10:51

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