[PROMPT] Sermons and Sins

In Prompts ・ By satyrn
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While Damon knows Ignition doesn't attend the church of sulfur, he himself does. When Ignition questions him as to WHY, he always gives a flimsy answer. He has no real and solid reasoning for going, he'd ignored it often when he was younger. It comes with being a work-focused mind, he thinks, he was always so tunnel visioned on his own projects or work. He doesn't go often , certainly not as often as followers or even devout followers, but he goes more than some.

Sermons, he has found to be incredibly boring. That isn't due to age or maturity, he just always has found them intrigueing but mind-numbing. Can you tell he isn't very good with long speeches? There's always question of what people even pray for if they go, or when they stop in impromptu...what do they ask for. What would they say? Damon never asks for anything, Briefly he may ask for life to steer Ignition on a good path but he isn't too worried about his own at the moment. What happens will happen, Its out of his hands.

For a change in his usual cycle, Damon has decided he probably should visit today. Stopping in for confessional has never been on his to do list. Even if it had been at some stage, he had never completed it. Like many, Its not like he enjoys venting his frustrations or concerns on others. Its less about him not wanting to burden them and more about carrying the own consequences for his feelings. However, He does need to also acknowledge that an outside perspective or a strangers point of view can be a powerful thing. He's prone to be tunnel visioned and if he can avoid that, especially with his own concerns, it would be incredibly helpful.

He approaches the church front with some hesitance, He always seems to do that by instinct. His eyes glance over the building as it grows to be bigger and bigger in his vision. Its a fairly tall church, the stone ledges that form small steps up to the double doors are smooth with little texture. Nothing like the cobblestone paths that were sometimes seen in cemetary-like areas. It's likely very daunting for new buns, especially ones freshly 'released'. If they grow to have an interest in the religion then it becomes no problem. It becomes as easy as breathing, To skip up the path and fling open the doors. For others, It's like a big looming shadow, casting down onto you and making you feel small.

Damon DID have a cigarette in his mouth but due to his own morals of smoking inside buildings, he drops it and crushes it out. He lets out his final whisps of exhaled smoke before pushing the door open. The doors are big and heavy so he lets himself in without bothering to swing it back closed, It had already begun to creak itself back to being shut the moment his hand had freed it. He's here because he has a few concerns, and for once the demons [ha] did win, and he thought letting someone else hear it could clear his mind of them.

With...much hesitation again, He enters a confessional and crosses his arms tensely.

"Don't know who's here, Not sure if i entirely care, Just want to blow off steam."

"The church is happy to hear your thoughts, I will assist in any way that i can." The voice from the other side responds and Damon takes a little bit, He THINKS it's Oleander. Mercy is far too soft to be this voice and when a sermon is going on, This is the kind of tone he hears even from outside.

Damon pinches the bridge of his nose, dragging the two fingers down it slowly and sighs. "There seem to be multiple things i'm unsure of at the moment. And i really dislike being unsure of anything." He shakes his head, frowning at the wooden-clad walls surrounding him before he continues. "I'm consistently worried about my kid, and i'm also consistently worried about the fact that i may be utterly shit at understanding social queues."

"Social queues in a standard sense or-?" Oleander prompts him, and he can almost feel the slight head tilt as the other man speaks.

"Social queues in the romantic sense." Damon clarifies.

"Is that only romantic ones or are sexual ones also flying over your ears?" He asks and Damon feels slight embarrassment hit.

"No, Just romantic" Believe it or not, Since he used to be a sex worker, He catches sexual flags pretty fast. Its just the...him not noticing he's being hit on that is ever so slightly embarrassing.

"and the child you mentioned? Is there anything specific thats concering you?"

"Its more generalised concern. I'm more worried about his future than i am my own. I just don't want him to be too reckless or end up getting hurt, He had enough of that kind of stuff when he first got here" Damon lets off another sigh, which is filled with worry within itself.

After a short pause, Oleander speaks.

"I think that while you're concerned about his future and what path he goes down, You shouldn't allow that to consume you too much. Its reasonable to want the best possible chance of life for your child, but him having you there to catch him if he falls or lean on if he stumbles is good enough for the moment. You cannot hold their hand every step of the way, Mistakes need to be made in order to progress. As long as you're there to bandage the wound...Everything will remain fine. Be a solid influence in his life and a positive one, That way you can somewhat shape how he tackles problems and situations."

Damon takes in the advice for a moment. Its good advice, Hard advice to come up with himself when he gets so honed into worrying that he forgets he himself is a resource.

"As for the other matter. I can't give the most solid advice as its different for everyone. If its any consolation, Some people find the oblivious nature others have to being hit-on quite endearing. If it happens enough you may be able to recognise it. It would be easier if they confirmed thats what they were doing of course but...overcoming the embarrassment of having to ask is another hurdle."

Damon nods shortly. He does feel a little lighter, Like some pressure has slid off. Its nice. "Thank you for your help. I promise i wont trouble you further, Or at least not so soon." He stands but before he leaves Oleander chuckles.

"We're always happy to help if you'd like to come by again. Take care"

[PROMPT] Sermons and Sins
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In Prompts ・ By satyrn
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Submitted By satyrn for Sermons and Sins
Submitted: 11 months and 3 days agoLast Updated: 11 months and 3 days ago

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